A Strange thing happened yesterday during Biden's virtual Event.

"I'd be happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance," Biden told the speaker. "Whatever you want me to do."
Yesterday was just another day in the America of Joe Biden and the radical left. As the southern border continues to deal with the surge of migrants, who are untested for covid and many American schools remain closed because the Teachers Union has decided not to let it's members go back to work, Joe Biden was "engaged" in a virtual event with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the democratic caucus.
At one point the ever confused president announced that he would be happy to take questions. At that point the American public was most likely stunned to see the the White House abruptly close down the video.

No-Show Joe: White House bizarrely cuts feed to stop Biden taking questions
Thus far the man we told you was cognitively challenged and little more than a proxy has yet to hold a formal press conference or has even considered the possibility of a State of the Union address. Instead he has signed an unprecedented number of radical executive orders, while remaining in the background.
The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
This man will be waiting for Jen Psaki

The scourge of the White House Press Corps - Peter Doocy
Who is behind Joe Biden?
The list is long and trends left. That would be the man who's legacy has been restored and surpassed and the Socialist who made a Faustian deal with candidate Biden and the kingmaker from South Carolina. That is a powerful junta of leftists.
They have only one problem.
They may pull the strings, but they can't control what comes out of his mouth.
Maybe nap-time for Biden
Early to bed. ....so it goes
Trump and his supporters and I are off topic
such a good little nazi ...
Godwin was not a fan of his 'law'.
03/04/2021 10am waco texas
Shhh, be vewy vewy quiet, someone’s hunting nazis.
Sometimes insults are all they have left when they cannot counter with reason, logic, and common sense.
... [Deleted]
The Republican mantra ....... "Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ---- Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----Biden, potato head, Dr Seuss ,cancel culture, freedom, Hillary, Biden, Squad, socialist, ----.......................................
I’m glad to see you don’t even try to defend this John.
stick to deflection.
After 4 years of 30000 lies from the oval office , I'm taking a break from observing the president every day.
The GOP has gone nuts, that concerns me more than any Biden verbal stumbles.
You forgot, the border...
Come on, JR. You know CNN, MSNBC and the collective left would have had a meltdown if this story had been about Trump getting cut off just as he was about to answer questions. And if Biden were me, he'd be firing everyone in sight for embarrassing me that way. I'd really like to be a fly on the wall when he found out about it.
Or maybe he really is being handled and doesn't have a lot of say about what happens. I'd really like to know that, too.
I almost forgot. For those who voted for normalcy......Is this what you wanted? Really?
Is this what I wanted? As a non-American, yep!
Okay, here is the challenge. Spot in the above ⇡ quote the words that reveal the author is not even remotely close to being objective about Biden. These are words that imply an entirely ridiculous scenario.
Anybody see these special words?
You pointed right at them.
A dead give away and usually where I quit reading.
Unfortunately no. The seeder deleted them.
So, Basically Vic, what you are saying is that you have no comment on the substance of what he said, which was Basically a Rah-Rah speech to the Democratic Caucus in the House (Text here). Out of that, the only thing that you can think of to bitch about is that he wanted to see if they had any questions and they cut the feed. Then you go on to question the mans mental facilities, no that's not quite it, you assert that Biden is " cognitively challenged". He seems to comport himself fairly well. He even used a bunch of complex sentences, which is better than can be said about the prior occupant of the White House.
t does not matter how you dress up your disinformation, it is still basically lying.
All the right has had for the last 12 or so years has been manufactured outrage.
Seems most of them are stupid enough to buy into it.
When it comes to manufactured outrage the right doesn't hold a candle to the left in this country. So pot meet kettle.
I am outraged over your outrage.
Even if Biden had been elected PotUS 20 years ago, it would have been prudent to keep him out of ad-hoc situations. Biden is well known for putting his foot in his mouth. He has never been good 'on his feet'. Given the importance of the words spoken by a PotUS, I would have been in favor of his public appearances being scripted (and approved by Biden) even when he was at his prime.
Clearly Biden is not as sharp as he was 20 years ago, but he has shown that he is nothing close to the senile caricature being lead around by the nose. Seems to me that the ridiculous exaggerations of partisans grow worse every year.
"W" would've benefitted from such actions too. Just sayin'.
Indeed, for the very same reasons. I cringed every time 43 got up to speak ... even in prepared speeches.
I was NOT a fan of "W" whatsoever. His speech patterns were like nails on a chalkboard to me. The most recent former US pres. was not any better. We need better speakers! Even though I wasn't fond of all of Obama's policies, I never minded his speeches.
What? What's wrong with, " Fool me once, shame on - shame on you.... Fool me - you can't get fooled again ".
Now that is good strategery!
Even so, I'd rather listen to Bush speak than Trump any day!
Absolutely. Bush, in spite of his flaws, is an honest, decent man who tried his best to honor the office and fill his constitutional duties. Just no comparison IMO.
No doubt about that!
t does not matter how you dress up your disinformation, it is still basically lying.
No lying at all Thomas, with Biden, WYSIWYG....his handlers are terrified of turning him loose, thus they keep the muzzle tight
So, the video feed cut off, that's it?
That's what Conservatives have now?
No wonder they tried to use physical force to get their way January 6th; their mental strength wouldn't even get 'em down Pennsylvania Ave.
I think I’d be more worried about this one: