Poll Finds Key Voters Trust Trump Over Biden on Democracy
By: Zachary Leeman Load Comments (Mediaite)

Zachary LeemanJun 26th, 2024, 10:22 am Twitter share button
A new poll found that key swing state voters dubbed "deciders" trust Donald Trump more than President Joe Biden to defend democracy.
The poll conducted by The Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University was released Wednesday and showed most swing state voters believe "threats to the democracy in the U.S." is an extremely important issue going into November's presidential election.
Of the more than 3,500 individuals surveyed, 2,255 were identified as "deciders," meaning they are the voters most likely to have an impact on the election. Voters were classified as deciders if they are between 18-25, only voted in one of the last two elections, switched parties between the last two elections, or if they remain undecided between the candidates. Voters were polled from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Between all of these swing state voters, 61% called threats to democracy an extremely important issue. Among voters identified as "deciders," 56% agreed. Those numbers go up among voters either committed to backing Biden or Trump already with 78% of Biden voters calling threats to democracy an extremely important issue, and 71% of Trump backers agreeing.
Among all swing state voters surveyed, 44% said the former president would better handle threats to democracy while 33% said Biden would do the better job. Another 7% said they would do an "equal" job while 16% said "neither" could be trusted on the topic.
Among "deciders," 38% backed Trump more to defend democracy while 29% backed Biden. Among this group, 23% dismissed back candidates and 10% said they'd do an "equal" job.
More "deciders" prefer Trump defending democracy than Biden, but a majority also think the former president is less likely to accept the presidential election results if he loses. According to the Post poll, 73% believe Trump will not accept the results if he loses, and only three in 10 say the same about Biden. Among "deciders," 47% also believe Trump would try to rule as a "dictator," and only 15% said the same about the current president.
The swing state poll was conducted from April 15 to May 30 with registered voters contacted by mail, phone, and text. It carries an overall margin of error of 2%.
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Read it and weep ....................but, but, but Trump is the threat............NOT
Trump is ahead on all the key issues as well: The economy, the border and national security. Whether that translates into a win, I really don't know any more.
One thing that I think would help seal the deal will be his VP pick. IMO the best choices would be Glenn Youngkin, Nikki Haley or Tim Scott. Tim Scott would help him gain a larger portion of the black vote. I don't think he will pick either Youngkin or Haley as he needs to have someone who won't talk back to him but one of those three would be a better pick.
Personally I would love to see Tulsi Gabbard picked, I think that would bring in a lot of independent as well as Democrat voters.
Same on the Tulsi Gabbard for VP.
I don't think Haley will want to be Trump's VP. Simply because whomever is his VP pick their political career will be over after 4 years if Trump wins. Democrats and their media lemmings will see to that. Haley has aspirations for 2028. The last thing she will want is to be tied to Trump in any way, shape, or form. She is already being blasted by those on the left by simply stating that she will vote for Trump over Biden.
November is going to be interesting to watch as the pundits and analysts tear down the voting numbers. I've seen a lot of polls that all say that Biden is losing a lot of support from a lot of different groups including the younger voters (18 - 30).
While not directly inline with this seed (and if you want it removed I can delete it), here's a rather interesting take from Reuters which compares the Trump and Biden economies. It's a long read with a lot of graphs but I did find it rather interesting.
Comparing Trump and Biden (reuters.com)
I'm surprised to see senior citizens moving towards Biden, but then again that is now my generation, the boomers. They never had much to fear.
On the other hand, Hispanics, Blacks and the young are moving towards Trump.
As you say, November will be interesting.
You shouldn't be. It's just further proof that with age comes wisdom.
With regard to these two candidates, I find the fact that that they are running at their age reflects unbelievable ego and selfishness. They don't even have capable VPs to takeover if they can't complete their term.
I see the polling that they are moving away but it doesn't say why. Do you have any info on why? I can make guesses but that's all they are.
Can you imagine a presidential candidate who doesn't have a strong ego? Name one in American history.
Seems like Jimmy Carter fit that bill
I think he had a healthy ego. That doesn't preclude one from having a certain level of humility.
I didn't say "strong ego", I said "unbelievable ego and selfishness". They have both put their interests ahead of the country's interest.
This is the third election in a row where the public doesn't like either candidate.
In 3.1.1 you said with age comes wisdom. Listening to these two, is just further proof that it also comes with decrepitude. When the latter begins to outweigh the former, it is time for retirement.
So you already know who Trump's VP pick is?
Nate Silver is currently giving trump a 66% chance of winning, but i'm not sure how many of this he has gotten right, I think he only gave trump a 29% chance of winning in 2016 and we all know how that turned out.