
Fox News Poll: Trump expands lead in GOP primary race

Via:  Vic Eldred  •  2 years ago  •  18 comments

By:   Victoria Balara (Fox News)

Fox News Poll: Trump expands lead in GOP primary race
A new Fox News poll shows former President Donald Trump has expanded his lead over his Republican rivals in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.

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FOX News legal editor Kerri Kupec Urbahn breaks down Hunter Biden's indictment on three gun charges and the 'challenging position' it puts President Biden in.

Three weeks after the first Republican presidential primary debate, the latest Fox News survey finds Donald Trump has increased both his lead in the race and his strength of support.

Sixty percent of Republican primary voters back Trump in the primary race, up from 53% in the Fox News pre-debate August survey.

Trump did not participate in the August 23 GOP debate hosted by Fox News.

At 13% support, Ron DeSantis sees a downtick of 3 points since the debate, while Vivek Ramaswamy holds steady at 11%. Next is Nikki Haley with 5%, Mike Pence and Tim Scott at 3% each, and Chris Christie at 2%. All remaining candidates receive 1% or less.


A Fox News poll on candidate preference in the Republican presidential primaries.(Fox News)

Some of Trump's biggest gains come from women (+10), voters under age 45 (+9), White evangelicals (+8), and White men without a college degree (+8).

DeSantis lags notably among women, he's down 8 points with them since August.

"Unless something changes, this is Trump's race to lose," says Republican pollster Daron Shaw who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. "The question is, how likely is it that something changes enough to shake Trump's Republican supporters loose and get them to look at someone else?"

The survey also asks voters their second-choice candidate, which gives us an idea of what would happen if someone were to drop out. For example, without Trump, the poll shows a tight race between DeSantis and Ramaswamy, at 33% and 31% respectively, with Pence in third at 11%. All others are in single digits in that scenario.


A Fox News poll on GOP primary preference without former President Trump in the race.(Fox News)

Another indication of Trump's strength is the growing number of GOP primary voters saying they will definitely back him - now 65%, up from 58% in June.


A Fox News poll on GOP presidential candidate preference. (Fox News)

That level of support isn't seen for any other candidate tested: 28% say they definitely will back DeSantis, 24% for Ramaswamy, 13% for Haley, 12% for Scott, 9% Pence, and 4% Christie.

Ramaswamy (+11) and Haley (+3) are the only candidates, besides Trump, who enjoy a bump in the percentage saying they will definitely support them.

Christie wins the unwanted honor of having the highest share saying they would never support him (53%). That's up almost 20 points since the question was last asked in the run-up to the 2016 election, when 34% said they would never vote for him in that election (August 2015).

Next is Pence, with a "never" number of 40%, up from 35% pre-debate. He is followed by Haley (24% vs. 20% pre-debate), DeSantis (16% vs. 14%), Ramaswamy (15% vs. 16%), Scott (15% vs. 16%), and Trump (11% vs. 13%).

Since the GOP debate, Ramaswamy (+8 points), Haley (+6), Trump (+4), and Burgum (+2 points) all saw increases in their favorable rating among GOP primary voters while DeSantis (-2), Scott (-2), and Christie (-1) saw declines. Pence saw no change.


FOX News Media's "Democracy 24: FOX News Republican Primary Debate" drew a staggering 12.8 million total viewers.(Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

While Ramaswamy's favorable number improved, so did his unfavorable and not just among GOP primary voters (+3) but also among all voters (+12).

Haley saw a 9-point increase in favorability overall, while her unfavorable number held steady.

"Support for Trump is so strong in the Republican primary that any signs of growth among his rivals also spurs backlash among Trump loyalists," says Anderson. "It's increasingly difficult to see a winning pathway out of primary for anyone not named Trump."

The next Republican debate is Wednesday, September 27 hosted by Fox Business Channel.

Equal numbers say they will participate in the Democratic and GOP primary or caucus in their state (40% each).

President Biden has also widened his lead in the Democratic presidential primary race: 71% of Democratic primary voters back him, up from 64% in August. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. receives 17%, while Marianne Williamson garners 6%.

