Be prepared: Biden is setting the stage for another round of COVID-19 lockdowns | Washington Examiner
By: Washington Examiner

Going into an election year. Hmmm.

President Joe Biden is gearing up to declare yet another round of COVID-19 emergencies, and he is setting the stage for more vaccine mandates to go along with it.
Biden announced that he is going to ask Congress for more funding for a new COVID-19 vaccine. What was wrong with the previous vaccines? Here's what Biden himself had to say (emphasis mine): "I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works."
So those vaccines that Biden attempted to force onto you through your employer (and did force on members of the military) despite promising that there would be no vaccine mandate apparently did not work, according to Biden. That sound you hear is hundreds of conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines exploding to the surface once again, all because Biden needs them to be a failure so he can continue to push his agenda.
It isn't hard to see the game plan being prepared by Biden and the White House. The coronavirus vaccines were effective at protecting vulnerable people from dying or being hospitalized with COVID-19, but Biden needs COVID-19 to be an emergency again so that he can continue to push through his agenda on other unrelated topics (such as student loan debt amnesty). Therefore, Biden and his team are going to use COVID-19 case numbers as the marker of whether the virus is an emergency or not.
Given that we know that the COVID-19 vaccines we have do not prevent people from transmitting or contracting the virus (another promise Biden made that wasn't true), this means that Biden is going to throw us into another COVID-19 emergency because those vaccines are failures and we need a "new vaccine … that works." In Biden's view, anything that doesn't prevent COVID-19 cases, even among people who are not at serious risk from the virus, is going to be something that doesn't work.
In other words, we are going to have to "slow the spread" of the virus all over again. Any combination of the terrible lockdowns, mandates, and school closures that were imposed during that two-year nightmare of pandemic response is going to be on the table, all because Biden wants an excuse to bypass Congress with "emergency" declarations.
There will be Democratic politicians and health bureaucrats who dutifully follow along with this destructive plan and begin imposing restrictions on everyday life. Some schools are already doing so without the green light from Biden. Republicans at all levels must immediately begin pushing back on this because a return to any of the pandemic's "new normals" for any reason, let alone for Biden's domestic political agenda, is unacceptable.
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Oh yay!!!!! Probably be in affect through next year...................
Probably? Based on what?
Election year. Worked for the dems last time. Justification for mail in/absentee ballot harvesting for those too lazy to go to the polls. A percentage of 81 million voters.
Smh at the assumption that someone who opts to vote by mail must be lazy.
In my experience, people who are lazy don’t vote at all. People with physical limitations and people who are just busy might choose to vote by mail. Voting should be easy. There is no justification for making people stand in line for an hour, two hours, or more, to perform the most basic function of a democracy. Only someone who wants to limit democracy would go out of their way to make it harder to vote.
Meanwhile, the evidence does not show that easier voting improperly changed the outcome.
Someone obviously does not understand how viruses mutate thus weakening vaccines. You’d have to me a complete moron to not see how Covid vaccines are how we got out of that mess.
Talk about hanging a curveball over the plate.
The evidence is that the vaccines help lessen the severity of the disease, not prevent catching or transmitting it.
At this time it is unknown how virulent these latest mutations are
At this point, it's likely that the majority of Americans have some type of (herd) immunity
Personally, after having had Covid, the two initial shots, and three boosters, I probably have some antibodies left.
It is my understanding that the latest version includes a larger number of mutations than previous ones. Who knows how it may impact those who have refused vaccines and managed not to catch Covid yet. I know a couple people in that category. I sure wouldn’t be comfortable in that position.
Someone obviously does not understand how Democrat politics works. Never let a crisis go to waste. And if there isn't a crisis then create a crisis.
Are you vaccinated?
This is an ironic comment considering this column attempts to create a crisis out of something as mundane as funding a vaccine.
Yup. Two shots and a booster. I asked my doctor about getting a COVID booster this fall and was told I don't need one. Still recommends a flu shot but said the COVID booster is a waste of time and money. So, should I listen to my doctor?
So, should I listen to my doctor?
That depends. Is he or she a crackpot Republican?
I have no idea; we don't discuss politics. Besides, I have limited choices with my insurance network. So, according to your purity test, I would either have to find a doctor with an acceptable political pedigree or forego healthcare altogether. But, hey, that's how liberals think.
Liberals don't give a shit about people's health; it's their politics that matters. Maybe that explains why the pandemic pooch was screwed so hard by liberals.
And they said it couldn't be done in 10 months!
I grow weary of the politics of victimhood. Even if you don’t have an actual problem, pretend like you do. Pardon my French, but when did we become such pussies?
Yeah well, that’s not a problem, and it’s not remotely the same thing as a lockdown.
Not a thing. But as the virus evolves, scientists develop new vaccines to be more affective against the new strains. For example, that’s why we have more than one kind of flu vaccine. Any intelligent adult who didn’t drop out of school in the 6th grade should know that. It’s not a fucking crisis.
Lots of vaccines are forced on the military. They have been for a long time. That’s not new.
No! He didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything like that. Stop making shit up! We have ample data that they work great. No one with any education on the matter reasonably thinks they didn’t work. All of a sudden with the politics of Covid, morons have decided that if anyone ever gets sick - at all - after getting vaccinated it must mean the vaccine doesn’t work. 100% has never been the standard. Nothing is 100%. Even a bulletproof vest isn’t 100%.
Funding vaccines will lead to student debt relief? Is there ANY evidence to support this wacky claim? No, I’m sure there is not. Trump funded vaccines. Was he trying to forgive student debt, too? Where the fuck does this insanity come from?
They are? Where is the evidence for this? CDC has not used case numbers for a long time. They use hospitalization numbers. You know -the hospital - where people go when they are very, very sick.
This is completely made up. Zero evidence is presented. It’s a fantasy to stimulate those who get off to political fear porn.
It probably helps if you’re high as fuck and also have a vivid and paranoid imagination. It blows my mind that insanity like this gets published in a major newspaper.
What do you expect from a country that is a brown majority? When victims become the majority then victimhood becomes the political focus.
I didn’t expect that at all. That makes no sense in the context of this article, which has nothing to do with race.
If we care about justice - racial or otherwise - there is no reason to treat it as some kind of zero sum game. If losing privilege makes someone a victim, that is merely justice.
You're the one that injected victimhood into the discussion. And victimhood is all about race. You've used victimhood as a pejorative against whites. Victimhood only sticks it to the white man.
Yeah, well, justice ain't blind. Racial victims have turned justice into a zero sum game of equity. And equity ain't colorblind; equity depends upon stickin' it to the white man. There really is a reason that Black prosecutors are going after Trump and they're not trying to encourage racial victims to trust government. Those Black prosecutors are going to be heroes to victims.
So, take your victimhood and burn, loot, destroy, tear down, and make excuses. Wear a mask on your chin and claim to believe the science. The brown majority is in charge now so do whatever makes you feel empowered. Won't accomplish a damned thing but, hey, that's justice for you.
Maybe to you, but i didn’t say anything about race, and neither does the article. I wasn’t even thinking about race.
I have not. That is something you have invented. So is the rest of what you wrote.
How is the Biden campaign suppose to justify locking Joe in the basement for the entire election season to prevent him from exposing himself as an incompetent fool with late stage Alzheimer's if we don't institute a lock-down?
The bigger question is, Do democrats hate America so much they are willing to subject us to the horrors of a Harris Presidency?