Trump eyeing Florida Gov. DeSantis as 2024 running mate
By: nypost (New York Post)

Former President Donald Trump revealed Monday he would consider ditching Mike Pence for Florida's tough Gov. Ron DeSantis as his 2024 presidential election running mate.
"Sure I would … I would certainly consider Ron," Trump, 74, told Fox Business' Stuart Varney in a phone interview Monday.
"I was at the beginning of Ron," he said of the 42-year-old former Navy officer who graduated both Yale and Harvard Law School.
"I was the first one to endorse him when he came out as a congressman that a lot of people didn't know, and my endorsement helped him tremendously," Trump said.
"And I know him very well. He's a great guy," Trump added.
Still, he left the pick open — though without mentioning his former vice president, Pence, who last week admitted that he didn't see "eye to eye" with Trump over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which he called "a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol."
"I would certainly consider Ron," former President Donald Trump said about a possible 2024 running mate.Getty Images
Instead, Trump told Varney there were "other great people that have done a great job with states" whom he could pick as his Republican running mate.
"And you don't see that with the Democrats — they kept their states closed and locked down, and the schools are closed. It's just absolutely outrageous how they get away with it," he said.
Former President Donald Trump made no mention of bringing back Vice President Mike Pence as his running mate.Getty Images
The 45th commander-in-chief did not correct Varney when he said it was clear he was "considering running in 2024" — then chuckled when pointing out that "so many people are saying that I should run" in 2022 for either the House or Senate.
"I think that's highly unlikely," he said, seemingly confirming he has his eyes on only the White House.
Trump also railed against social media giants censoring conservative voices, again singling out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for sucking up to him when he was president before banning him from the platform for two years.
Former Vice President Mike Pence admitted that he didn't see "eye to eye" with the former president over the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.Getty Images
"You know, Zuckerberg would come to the White House to have dinner with me. Couldn't have been nicer. 'Sir, you're number one, congratulations, you're number one on Facebook.' All of this crap," Trump recalled.
"It's amazing, actually, when you think about it," he said of the about-face in banning him.
"These are bad people, these are dangerous people. It's gotta be stopped because our country is in danger," Trump said of censorship by big tech.
"I was the first one to endorse him when he came out as a congressman," former President Donald Trump said of Gov. Ron DeSantis.Getty Images
"And they will be stopped eventually," he predicted of the "radical-left crazy people destroying our country."
"Who are they to tell us what ideology we should be talking about?" he asked, calling the companies a "disgrace to our country" that have left "people in this country very, very angry."
"We don't have free speech anymore," he added.
The former president also went after another new form of tech — calling bitcoin "a scam."
"I want the dollar to be the currency of the world," he said, part of his Make America Great Again slogan.

I realize this is only Trump being Trump (just what I warned about yesterday), but this is a very bad idea. If DeSantis makes a national run it has to be for the top of the ticket only! Donald Trump could win in 2024, but his demeanor would again be turned into the main issue by the msm and the DNC. A DeSantis candidacy would focus squarely on all that has happened under Joe Biden's rule. It has to be a referendum on those radical policies, which Joe never had a mandate for.
Is that a euphemism for psychosis ?
As if Trump was not twice impeached and defeated.
Not quite so high any longer. He got it for using the Trump vaccine. He is under water on many things starting with OPEN BORDERS. Now that the pandemic is drawing to a close, let us see what becomes of the radicals in congress and their proxy.
The arc of Biden's approval remains upward...
Trump's, on the other hand, still trends down.
Trump was rejected and things are improving.
There is zero evidence of a Trump resurgence.
You can call it that until the cows come home, but it will never be known as that.
Some would even call it "Udder Nonsense". LOL
You said Trump vaccine and I stopped reading.
Trump slowed the US and global response.
More reading would be a good thing.
Biden’s approval rating is 53%. It’s not that hard to find this stuff out if you get your news from sources other than Biden glam shots.
That's why there was no link.
"When it comes to giving credit to former President Trump on issues ranging from the coronavirus vaccine to the improving economy, President Biden and his team have gone radio silent.
But a new survey of likely voters shows that they haven’t.
In fact in the latest Zogby Poll provided to Secrets, likely voters by a 49%-37% margin, believe Biden is taking credit for Trump’s achievements."
