Oklahoma House passes bill making illegal immigration a state crime
By: Merrilee Gasser

The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that would make illegal immigration a state crime after a heated debate where one Democrat called the bill "extremist legislation."
House Bill 4156 makes "impermissible occupation" a criminal act, defined as a person willfully and without permission entering and remaining in Oklahoma without first obtaining legal authorization to enter the United States, according to the bill.
It passed its third reading by a 77-20 vote and now moves on to the Senate for consideration.
If signed into law, those living in Oklahoma as illegal immigrants would be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in county jail, a fine of up to $500, or both.
Anyone found guilty would be required to leave the state within 72 hours following conviction or release from custody, whichever comes later, according to the bill.
"This bill is a license to profile, to arrest people who are different, plain and simple," said Rep. Andy Fugate, D-Oklahoma City. "The bill itself says these people are drug dealers, they're rapists, they traffic in drugs and they traffic in people. Painting with a broad brush, it says people are evil, sub-human, not worthy."
Rep. Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City said immigration was the new abortion issue and called the bill "extremist legislation," adding that securing the border and addressing immigration challenges was a federal issue.
"When the federal government abdicates their responsibility for the safety of our citizens, that's when it's incumbent upon this body to pick up those responsibilities," said Rep. Terry O'Donnell, R-Tulsa, countered.
Rep. Arturo Alonso-Sandoval, D-Oklahoma City, was that it made no provisions for illegal immigrants who have lived in the state for a long time.
"There are current, undocumented Oklahomans that this bill completely ignores," Alonso-Sandoval said. "These are people who have been here for decades and contributed millions in tax dollars. The passage of this bill ignores that undocumented Oklahomans pay over $26 million in taxes and provides no way to amend that gap in tax dollars."
Floor Leader Jon Echols, R-Oklahoma City, said the bill was "common sense."
"Joe Biden's federal government said 180 terrorists were found going through the asylum process getting into this country. Imagine how many walk through that border today," said Echols. "And don't give me this garbage that somehow saying that 180 terrorists were arrested means that you're calling everyone a terrorist. My third grader knows better than that yet that's the level of political debate we seem to have in this country. To act like we are not in danger as a result of what is happening is foolish."
Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond released a statement Thursday backing the bill, calling accusations of "race-baiting and political pandering" a smokescreen.
"Where the federal government is failing, our state leaders are stepping up to solve the problem and protect Oklahomans," Drummond said. "I am grateful to Speaker McCall and Pro Tempore Treat for advancing HB 4156. I am hopeful that it will pass both chambers and be signed by the Governor as soon as possible."
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a similar bill into law on April 10. A Texas law is being challenged in court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans heard arguments on SB 4 earlier this month.
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I wonder how long it will be until the Traitor Joe Clown Show sue to keep their open border policy working.
It is really amazing. The states have to pass laws that the federal government has but won't enforce.
Or they'll sue to stop the law from taking effect. Not a good look good for the Traitor Joe Clown Show.
Eric Holder started that.
We need a Republican congress to enact new immigration laws.
It should be a crime everywhere in the USA
Should be but we have idiot Democrats declaring their cities and states as Sanctuary Shitholes.
I certainly hope Arizona follows Oklahoma's lead.
Leaders solving problems, instead of President Biden who creates them.
I think some are just down dogs right now.
Even Joe Biden is getting the finger from 7-year olds.
They’re probably all unconstitutional. Arguably, the purpose of these laws could just be to send a message to Washington, but I see no evidence that government actually works this way. For example, half the country has legalized marijuana, but that hasn’t motivated Congress to change anything.
You mean like the Traitor Joe administration NOT securing the border or enforcing the law?
Being bad at your job isn’t unconstitutional.
it is with an EO in place. Or did you forget about that?
Doesn’t change anything
And you don't see the problem. I really wish I could say I'm surprised...
Everyone within US borders has constitutional rights, it doesn't matter if they are a citizen or an illegal alien, which is why we can't just take jihadist terrorists out and shoot them. if they commit violence on US soil they have to be given a trial.
Migrants who cross the southern border have to be given due process, they can't just be declared to be breaking the law by their very existence here.
if you don't like that move to another country
The President of the United States, according to Justice Department's top lawyer, reserves the right to use lethal military force against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil without judicial review or due process. Holder: Obama Can Target US Citizens on US Soil for Killing | Common Dreams
Undocumented Immigrants’ Rights Under the United …
For hundreds of years, the U . S . Supreme Court has upheld that certain constitutional rights extend to everyone living within the U . S ., not just natural born citizens or legalized immigrants. As unpleasant as this might sound to some, undocumented immigrants are …
This is what you wrote....
