Why Is the Left Suddenly Worried About the End of Democracy?
By: Victor Davis Hansen

Source: Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP
What is behind recent pessimistic appraisals of democracy's future, from Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Brian Williams and other elite intellectuals, media personalities, and politicians on the Left? Some are warning about its possible erosion in 2024. Others predict democracy's downturn as early as 2022, with scary scenarios of "autocracy" and Trump "coups."
To answer that question, understand first what is not behind these shrill forecasts.
They are not worried about 2 million foreign nationals crashing the border in a single year, without vaccinations during a pandemic. Yet it seems insurrectionary for a government simply to nullify its own immigration laws.
They are not worried that some 800,000 foreign nationals, some residing illegally, will now vote in New York City elections.
They are not worried that there are formal efforts underway to dismantle the U.S. Constitution by junking the 233-year-old Electoral College or the preeminence of the states in establishing ballot laws in national elections.
They are not worried that we are witnessing an unprecedented left-wing effort to scrap the 180-year-old filibuster, the 150-year-old nine-person Supreme Court, and the 60-year tradition of 50 states, for naked political advantage.
They are not worried that the Senate this year put on trial an impeached ex-president and private citizen, without the chief justice in attendance, without a special prosecutor or witnesses, and without a formal commission report of presidential high crimes and misdemeanors.
They are not worried that the FBI, Justice Department, CIA, Hillary Clinton, and members of the Obama administration systematically sought to use U.S. government agencies to sabotage a presidential campaign, transition, and presidency, via the use of a foreign national and ex-spy Christopher Steele and his coterie of discredited Russian sources.
They are not worried that the Pentagon suddenly has lost the majority support of the American people. Top current and retired officers have flagrantly violated the chain-of-command, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and without data or evidence have announced a hunt in the ranks for anyone suspected of "white rage" or "white supremacy."
They are not worried that in 2020, a record 64 percent of the electorate did not cast their ballots on Election Day.
Nor are they worried that the usual rejection rate in most states of non-Election Day ballots plunged - even as an unprecedented 101 million ballots were cast by mail or early voting.
And they are certainly not worried that partisan billionaires of Silicon Valley poured well over $400 million into selected precincts in swing states to "help" public agencies conduct the election.
What then is behind this new left-wing hysteria about the supposed looming end of democracy?
It is quite simple. The Left expects to lose power over the next two years - both because of the way it gained and used it, and because of its radical, top-down agendas that never had any public support.
After gaining control of both houses of Congress and the presidency - with an obsequious media and the support of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, higher education, popular culture, entertainment and professional sports - the Left has managed in just 11 months to alienate a majority of voters.
The nation has been wracked by unprecedented crime and nonenforcement of the borders. Leftist district attorneys either won't indict criminals; they let them out of jails or both.
Illegal immigration and inflation are soaring. Deliberate cuts in gas and oil production helped spike fuel prices.
All this bad news is on top of the Afghanistan disaster, worsening racial relations, and an enfeebled president.
Democrats are running 10 points behind the Republicans in generic polls, with the midterms less than a year away.
Joe Biden's negatives run between 50 and 57 percent - in Donald Trump's own former underwater territory.
Less than a third of the country wants Biden to run for reelection. In many head-to-head polls, Trump now defeats Biden.
In other words, leftist elites are terrified that democracy will work too robustly.
After the Russian collusion hoax, two impeachments, the Hunter Biden laptop stories, the staged melodramas of the Kavanaugh hearings, the Jussie Smollett con, the Covington kids smear, and the Rittenhouse trial race frenzy, the people are not just worn out by leftist hysterias, but they also weary of how the Left gains power and administers it.
If Joe Biden were polling at 70 percent approval, and his policies at 60 percent, the current doomsayers would be reassuring us of the "health of the system."
They are fearful and angry not because democracy doesn't work, but because it does despite their own media and political efforts to warp it.
When a party is hijacked by radicals and uses almost any means necessary to gain and use power for agendas that few Americans support, then average voters express their disapproval.
That reality apparently terrifies an elite. It then claims any system that allows the people to vote against the Left is not people power at all.
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Don't you know? That's the new narrative.

And guess who is out there fighting for our democracy? It's our old friend from the Russia hoax & the 2020 election, Marc Elias. Here is what he's been up to:
And in Texas:
Federal judge rejects Texas AG Paxton's (R) motion to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the state's "wet-signature" law that requires Texans who register to vote online to also submit a hand-signed application. The lawsuit will move forward in court.
