
Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for ‘blackface’ awarded $1M by jury after proving it was just acne mask

Via:  Jeremy in NC  •  10 months ago  •  4 comments

By:   nypost (New York Post)

Teens kicked out of elite Catholic school for ‘blackface’ awarded $1M by jury after proving it was just acne mask
Two teens who were kicked out of an elite California Catholic school over photos of them wearing acne treatment masks — which school officials interpreted as blackface — sued the school and won $1 million and tuition reimbursements.

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Two teens kicked out of their elite California Catholic school while falsely accused of wearing blackface have been jointly awarded more than $1 million after proving it was just a green acne face mask.

The then-students at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View were just 14 when they took a photo during a sleepover in 2017 of them wearing the treatment in solidarity with a friend suffering from severe acne, their lawsuit said.

The treatment, bought by one of the boy's moms, was light green when applied and turned dark green once dry.

3Two teens kicked out of their California Catholic school won $1 million in a lawsuit. Superior Court of California

Their "innocent" selfie then went viral three years later when it was found and widely shared during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests following the 2020 murder of George Floyd.

A Santa Clara County jury agreed this week that the school breached an oral contract and did not give them due process before expelling them in 2020, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The students, identified only as A.H. and H.H. in the lawsuit, were awarded $500,000 each and will have their $70,000 tuition reimbursed.

"This case is significant not only for our clients but for its groundbreaking effect on all private high schools in California, which are now legally required to provide fair procedure to students before punishing or expelling them," said Krista Baughman, one of the attorneys for the students.

3The students proved that they used a face mask for acne and didn't do blackface. Superior Court of California

"The jury rightly confirmed that Saint Francis High School's procedures were unfair to our clients and that the school is not above the law."

In a statement, A.H.'s family said: "We want to sincerely thank the jury and the court system for helping our boys and our families find justice, which now paves the way for their names to be cleared for things they never did."

3The St. Francis High School students were 14 when the photo was taken. Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images

The lawsuit had initially sought $20 million. The jury rejected some of the boys' claims, including defamation and violation of free speech.

Representatives for the school said they "respectfully disagree" with the jury's decision and are "exploring legal options," including an appeal.

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Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Jeremy Retired in NC    10 months ago

Another idiotic hasty accusation resulting in a million dollar settlement for the accused.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    10 months ago

Good for them.  Time this moral panic ends. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3  Vic Eldred    10 months ago

The FBI is keeping an eye on "the Catholics."

Senior Expert
4  George    10 months ago
It Was Just Acne Mask

And there you go Kimmel, Trudeau, Fallon, Behar you racist pieces of crap can now just say you weren't wearing blackface, they are just acne masks.


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