Watch Biden’s New ‘Queen of Disinformation’ Sing About F***ing Her Way to Fame and Power
By: Kyle Becker

Just wow! Poor Kamala is no longer Joe’s only Ho. Way to go big sister! How’s it feel having slept your way to the top with Let’s go Brandon?

Watch Biden’s New ‘Queen of Disinformation’ Sing About F***ing Her Way to Fame and Power
by Kyle Becker about 5 hours agoupdated about 3 hours ago
The Biden administration’s kooky new ‘queen of disinformation’ Nina Jankowicz, a self-professed Russian disinformation expert who dismissed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop, is a colorful character who once sang a snazzy number about f*cking her way to fame and power.
This is not a misrepresentation of the song Jankowicz crooned before a live audience. Watch:
“famous or powerful, Barbra Streisand has it all, and I can do what she can do.
So why is she rich, famous, and powerful?
While I’m still stuck here singing Christmas songs for all of you. (Laughter)
[Inaudible] Take to be famous and powerful?
Santa, if you’re listening, please tell me what to do.
Who do I fu*k to be famous and powerful?
I’ve done everything I can and now the rest is up to you.
I tried being good, I tried being nice,
I even tried pretending I was listening once or twice.
But the really big stars, they made it without it.
Was Bette Davis pleasant? Well, I seriously doubt it.
But she was rich!
Everyone adored her and the world was at her feet,
But she was a bitch. It’s true.”
Kamala Harris, eat your heart out.
The Biden administration this week jettisoned all appearance of Constitutional government by forming a “Disinformation Board” at the Department of Homeland Security headed by Jankowicz.
The provocative move — carried out in the aftermath of Elon Musk’s stunning purchase of Big Tech platform Twitter — appears to be a desperate attempt to rein the Biden administration’s critics online.
“Nina Jankowicz will head The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board as executive director, Politico Playbook reported Wednesday morning,” the report noted.
“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandor Mayorkas did not disclose any powers that would be granted to the dystopian-sounding board while addressing lawmakers on Wednesday,” the report added. “He explained that the board would work to tackle disinformation ahead of the November midterms, particularly in Hispanic communities.”
Jankowicz announced that she would be leading the Disinformation Board on Wednesday.
“Cat’s out of the bag: here’s what I’ve been up to the past two months, and why I’ve been a bit quiet on here,” Jankowicz said. “Honored to be serving in the Biden Administration @DHSgov and helping shape our counter-disinformation efforts.”
She also added her official portrait and said, “Now that I’ve got it: a HUGE focus of our work, and indeed, one of the key reasons the Board was established, is to maintain the Dept’s committment to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, & civil liberties.”
However, despite her purported interest in protecting “free speech” and “civil liberties,” she issued a recent statement that strongly suggests she is no fan of Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter.
“Last week I told @NPRMichel: I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities… which are already shouldering… disproportionaite amounts of this abuse,” she claimed.
The DHS official has been involved in controversies regarding purported ‘disinformation’ with huge political consequences.
“When stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop started emerging, several outlets, social media sites and left-leaning disinformation experts claimed that it was just misinformation coming from Trump and others on the right,” the Daily Mail noted.
“In an October 2020 report, Jankowicz shared her skepticism of the contents of the laptop and the claims it belonged to Hunter,” the report added.
“We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz had told the New York Daily News.
The Disinformation Board headed by Jankowicz would be forbidden under the U.S.’ Constitution’s First Amendment from demanding censorship without respecting Americans’ due process rights.
It appears that Americans’ free speech rights are going out with neither a bang, nor a whimper; they are going out with a cringy musical sung by a kooky ‘queen of disinformation.’

Eh, don't care TBH. How she got there is of little consequence in things. People do all sorts of things to rise in power. Hell, I've even laughed at stupid jokes some prior bosses told.
What I am concerned about is how her bias was used to audition for her current position and with her bias she's hardly a moderate or non-partisan selection to head this new bureaucracy. And it pisses me off that for all the (rightfully so) complaining that the left did against members of the prior administration who allowed their bias to direct what they did, the left is very quiet on this person except to defend her selection.
The left has no excuse for defending this hack to be appointed to the position or for creating the position in the 1st place.
What is your complaint? Should racial or sexual slurs be allowed on social media? Doxing? Death Threats?
Or, what about psyops level enemy disinformation crafted to anger and divide your own countrymen?
Who wants any of that and why do they want that?