A Fox News poll on the Democratic presidential primary race.(Fox News)

Conducted September 9-12, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,012 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters and plus or minus 5 points for Democratic and 4.5 for Republican primary voters.

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Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Vic Eldred    2 years ago

Hot off the press.

A few things are noteworthy:

Some of Trump’s biggest gains come from women (+10), voters under age 45 (+9), White evangelicals (+8), and White men without a college degree (+8).

The same women who hurt his chances in 2020?  Maybe they got a good taste of closed schools and transgender men in women's sports and the ladies room?  Those are significant gains that need to need to be verified.

And this:

Since the GOP debate, Ramaswamy (+8 points), Haley (+6), Trump (+4), and Burgum (+2 points) all saw increases in their favorable rating among GOP primary voters while DeSantis (-2), Scott (-2), and Christie (-1) saw declines. Pence saw no change. 

So Trump picked up 4 points without even participating in the debate.

Unless a lot of the candidates drop out it will be Trump.

President Biden has also widened his lead in the Democratic presidential primary race: 71% of Democratic primary voters back him

And democrats still back Biden while they hold their noses and wish they had someone else.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1.1  A. Macarthur  replied to  Vic Eldred @1    2 years ago

Political polling has long been the purview of independent outfits and news organizations like the New York Times and CBS News. But in recent months, a number of conservative authors critical of JOE BIDEN and his family have paid to sponsor polls of their own.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.1    2 years ago

Somebody said poll results look like this:

65% say trump is guilty of felonies.

84% say trump is going to hell

Trump 47%
Biden. 45%

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.3  seeder  Vic Eldred  replied to  A. Macarthur @1.1    2 years ago

Poll shouldn't differ that much from one another, provided the same questions are asked.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    2 years ago

The indictments sealed the deal for him it appears.

Professor Quiet
2.1  Ronin2  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    2 years ago

That is the Democrat plan.

Garner sympathy and support for Trump by making him into a martyr through highly partisan and politically based lawsuits.

The second part of that plan is to now force him off the primary polls through suspect legal means at the state level.

They want to piss off Trump supporters so much that they stay home and don't for any of the other Republican candidates.

If by some miracle Democrats lose- they want Haley, Scott, Christie, or Pence to win. All are Establishment Republican tools; who will fall in line and sweep all of the Democrat illegal acts of the last seven plus years under the rug. They are more concerned with maintaining the Establishment's status quo- than ridding the government of Democrat partisan plants in the IRS, FBI, and DOJ. So no scorched earth; and no retributions.

Either way the Democrats win.

Unless DeSantis or Ramaswamy win. Then all bets are off. DeSantis might be Establishment- but he is pissed off Establishment. If the Establishment tries to force him into line- they will get Disneyfied. Ramswamy doesn't owe political allegiance to the Establishment. From the sounds of it he is willing to burn both sides in order get the job done. If nothing else to prove he is not Trump lite.

Professor Participates
3  1stwarrior    2 years ago

I truly hope to Mike that he doesn't show up on any ballot.

Professor Principal
4  JBB    2 years ago

Go MAGA! Finally the remnants of the gop will nominate "The Biggest Loser" Trump and so President Biden will win a well deserved second second term. Then Trump will die and be consigned to the cautionary dustbins of history. Much like Harry Truman though, Joe Biden will be honored as the decent honest man who stepped into the breach when called upon by circumstances and who served with dignity and honor while exceeding expectations. As the President who lead us to recover post Covid and Trumpism. The man who whooped Trump's butt and kicked Putin's ass!

So, Trump leading gop polls couldn't make Democrats any happier...

Professor Quiet
4.1  Ronin2  replied to  JBB @4    2 years ago

The biggest loser is Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine.

He can lie about the economy all he wants- no one outside of cool-aid sipping leftists believes him.

The economy alone will seal his fate. Illegal immigration, crime, and throwing money down the Ukraine sink hole is just icing on the loser cake.

Professor Principal
4.1.1  JBB  replied to  Ronin2 @4.1    2 years ago

President Biden will beat Trump by over ten million votes. Trump will lose every state he lost in 2020 plus a few more. There is zero chance Americans will ever give Trump another term as President...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  JBB @4.1.1    2 years ago

Yep, just like 2016 he has no path to victory.    



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