Dr. Ben Carson to Newsmax: Celebrating Abortions Is 'Pure Evil'
By: Charles Kim

Happy Mother’s Day! Dr Carson is exactly right in what he said. I’m glad that he is standing up against the evil that is abortion and for motherhood. End Roe vs Wade now!

Dr. Ben Carson to Newsmax: Celebrating Abortions Is 'Pure Evil'
By Charles Kim | Saturday, 07 May 2022 06:47 PM
People celebrating abortions is "pure evil," Dr. Ben Carson told Newsmax on Saturday.
"All those responses of those people who celebrate killing babies, it's nothing but pure evil," Carson told " The Count " on Saturday, reacting to videos on social media of people saying having an abortion is something to celebrate and fetuses should be horribly killed. "It's antithetical to many of the principles of the founding of our nation where we respect life from the womb to the tomb."
A leaked draft of a Supreme Court ruling on an abortion case in Mississippi could overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion a right throughout the country.
In the draft opinion, which was confirmed as authentic, but not yet final by Chief Justice John Roberts on Tuesday, Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority, said the court held "Roe and Casey (a similar challenge to abortion in 1992 that the court affirmed at the time) must be overruled."
"The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision," the draft ruling states. "Including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey rely – the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment."
The court, according to the draft opinion, will instead revert the issue back to the states to decide on.
Backlash from the draft document's release have caused a number of protests against the potential decision, including at the homes of the justices after their personal addresses were publicized, The Washington Post reported.
Carson said, if the roles were reversed, and conservatives were protesting in front of the homes of liberal justices, those on the left would be lamenting the end of the nation's democracy.
"I can only imagine what the left would be saying if there were people on the right who we're going to the homes of the [liberal] Supreme Court justices and making any kind of protest whatsoever," Carson said. "They'd be saying, you know, 'this is the end of democracy in America.'
"Such a double standard going on here, but I think we need to really stop and have real conversations with people instead of getting in our respective corners and throwing darts at each other."
Carson said there are alternatives to abortion, including adoption for people who want but cannot have families on their own.
"Sometimes the [pregnant] woman feels trapped and there are wonderful alternatives for people, and there are many people who want to adopt those babies," Carson said. "We should support them."
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Nobody in their right mind celebrates abortions.
Never met a woman who intentionally got pregnant just to have one.
There isn't any form of birth control that is 100% effective.
If there's anything I know about this world it's that shit just happens (I'm an ex-paramedic).
Some single/married mothers simply can't justify/afford/deal with another child.
It was her body, her choice and I supported the decision she made.
Her ex forced her to keep having children, beat her and controlled her every move.
Her brother murdered him and I still visit her brother in prison to this day.
Had it not been for her brother I would have had to kill that mean SOB myself!
There's no lower asshole than a man/men who forces his/their will on a woman.
So have you stopped beating your wife/girlfriend/children?
Hardcore christians tend to be seriously over controlling of women in the name of their god.
I have seen celebrity musicians and actresses celebrating their abortions publicly saying on the record that they would not be where they are or who they are now had they not killed their first child or two to get there. They are truly sick people.
That proves timing is important and they made a smart decision at the time. Now they can afford kids and want them.
The are about 120,000 waiting to be adopted ... where are all the pro-lifers?
Waiting in line to get one of the 18,000 infants annually put up for adoption.
There will be no problem with adopting infants at all. The problems older kids have will not change though they are my preference to adopt.
So you would sentence a woman to 9 months of emotional hell for your god?
There are a plethora of unwanted children who never get adopted, ever.
How many unwanted children have you adopted?
Those people who celebrate taking away a woman's right to control her own body and her own life decisions are pure evil.
As opposed to the jackass that is the other party?
I'll take any political party over far-right wing fascism.
Hah, oh yeah, that guy.
Criminalizing women for a medical procedure is evil!
So hard to find a good wire clothes hanger these days.
Those who live in the northeast part of the country or Illinois or Colorado or the west coast will continue to have abortion as before. They just won’t be able to coerce it in states that don’t want it or want stricter limits
Any woman who doesn't want to be controlled by far-right wing male fascists will find a way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy no matter where she lives.
Good time to buy stock in abortion drug manufacturers, Danco Laboratories and GenBioPro.
There is no proposal to do that now. It’s simply a matter of returning the issue to the states and to the people. As to those who may try to codify roe via a congressional law signed by a president that could somehow pass constitutional muster under the commerce clause, that such a law can just as easily be reversed and replaced by an outright national ban by a different congress and president. Best left to the state if roe is finally over.