NBC News Poll Suggests Growing Fondness for Trump Presidency Among Americans | Trendy Digests
By: Trendy Digests

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February 13, 2024 ByJacob Miller
As the United States braces for another potential face-off between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, a surprising trend has emerged: Americans are increasingly looking back on Trump's tenure with a sense of nostalgia. A recent NBC News poll revealed that 40% of voters surveyed now say Trump's presidency was better than they expected, a notable shift from previous sentiments expressed while he was in office.
This poll, was conducted among 1,000 registered voters between January 26 and 30. Only 14% of those polled believe Biden has exceeded expectations, while a considerable 42% feel his presidency has fallen short. Halfway through Trump's term in office, NBC News found just 29% of registered voters nationwide said his presidency was "better than expected," 27% said it was "worse," and 43% said it was "about as expected."
The divide is sharp along party lines, with a whopping 80% of Republican voters saying Trump's presidency was better than expected, while only 6% disagree. Meanwhile, 52% of Democrats said the Biden administration "met expectations," 30% said it was "better than they expected" and 18% said it has been "worse."
Moreover, the poll suggests that the issues of the economy and border security are significant factors in shaping these opinions, as both are critical topics leading into the 2024 election."Nothing has touched me when it comes to Biden at all that I can say, at least, 'Yeah, there was a trickle-down,'" New Jersey Democrat Dionne Holt, who voted for Biden in 2020, told the outlet.
Critiques of Trump's presidency predominantly focus on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, the propagation of false claims about the 2020 election, and the January 6 Capitol riot. Biden's critics, on the other hand, cite concerns over his age, mental fitness, and management of foreign affairs such as the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Notably, the data shows that independent voters lean heavily toward Trump's performance, with 38% deeming it better than expected. This demographic's view of the Biden administration is even more unfavorable, with a mere 6% expressing approval.
The NBC News poll's insights into voter sentiment may play a pivotal role as both Trump and Biden vie for their respective party's nomination and, eventually, the White House. With the economy and border security at the forefront of the nation's issues, the nostalgic leanings revealed in the poll could influence the electoral landscape in ways unforeseen in past elections.
Relevant articles:
- Donald Trump Nostalgia Is Growing Among Americans
- More voters say Trump presidency 'better than expected' compared to Biden: poll, New York Post, Fri, 09 Feb 2024 17:39:00 GMT
Calling members trolls or dishonest will cause your comments to be deleted. No memes, fascism crap, source dissing.

As Dem heads explode .............
Actually, I think it's more like the imploding.🤯
The country was much better governed under trump, despite the hoax mueller investigation dominating two years. No surprise people prefer it to Biden’s reign of error.
You are not reading about people having buyers remorse over Biden?
It is pathetic how many people support Biden.
Yes, they do.
Like ones that have been willfully holding classified documents from since they were a Senator in unsecure locations with no chain of custody. Who had the audacity to share classified information with his ghost writer- who then destroyed the tapes knowing full well the special counsel would want them.
Ones that allow a Chinese spy balloon to freely traverse the entire US soaking up data on our military bases. When it could have been downed in the Pacific, Alaska, or even Canada. But Brandon sure taught those private weather balloons a real lesson afterwards. Wasted multi million dollar missiles to bring down school projects and hobbyists weather tests.
Ones that drop sanctions on Iran, and then give them billions in held money so they can finance their terrorist organizations across the ME. Attacking US troops he refuses to remove; and will not let them fully defend themselves. At least he moved 3/4 of our navy there so the Houthi and Hezbollah can take pot shots at them.
Ones that refuse to enforce our borders and immigration laws so record setting numbers of illegal immigrants enter our country. Along with record amounts of drugs, guns, gang members, and terrorists from all over the world.
Ones that use the DOJ/FBI to go after his main political rival.
Why would we ever vote for a traitor like that?
Amen to that.
Can't forget all the other "investigations" that amounted to nothing and pushback on, well, everything.
utter nonsense
Then prove me wrong.
I could give you a link to a website that has dozens of pieces of information about Trump's involvement with January 6th, stealing the election. And such a website does exist. Would that shut you up? Of course not.
I'm not going to waste my time.
Just as I, and others, suspected. You can't prove me wrong. Not the first time. I'm sure it won't be the last.
That is the big sell for democrats. They have to make voters forget what a good President he was and get people to focus on his crudeness.
Indicted 4 times, impeached twice, Trump U fraud case and still facing 91 felony counts... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Jeremy says there is no evidence against Trump. It was wrong the first time he said it and it is insane the hundreth time he says it.
That isn't the question. We are comparing the Trump term and the Biden term. Nobody wants to go near that? Then you do have a problem in November.
He did that all by himself. There was nothing good that came out of his 'presidency'.
Start with job creation, Vic.
You don't think there are people who know they are worse off under Biden?
The jobs that were killed under covid have returned.
The small businesses that were lost have not.
Most of the people I know are in far better shape now than they were when trump was in office, I am one of them.
I don't know the people you are talking about, but I know you and a few others here. Let me put it this way: some do not vote for their own well-being or that of the country. They vote for an ideology.
I think that covers it.
And that's all trump supporters are voting for.
New Business Applications Reach Record 16 Million Under Biden …
Web Jan 11, 2024 · WASHINGTON – Today, Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman, head of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the voice in President Biden ’s Cabinet for America’s more than 33 million small businesses , celebrated new Census data showing a …
I'll give you this - you never get tired of being wrong.
Did you read what I wrote?
The small businesses that were lost have not.
They are gone to God knows where. That happened under Trump btw, during covid, at the recommendation of Dr Fauci.
You better get a conviction before the election or you will find out the hard way how right I am.
Trump has literally said he wants to be a dictator, and you say you're voting for what's best for the country? Laughable.
Does any of you have a link to these claims?
No offense Frosty, but you don't live where I do right on the border.
Yes he did...................
No he didn't. And it was on day one and only day one.
Somebody incompetent to stand trial should not be holding the position of POTUS or be running for the position.
Hur should have brought charges.
Either Brandon is competent and can stand trial for the crimes they know he committed- and Hur stated he did. Or, a judge can force Brandon to be tested by unpartisan professionals to decide if he is competent to stand trial.
Instead Hur pulled a Comey and let Brandon completely off the hook.
The Democrat media and sheeple spin machine is already in high gear ripping Hur apart and wrongly claiming Hur's report exonerated Brandon.
Either way, Traitor Joe is fucked.
Did he really? He's not in a position to really make the claim he's incompetent without a proper hearing and testing. As you mentioned, a judge can make that decision.
We've already seen that they are as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
If he is ever convicted of a felony you will have a point.
You do know what convicted means? Right?