
Biden Stoking Racial Division

By:  Vic Eldred  •  4 years ago  •  156 comments

Biden Stoking Racial Division
“Just because history is silent, it does not mean that it did not take place,” Biden said. He said that “hell was unleashed. literal hell was unleashed.” And now, he said, the nation must come to grips with the following sin of denial.

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With all that the nation is facing, from open borders to the re-emergence of inflation, senile Joe decided or was instructed to go to Tulsa, Oklahoma yesterday to deliver a speech on - you guessed it - "racism!"  You see, yesterday was the 100th anniversary of a race riot that destroyed a once thriving black community and is estimated to have left hundreds of people dead. Who would have such a date circled on a calendar?  Let's see, could it be Susan Rice?  Barack Obama?

Don't get me wrong, highlighting such a historical event can be educational provided the lesson is delivered in the proper context - that being this is where we once were as opposed to where we are now. Of course, that is not the lesson progressives want to deliver. Their goal is to link today’s racial imbalances to past wrongs and to play down or ignore the far more significant role that contemporary black behavior plays in social inequality. Thus Biden's handlers gave him another divisive speech to read:

“Some injustices are so heinous, so horrific, so grievous, they cannot be buried, no matter how hard people try,” Biden said. “Only with truth can come healing.”

“Just because history is silent, it does not mean that it did not take place,” Biden said. He said that “hell was unleashed. literal hell was unleashed.” And now the nation must come to grips with the following sin of denial.

“We can’t just choose what we want to know, and not what we should know, I come here to help fill the silence, because in silence wounds deepen.”

In silence wounds deepen?  How about giving Black Americans credit for what they were able to achieve? Let it be taught in all our schools that in the first half of the 20th century Blacks entered the skilled professions - medicine, law, accounting, engineering, social work - at faster rates in the years preceding the 1960s civil-rights legislation than they did in the years afterward.  How about we look into just why that is?

How about giving the White population credit for eradicating the racism that was once so prevalent in the south and some other parts of the country?  The rapid progress can only be described in one word - unprecedented! Some might say "only in America!" We have gone through a lot of rioting in the past year. I have noted a lot of tolerance from the White community to both the violence and the lack of accountability. Just about anything is accepted in the name of conscience. It's a strange kind of collective conscience by White Americans - feeling badly about something they had nothing to do with. It is the fatal weakness of our society that progressives have exploited.

I suppose some jerk is going to appear and ask but isn't there some racism left?  Then we give them the usual answer that there will always be some, but in America we have, in general terms, defeated it. That is why so many want to come here.

As for Joe Biden's handlers - I have some advice. Rather than concentrating on the behavior of whites in Tulsa 100 years ago, it's long past time to address the behavior of blacks in Chicago, Baltimore or St Louis today!


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