I’m sure Paxton will prevail upon appeal.
Liberals are attempting to rewrite the meaning of democracy. Liberals rewrite history, science, the dictionary, and the Constitution to fit whatever narrative keeps them in power. One party, whose name need not be mentioned, has done that for 200 years.
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” That quote is attributed to the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. And liberals are trying to rewrite that history, too.
So very well said. You perfectly describe the left.
Because Trump backed white conservative Christian fascism will inevitably fill the void if Democracy falls.
So much bullshit all in one moronic run on sentence that no one with more than half a brain would believe.
"The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers ."
" The findings , including unflinching characterizations of furtive interactions between Trump associates and Russian operatives, echo to a large degree those of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation and appear to repudiate the Republican president’s claims that the FBI had no basis to investigate whether his campaign was conspiring with Russia ."
“Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services, particularly Kilimnik, represented a grave counterintelligence threat, ” the report says.
If you believe the right wing extremist bullshit coming out of 'Townhall's' runny dirty balloon knot [ deleted ]
I’ll accept the analysis of Victor Davis Hansen over that of almost anyone else. He’s exactly right here in everything he wrote.
What did Donald Trump impose on the people of the United States? What did Donald Trump force the people of the United States to do?
Liberals claim that freedom of choice is a protected right. So, isn't taking away freedom of choice violating the protected rights of the people of the United States? Are liberals trying to use democracy to violate the protected right of freedom of choice?
How did Donald Trump take away freedom of choice? How has Republicans taken away freedom of choice?
Well he did make pearl clutchers out of the majority of Democrats and liberals...........
And liberals have increased the volume of their rosary prayers of exclusion. Liberals' liturgy of dividing diversity into exclusive groups isn't very inclusive. But, then, liberals have rewritten the meaning of inclusion just as they rewrite everything else.
European liberals have never united Europe. Liberals are deluding themselves into believing that European liberalism won't divide the United States. United we are Americans, divided we are European liberals.
Still repeating the same bullshit over and over and expecting it to stick? Why haven't Trump or anyone in his campaign been charged with a criminal act for their alleged connections with Russia? Because they committed no crimes! Bottom line end of damn story. Mueller and the Democrats couldn't bring one damn charge against them; even after stacking the damn deck by using Obama and Hillary sycophants to do the investigation. Using information illegally gathered from FISA warrants using the Steele Dossier as their main source. It went from "collusion" to "obstruction" so damn fast it wasn't even funny.
Also, Putin was playing both damn sides. Which the left and Democrats are too damn ignorant to admit.
Putin would like to thank the Democrats and left for doing a far better job than he could ever hope for.
Tick, tick, tick Democrats midterms are coming. Nothing the Democrat lemmings in Congress can do to save their power; and they know it.
Because the only thing that wasn't proven was criminal conspiracy. However, the Republican Senate investigation found that there WAS plenty of basis for the FBI to investigate whether the Trump campaign was conspiring with Russia. That is the point, it wasn't a hoax, it wasn't all a Democrat fabricated investigation there was " a grave counterintelligence threat" according to a Republican investigation so I'm sure they did not want to make such conclusions but the evidence presented was overwhelming.
He "played" both sides but admitted Trump was the only candidate he was actually supporting.
When the Reuters reporter Jeff Mason asked, “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that? ”
Putin's reply? “ Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.”
Indeed, Putin got pretty much every thing he wanted with Trump winning the 2016 election, he could not have been happier and yes, the Democrats missteps and arrogance at the time helped Putin achieve that goal.
We all know what fucking happened but Trump once again did his best to please Putin.
When he did finally comment on Russia's egregious cyber-attack he tweeted:
When Russia stole Democratic emails in 2016, Trump also insisted it might be China.
Trump then suggested after the massive illegal hack by the Russians that the US and Russia form a joint cybersecurity unit.
What the fuck? Who in their right mind would suggest teaming up with the country that just fucked you over?
During the campaign, Trump repeatedly praised Putin and downplayed objections to Russia’s seizure of Crimea.
During a February 2017 interview with Bill O’Reilly, Trump dismissed concerns about Putin killing dissidents and journalists.
I can't imagine anyone with more than half a brain concluding that Trump has actually been tough on Putin just because of a few sanctions that the US Senate placed on Russia. And Biden later waving those sanctions for the Swiss-based company Nord Stream 2 does not make him friends of Putin but proving we are a friend of Germany which has guaranteed that the pipeline will not be used as a weapon against Ukraine.
