BOATLIFT - An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience (HD Version)
By: Encyclopedia Brittanica

"A hero is a man who does what he can." - Romain Rolland
A boat lift video showing ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

3,019,710 views Sep 7, 2011 Tom Hanks narrates the epic story of the 9/11 boatlift that evacuated half a million people from the stricken piers and seawalls of Lower Manhattan. Produced and directed by Eddie Rosenstein. Eyepop Productions, Inc. BOATLIFT was executive produced by Stephen Flynn and Sean Burke, and co-directed by Rick Velleu. It premiered on September 8th at the 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Summit: Remembrance/Renewal/Resilience in Washington. The Summit kicked off a national movement to foster community and national resilience in the face of future crises.
Another video ...
Twenty one years ago...
We have a few New Yorkers here. Has it faded from their memory?
Hard to believe it's been that long already. I've watched the name-reading on TV almost every year, and it's become harder to find a TV channel willing to dedicate hours of broadcast time lately.
Today also marks the10th anniversary of the Benghazi attack.
Maybe. When you think about it, most of today's college students weren't even born yet or were babies. I wonder if schools teach this history nowadays. A couple of my younger children had a few pages about it at the end of their US History 2 book.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but it is taught in NY schools. The memorial service is broadcasted on all channels here in NY, too.
The City stood tall that day. I'm glad to hear that.
For the past several days, my wife and I have been visiting relatives who live in Westchester County in NY. The only broadcast or cable channel for us that carried the memorial service yesterday uninterruptedly was CBS. Maybe it was different where you live in NY?
Needless to say, we were disappointed that only one NY area channel did this. The others carried on with reporting news from the UK about the queen and royal family and muted most of the NY, Pentagon, and PA services/name-reading.
Not mine. I was actually there on Vesey Street. I knew my cousin was actually in one of the towers (he got out) and my friend was across the street from the other tower in the Prudential building. It was an unimaginable day.
I remember you telling me. I knew you would remember. I wanted others to know it.
In some ways it seems like yesterday and in others a lifetime ago.
On the beautiful Tuesday, I was in the Pentagon. Before then, Feb 24, 1991, was my most surreal day of my life, Sep 11, 2001 eclipsed that. One of the proudest days of my life was when I returned to the Pentagon, with my office gone, on 13 Sep and I saw our team start to put things back together and continue operations.
I didn't know you'd worked at the Pentagon. I'm very glad you weren't injured!
Thanks, while some of my team mates were killed in their office, I had moved to another side of the building at 08:50 to attend a 09:00 meeting. I was in a very safe location when American Airlines Flight 77 struck the building at 09:37.
We had a private, Pentagon employee only ceremony on Fri and this morning the President came for the public remembrance. With my current medical condition, I mostly telework now, but I attended both remembrances this year.
Morning pleased you got out safely.
A time to remember and reflect on the friends and team mates you have lost though on that fateful day.🥀🇺🇸
We quietly watched you all from afar, as that day and night unfolded. The courage and bravery shown by so many on 9/11 was astounding, admired and so respected here...
But we also knew one thing, you are a resilient and tough mob and somehow you would overcome these darkest of days..
The loss, heart break and devastation will be forever etched on 9/11....
Thanks shona, those that went into Afghanistan in the following weeks were much braver than I. They and our allies did their job and then our leadership lost their way on the mission.
It was just before 11pm here on the East coast...was getting ready to go to bed when a news flash came on with the live feed. For a split second I thought it was a movie, then reality hit...
I was totally shocked and stunned. I rang my brother said the US was basically under attack...will never ever forget that night..or the Aussies who were lost, so far from home....🇦🇺🥀🇺🇸
My wife was out running errands that morning after our daughter was attending kindergarten. She got a cell phone call from a friend and then tried to reach me. My office was evacuating as she called. A Brit exchange officer was walking past my phone as it it rang, he picked it up and lied to my wife, saying that I was leading them out of the building and was fine but couldn't comer back to the phone. In reality, he had no clue where I was. He said the best thing he could have told my wife and she was fine until I made my way back home.
That is an amazing story Drinker!
I had begun a Limo company in the year 2000. We took over 40 people to Logan Airport that morning. Imagine talking with those people on the way in?
We have a few New Yorkers here who were very close to the Twin Towers.
The former NYC Police Commissioner, Howard Safir worries about the current morale of the NYPD. They are facing a staffing crisis.
Two decades later, most schools aren’t required to teach students about 9/11

It's taught in all NY schools. I can't speak for the rest of the nation.
Good to know!
It was taught at the earliest middle school to my kids. Keep in mind, I live on a very predominant military installation. The children here are taught FAR MORE about this day and subsequent days / months / years than most children.
I've also read that much of the 9/11 teaching doesn't specifically mention radical Islamic terrorism . The teachers just say "terrorism", which can be done by anyone.
In 2011 ...
That,... I'm absolutely positive of!!!
most schools aren’t required to teach students about 9/11
I guess I am kind of an outlier. I don't like seeing it and hearing about it. Just a tragedy for no reason.
It makes me really sad, then angry, then sad again.
I am a little selfish in that I don't want it front and center of my mind. It will never be forgotten, I just can't stand seeing the images, etc.
Well said. It’s simply impossible to reconcile in any context.
I respect your position, but if you'd watched the videos I posted, you'd have seen how ordinary people saved over 500,000 lives. The videos are very uplifting!
Morning Ender.. that's fair enough...
I don't think anyone likes being reminded of any tragedy big or small and when a certain date comes around the memories come back to haunt us...
Here we are reminded of certain disasters be they man made or natural and after around the 10th anniversary they do quietly fade from the news headlines etc ..but you don't can we...
Everyone has their own memories and can express them anyway they wish and no you are not being a little are being human. 🌺