Apparently according to the highest ranking member of law enforcement in the United States at the time you are wrong. They don't even have to be committing violence or have committed violence, we just have to think they will.
Strict constructionist?
What are you blathering about? Nobody mentioned anything about taking somebody out and shooting them. The discussion is about the Constitutional requirement to secure the border.
FFS, keep up for once.
You don’t care to investigate why I hold the opinion I do. Wish I could say I’m surprised.
There’s a constitutional requirement to secure the border?
Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
Article 4, Section 4, Protecting our Borders under the U.S. Constitution - Connecting the Dots with Dan Happel % %
If you eliminate common sense.
Yeah, I don’t see what that has to do with random humans migrating.
Equating desperate migrants with an invasion is what requires eliminating common sense.
Fentanyl, sex trafficking, gangs and terrorists are not hurtful?
In your struggle to make a point, you prove the desperation of your commentary.
Of course, they are hurtful. Now show that all the people coming over the border to turn themselves in to federal agents are engaged in those types of activities. You can't do it. Those activities listed are not a function of immigration.
We had aught to be letting far more people into the country. The push to keep immigrants out of the country is born of shortsightedness and misconceptions pushed by politicians who have them in their pockets at voting time. There is no crisis except the lack of processing to make the people who show up at our border into productive, tax-paying green card holders and citizens.
Every one of them has broken the law on entering.
Boo-hooo. You said:
The implication is that the listed activities were increased due to the presence of immigrants and therefore the immigrants are invading. Prove it.
What the fuck do you call it? Vacationing?
It is very common knowledge. For those who don't watch the news:
Key findings about U.S. immigrants | Pew Research Center
Crimes committed by illegal immigrants surged in 2021 after declining in previous years | Fox News
ICE releases fiscal year 2023 annual report | ICE
Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime: Almost 2/3 of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens | The Heritage Foundation
Frontline Against Fentanyl | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (cbp.gov)
Venezuela’s ‘largest’ criminal gang operating inside US, linked to retired police officer’s murder - Washington Examiner
I can list a page of links, too. What do they prove? That you know how to use the Internet and a computer?
Now, I could waste my time and go through your page of links but I am not going to. How about you dive a little deeper than your folder-of-links-to-paste and develop a cogent argument regarding just one or two of those links with specific facts (not bare assertions) from the linked articles? I am not doing your work for you.
You were the one who asked for proof.
It was upsetting, I guess.
Typical of some hard core leftist liberals that will only see or believe what only conforms to their particular narrow minded worldview.
I am not upset at all. Your links do not show what you think they do. Blind trust in numbers is a very serious failing. If one drills down on the information provided they will find that the numbers used are incapable of supporting the assertions of your links.
Yes, just like the hostages from January 6th.
To the left they are "asylum seekers".
What hostages would those be?
WTF are you talking about? Hostages from January 6th?
The migrants are like the hostages?
I think that is insulting to Israelis.
Then you have the wrong issue
You know, Trump's hostages. It's ok. He will be joining them soon.
That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
Again, what "hostages"?
It is obvious who does not live anywhere on or near our Southern border and what their affiliation is when they spout off that many more illegals should be allowed to pour across the borders unhindered and that there is no crisis at the border. PATHETIC!
So, no hostages. That's what we thought.
If they were legal then they wouldn't have to cross your yard.
You don't have to think anymore.
Have you ever noticed how it totally ruins a joke when you have to explain it?
If they were here legally then there would be no problem would there? My maternal grandparents emigrated here legally from Mexico in the early 1920's and went through all the proper procedures at the time. They loved this country and did everything in their power to assimilate and made sure their children born here did the same. To the day they died, they had nothing but contempt for those jumping the border illegally for free handouts. But in those days we had stricter rules and less tolerance for illegal law breakers as they saw it that did or could not do it right way like they and so many others did.
Yes-- its the 28th Amendment!!!
The one that clearly states, in plain English:
Heretofore, all actions of the government must pass the test of being consistent in any and all ways with "The Principles of 'Common Sense'"!
AKA the "POCS" amendment.
You were telling a joke? You REALLY need to work on it.
Good for them
From the link:
As it should be..............
Drama queen reference aside, there is a reason for that legal system. And we are seeing it today. Unfettered, unvetted invasion.