Yes they are, and as always they will likely swing back towards Republicans until Republicans fuck shit up so much they swing back towards Democrat's as has been happening for the last half century. People always blame whoever is in power for all their problems whether they have any control over them or not, it's human nature. 2021 has been a pretty shitty year which was obviously due to a global pandemic with numerous new variants, new surges in cases and deaths, fights between rational sane patriotic Americans who have been wearing their masks and getting vaccinated and half witted dumb shits who have been screaming at School boards and city councils about their supposed freedom to get everyone else sick or that the virus or vaccine is a hoax or the vaccine shouldn't be mandated like the dozen other vaccines that have been mandated by States for over a century.
It will indeed be a sad day for America when Republicans regain power which I'm sure will eventually happen even if it doesn't happen in the mid-terms because they won't have any answers to every problem either and we'll just continue screaming and yelling at each other across the ideological divide between bitter right wing conservatives and hopeful left wing liberals and progressives who are trying to move us forward to a more perfect union while conservatives dig in their heels and shout "Over my dead body!".
If you can't prove something it means it didn't happen. Period. End of story. It should have stopped the BS right there; but instead it just amplified it from Democrats and the left that still can't except Hillary lost in 2016.
More BS. Keep spinning. Even the left's savior Barack Obama said that not a single vote was changed by the Russians. The Democrats were fucking idiots to allow their systems to be hacked; and then not only cover it from from the FBI- but deny help from them in helping to protect their systems from future attacks. The Republicans systems were also hacked- older more state and local level systems. Republicans didn't cover it up; and took the offered help from the FBI.
We all found out what the DNC was hiding- that they sabotaged Bernie Sanders on purpose and handed Hillary the nomination.
Trump gave Putin nothing. The Democrats went off the deep end with rampant TDS and spent five and half years and counting trying to get rid of Trump. They broke laws, they ignored Congressional norms and standards, and they purposefully leaked anything that made Trump look bad- even if they had to make it up. So yes Putin was exceedingly happy with the way things turned out. Democrats gave him everything he wanted and then some.
Still more Trump words about Russia. Keep the BS rolling.
Words. Wow, just wow. How about actions? What actions did the Trump administration take on Russia? How many times must this be rehashed before it sinks in?
You know why people blame the Democrats- they control the House, Senate, and White House. They are in complete charge and there is nothing Republicans can do about it. Damn straight they are to blame for every single mess they created. Start with the wide open border with 200,000 plus illegals streaming across it each month- and those are just the ones they catch. Biden doesn't force them to get vaccinated. They aren't tested for Covid unless they show symptoms. They are kept in tightly confined detention centers where Covid spreads. They are released all over the US to spread the disease. For US citizens it is vaccine mandates and restrictions; for anyone visiting this country legally they have to be fully vaccinated and have a negative Covid test 3 days before they travel here; but Biden is allowing the single largest super spreader event in the world to go unabated. So you can take your mandates and masks and cram them where the sun won't shine and the rain won't go. Until the flow of illegal immigrants is stopped Covid and all of it's variants aren't going anywhere.
In case you didn't notice the amount of breakthrough cases is increasing. So why don't you bitch about the President and every last damn Democrat politician that violates their own rules on Covid. Including the Bidens. Why should anyone wear a mask when dumb fuck Democrats openly defy the rules?
It is a sad day right now for America with the Democrats in charge. Higher fuel prices. Rampant inflation. Food and goods shortages. Higher crime rates. A higher infection rate with more people dead from Covid. China and Russia emboldened to the point that both Taiwan and Ukraine set to be taken before Biden's term is up. US citizens, Green Card Holders, and Special VISA Holders abandoned in Afghanistan- and Biden doing jack shit of nothing the get them out because he has "turned the page." He won't even get his administration out of the way of private individuals and charities that are doing his damn job getting them home.
Democrats only want one thing- one party rule. They are trying to do away with state elections laws and make everything run by the federal government. They are trying to get rid of the electoral college. They want the US to turn into China, with them in charge. Sorry, no way in hell will that be stood for. Democrats deserve the mid term beating they have coming to them. I doubt they will learn anything from it.
Way to go! You totally dismantled the left and the supposed Trump Russia collusion big le. Thanks for setting the record straight on the matter.
Ya know, sometimes you post some really thought provoking stuff and then you post a turd like this.
Are you feeling okay today or just feeling like a fight?
There was no insurrection or anything remotely like one on Jan. 6.
Comment 3.6 is part of the Big Lie reactionary extremist disinformation assault on the truth.