How does it go?
"You can fool ..."
Seven months after the election Trump is still trying to steal it.
Why would Biden give Trump credit for anything other than as a joke?
No offense meant here, but I want better candidates than we've been given the past several presidential elections. When I have a candidate that's worthy of my vote, I will vote for him / her.
Yes, this so much. I don't want Trump to run again but I recognize the possibility he could and the potential that he could win the party nomination again. Despite the willful disregard for the good things that Trump/Pence did for the country, I believe that the last few months of his presidency tarnished his reputation too much. As for who I would actually vote for, it depends on all the candidates. Until we can shut down the two major political parties, they have the presidential election locked between themselves so those two are the only real choices I'm afraid. So if the 2024 election comes down to the same old choices that we have seen for the past several election cycles it will again be a choice of who might do the less harm.
This is the problem . There was not a single minute of Trump's presidency when he was not a KNOWN serial liar, crook, bigot, moron and cheat.
Yet people say the problem was just the last few months.
Our country is in a degraded state because of trumpism.
The last two months was the most obvious (by far) display of his crap character, malignant narcissism and pathological lying.
It is one thing to excuse Trump's lying, etc. because his followers liked his policies and were willing to overlook his negatives. But his two-month con-job where he abused the power of his office in a desperate attempt to steal the election was so over-the-top I am greatly disappointed that anyone would want to put that character into any position of power.
Rather than split hairs on the past, I am interested in why anyone, with all that we know, would actually vote for Trump. It cannot be his policy because there are plenty of Rs who can execute Trump policies.
Sorry, I know we are not going to agree on this, but it was always obvious. I'll give you one very small example out of dozens (and by the way, during the 2016 campaign Keith Olberman had an article on GQ where he listed something like The 175 Reasons Trump Shouldn't Be President, and most of them are solid. )
There was a point in the 2016 Republican primary campaign where Trump wanted to boycott one of the debates, I dont remember the reason why.
He said he was going to have a rally instead and he pledged to donate 1 million dollars of the proceeds of the rally to a veterans charity. The rally came and went and many weeks later the million dollars had not been sent to the charity, even though trump had made the promise on national television. He was going to blow off the veterans charity until he was caught.
That is the story of his life.
Our disagreement is not on Trump; I have been against Trump from the beginning. Our disagreement is on your view that the electorate cannot possibly consider his bad, and then what they see as his good (and this is almost always stated as his policies) and decide to hold their collective noses and vote for the jerk. Certainly there are many individuals who deny Trump's faults (or actually like them), but I think most of his supporters voted for what they thought he was accomplishing in spite of his character flaws.
Most of the electorate do not pay close attention and do not do much research. So now let's move to the two-month con-job. That takes no research and displays Trump's core character for all to see. Anyone who would vote for Trump now, after seeing such a grand display of a truly despicable character, malignant narcissism and pathological lying seems (to me) to be irrational.
There has never been another presidential candidate in history that had a journalist write about him an article titled 175 (Factual) Reasons Why _______ Should Not Be President.
Trump was not fit for office in a million years. His election was an eternal shame on this country.
Indeed. I am sure you have family and friends (as do I) who supported Trump. What is interesting (to me) is their views now. Most seem to want nothing to do with Trump. However, some seem to be so distrustful of the D party that they have convinced themselves that Trump's allegations of election fraud were (somehow) right. This, to me, is delusional. And given so many in the electorate still seem to favor Trump, our electorate is broken and thus the politicians will continue to manipulate the people for their own personal ends and against the collective interests of the nation.
4 months in and folks are looking at polls? Funny stuff.
Trump is not going to run in 2024, he just wants to keep soaking his supporters for money. He gave himself an out when he said he would run if he was in good health, which he will use to back out of running, but only at the last minute so he can continue receiving money from supporters.
Hmmm ... Kill Ron DeSantis!! Kill Ron DeSantis!! Kill Ron DeSantis!!
Doesn’t have as nice of a ring to it.
I try to pay as little attention to Ron deSantis as possible so I'm not familiar with too many of his words of wisdom. I know he's a Trump butt kisser so that automatically makes him a contender for the VP slot on a Trump led ticket.