Yeah? I thought it was hilarious. Sometimes you need to let art flow over you.
It is not an invasion. Are the people running away when Border Patrol agents intercept them? Are immigrants shooting at them?
The invasion is in the brains of people who think that immigrants are detrimental to this country. If there were a path for them to enter the country legally that was not encumbered by onerous and confusing bureaucratic bullshit that seems designed to make them throw their hands up in frustration, the overwhelming majority would take it.
I vehemently disagree with that sentiment. Should procedures be in place to vet the candidates for immigration? Yes. Once vetted, they should be let in and allowed to work and pay taxes.
They are detrimental to our country and cause overcrowding, waste of taxpayer's money and climate change
You apparenlty haven't been paying attention to the Democrat run Sanctuary Shitholes. ALL of them are now crying because they cannot feed, house or otherwise care for the illegals they declared they would feed, house or otherwise care for.
Crime is up in ALL of these shitholes, they've killed, raped murdered all over the country. They're trafficking people and drugs into the country. And you don't think that's detrimental to the country?
They are a positive force on the economy.
Immigrants are not all just coming to America to suck off the teet of the welfare state. They are a net benefit and viewing them as a liability only is patently false.
It isn't like we don't know. For two hundred years study after study have proven that each successive wave of immigrants who came to America overwhelmingly benefited America!
Immigration - The US's winning edge in war and commerce
Overpopulation makes all other problems worse.
Do you want me to analyze your statement for accuracy?
I bet you will be surprised when I say that I have.
That is because they did not budget for the large numbers of immigrants that came via Republican grandstanding. Let them (the immigrants) work because that is what they came here to do.
Crime was up, but it is starting to go back down.
And Before you start blaming all crime on immigrants you should know that they have historically and currently been shown to commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. So, you are just repeating false and misleading information.
So you are wrong all around.
Given your comments...you haven't.
They didn't think they would actually have to do anything. Now there is work to be done, they're crying.
Never did. All I did was state that crime in those cities was up. Stick to what was said instead of you THOUGHT I say.
And lets wait until ALL geographics are reporting before you start talking statistics
I'll even use a leftist site as a source:
I would tend to agree with this statement as a general way of viewing things, but after the initial, "Well, duh!" reaction the analysis starts to bog down. How does one determine exactly what overpopulation is? Natural resource availability? Population density? Therefore I believe this statement to be a trite way of viewing the situation.
A lot of them are and it is costing Taxpayers money and Money from more important things is being taken and spent on them.
The amount of money spent on them will be difficult if not impossible to ever show a positive benefit.
The opportunity costs of not spending it on American Citizens will have a lasting negative effect.
The opportunity costs of not spending a little on immigrants will be more in the long run.
Immigrants are known to cause less crime. That is factua l.
Immigrants are known to cause less of a drain on government spending per capita than natural-born Americans. That is also factual .
I doubt this is true. Aren't you one of the ones frequently saying that we should all make it on our own?
I want my tax dollars to benefit me not outsiders. Why should I pay for them?
So why are sacuntary cities cutting things that benefit Citizens and taxpayers to be able to spend money on foreigners? This is factual
Who is more important, Citizens, who have paid their dues, or outsiders who have not contributed?
They will, if you give them the chance.
Humans. I do not recognize the distinction that you draw between citizens and outsiders. All are people. All are human. If you let the "outsider" contribute, they will. As an aside, I do not believe that even all who would claim citizen have,"... paid their dues."
This is not a game of zero-sum.
I believe that humanity, though they created the concept and structures of money, is fundamentally flawed in their relationship with the same. There is nothing I can do about it but watch, however, because of the flawed relationship.
I do make the distinction and things may be fundamentally flawed but that is the way they are. The USA is a better place than where the outsiders are coming from and we should keep it that way.
All through history there has been the group, country, tribe ect you are in and outsiders.
I notice when you say "immigrants" you do not differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants. I am confident that charger was referring to the illegal variety and he is quite correct. It is the illegal variety that is causing the chaos on our borders and inside our country. The vast majority are only interested in getting welfare and free handouts without having to work for it or assimilating. The legal ones are the the ones I and others welcome with open arms because they are willing to do it the right way. As I have said before, I live 6 blocks from the AZ/Mexico border in SE Arizona so my perspective is vastly different from yours. I see it on a daily basis.
Why shouldn't that chance go to Citizens?
I keep saying these feral cats are a problem
Yes, you do. Nobody can, or will, take that prerogative away...
No matter how offensive it was every single time you said it!