There was no insurrection, none was planned, none organized. None happened. Most of what did happen was instigated by federal agents who manufactured the breach for democrat purposes.
What utter nonsense. People make up the craziest shit because there are always those who will believe it and pass it on.
Tell that to the guy that sentenced to 63 months in prison today. Maybe that was for an unpaid parking ticket at the capital. /s
Comment 3.6.2 is neo-fascist propaganda. The Big Lie just got even bigger.
If not how do you explain all the guilty pleas?
Tucker Carlson’s three part documentary on the issue is exactly right.
Neither I nor any other conservatives are going to defend those who engaged in assaulting police or destroying property/vandalism. Those who engaged in such acts around or in the capitol building should be just as severely punished as those who engaged in similar assaults, property damage, vandalism in countless other protests turned riots in cities across the country in the months before and since then.
The fact that you think so is a badge of honor to me because I know the truth of which I speak. It is our domestic opposition that is all that you describe
No one is pleading guilty to anything like insurrection or plotting a coup or any other such lie. It was a disorganized group incited to act beyond what they otherwise would have done by under cover federal provocateurs
The big lie is that there was ever a planned insurrection on Jan 6.
They need to make a Schiff slam man version- it will sell out. Who wouldn't want to punch out the bug eyed bobble head. With each punch it would repeat his most un-American statements.
Sorry, didn't mean to derail- but seeing any picture of Schiff makes me want to hit something.
Schiff needs to be stripped of all committee assignments in Jan 2023
No problem. He’s a complete and total Schiff head. Probably Schiff faced drunk on power too
A merger between the neo-fascist Proud Boys and the QLunatics. America's enemies.
America’s single biggest domestic enemies are its bi coastal secular progressive Urban elites and the crony capitalist big tech and big banksters they control along with the msm.
America's biggest domestic enemies are the reactionary extremists as has been confirmed by the DHS and the FBI. The false claim set forth in Comment 5.1 is neo-fascist propaganda.
No one believes the DHS or FBI as presently led. They are now tools of the deep state. The false claims presented by post 5.1.1 are communist propaganda.
Comment 5.1.2 is idiotic and supportive of the propaganda and goals America's enemies.
I am a successful practitioner of good old American capitalism and nothing I said can be even remotely construed as "communist propaganda". That contention is not only ignorant and idiotic, it is a lie. On the other hand, you are a self-declared enemy of the state who regularly uses this forum to promulgate reactionary extremist and neo-fascist propaganda. Comment 5.1.2 is yet another example. Putinite reactionaries blather about "the deep state". America's enemies denigrate our institutions such as the DHS and the FBI. You prove my point with almost every seed and comment you post.
AKA the people who give your idiot group money. Huh, the are double dealing, that must mean something...
Wrong! My side is the multiracial working and middle class coalition with independent small businesses and those who have some kind of theistic belief. That is our base and our support system.
It is the Brandon regime that is the fascist left organization in America today. They are the enemy of liberty, rights, freedom, and we the people. We are the Patriots standing up to and resisting the dictates of the regime so many here choose to bow down before and support.
Comment 5.1.6 is more of the bullshit propaganda constantly being spewed by Donald Shit-for-Brains Trump cultists.
We are proud to be the domestic opposition to the sedition favoring secular progressive elites. We the people have less than zero respect for the bi coastal urban left types.
We the people, we real Americans, don't declare ourselves to be enemies of the state. We the people, we real Americans, don't try to whitewash and cover up the Trumpist-Fascist insurrection and attempt to overthrow democracy. We the people, we real Americans, have nothing but contempt for Trumpist-Fascists, QLunatics and all of the other worthless, seditious unAmerican/anti American reactionary extremist scum.
The bicoastal urban secular progressive left elites are neither we the people nor real Americans. It is they who truly are as you said “worthless, seditious unAmerican/anti American reactionary extremist scum.”
My comment is 100% correct.
Your comment 5.1.10 is a total falsehood and ignorant lie. Your comment 5.1.10 is fascist propaganda. Your comment 5.1.10 is pure bullshit and absolute filth.
You are a self-declared "enemy of the state", i.e. enemy of America. That's all we real Americans need to know.
Opinions do vary
Yes, they do.
And opinions different than yours are as legitimate as yours are
Only if they are informed by facts and comport with reality, unlike, for example, Comment 5.1.10.
There was. It so much as even one single fact or truth in posts 5.1.9 or 5.1.11.
From the article: "the Left has managed in just 11 months to alienate a majority of voters."
That is the bottom line here!