Navy Seal Deaths Demonstrate Disastrous Biden Foreign Policy
By: JusticeTristan (The Federalist)

A pair of Navy Seals drowned during a Jan. 11 raid off the Somalian coast in which U.S. forces intercepted Iranian-made weapons bound for Houthi terrorists.
The U.S. military declared the two Seals dead following a 10-day search that covered 21,000 square miles. Their names were released Monday after the families were notified. Nathan Gage Ingram and Christopher J. Chambers are the latest American casualties in Middle East warfare, three years after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that included the deaths of 13 service members. The U.S. military says 2,402 American soldiers died and 20,713 have been wounded in the U.S. war in Afghanistan.
Ingram and Chambers were reportedly part of a mission to block illicit Iranian weapons shipments to the Houthi terrorist group threatening global trade routes with attacks on commercial ships from Yemen.
"The mission came as the interdiction of weapons to Yemen takes on new urgency," the Associated Press reported. "The Yemen-based Houthis have been conducting a campaign of missile and drone attacks against commercial and Navy ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden over Israel's war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. And U.S. retaliatory strikes have so far not deterred their assaults."
The U.S. military began launching air strikes on the rebels Jan. 12. President Joe Biden said these were conducted "in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against international maritime vessels in the Red Sea."
The escalating turmoil in the Middle East is the direct consequence of a disastrous White House foreign policy of appeasing Tehran. In February 2021, soon after President Biden took office, the State Department delisted the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT). The Trump administration had listed them just one month prior.
"Delisting the Houthi only encouraged their Iran-sponsored terrorist violence against Saudi Arabia and UAE, with almost no response from the United States," wrote Victoria Coates, national security and foreign policy analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. "Now the Houthi have cast themselves as brothers to Hamas, their fellow Iranian proxy terrorists."
In other words, the Biden administration has emboldened the Houthis. "Terrorist designations are not messaging devices," Coates explained. "[T]hey involve a serious interagency process with significant consequences for the groups on the lists."
Last fall, Iranian proxy forces unleashed a new wave of attacks on American bases. Those included dozens of strikes on U.S. service members since the Israeli-Hamas war erupted in October. According to Voice of America in November, "Iranian-backed proxies have attacked U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria at least 150 times since President Joe Biden took office."
The world looked a lot different four years ago. For one, Russia wasn't engaged in a war against Ukraine, threatening to plunge the world into a third global conflict, and the Middle East was entering an era of relative peace. In fact, the Trump administration was facilitating historic peace deals with Arab nations throughout the region.
In September 2020, then-President Donald Trump brokered peace between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco, all "without a single bullet fired," noted Abraham Hamadeh and Bryan E. Leib.
Americans will likely see a once-in-a-century election this November between two presidents seeking a second term. The last time a former president returned as a major party nominee was in 1892, when Grover Cleveland became the first and only president to serve two non-consecutive terms.
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It was only 3 years ago that a different President was able to broker a peace deal that began a new era of peace and collaboration in the Middle East among Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. It has only taken the election of Joe Biden to contrast that with a very dangerous world.
And yet people seem to ignore the fact that, throughout his political career, Traitor Joe has been a complete failure when it comes to foreign policy.
Biden panders, people die. That's a price Biden is willing to pay to score political points. Why is this news?
Maybe we're just supposed to click the story so we can watch the popup video that floats on the edge of our awareness. Turn up the volume and click, click, click, click. Blood, guts, and gore is such a small price to pay to grow stockholder value.
You would think people would have taken notice with Traitor Joe's deadly Afghanistan retreat where 13 US service members and hundreds of Afghani civilians were killed.
Btw Biden has yet to even mention the loss of the two Navy Seals.
I've noticed that. I wish I could say I'm surprised.
He is too busy talking about abortion, but last seen he needed his supporters to drown out the pro-Palestinian protestors who seem to follow him around these days.