
Biden: 'Ruthless' Pelosi 'did what she had to do' in ousting me

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  7 months ago  •  2 comments

By:   The Telegraph

Biden: 'Ruthless' Pelosi 'did what she had to do' in ousting me
President still smarting over role played by former speaker but admits she was only focused on trying to keep Donald Trump from power

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Joe Biden has reportedly acknowledged that Nancy Pelosi "did what she had to do" in ousting him to keep Donald Trump from returning to the White House.

The president is gradually coming to terms with being forced to step aside, but is still smarting about the role played by the former House of Representatives speaker and other old allies in making that happen, according to Politico.

Mr Biden, 81, is said to have a grudging respect for Ms Pelosi, who reportedly presented him with private polling in July showing that he could not beat Trump in the election.

The same month, she refused to publicly back his re-election bid when pressed on the president's favourite TV show, Morning Joe - something Mr Biden' aides believe gave the green light to other Democrats and donors to move against him.

"She did what she had to do" in order to give Democrats the best chance to win in November, Mr Biden is said to have told one of his close associates.

Donald Trump was leading Mr Biden in the polls before the president dropped out of the race Credit: AFP/Natalie Behring

Sources in Mr Biden's inner circle told him the day before he dropped out that they believed Ms Pelosi, 84, would publicly raise concerns about his campaign - a move that would have humiliated her long-time ally.

Although Ms Pelosi never publicly called on Mr Biden to leave the race, several of her allies did.

A senior White House official said Mr Biden views the former speaker as "ruthless" and willing to set aside long-term relationships to keep the Democrats in power.

On Sunday, Mr Biden admitted that pressure from Ms Pelosi and other Democrats had forced him out of the election. Disquiet from his own party had become a "distraction", he said.

Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, said the following day that Mr Biden "respects" the former speaker and insisted he had "no hard feelings".

Nevertheless, Politico reported that the pair have not spoken since Mr Biden ended his campaign.

Mr Biden stood aside for Kamala Harris after Ms Pelosi and other leading Democrats moved against him Credit: Getty Images/Saul Loeb

Ms Pelosi has downplayed her role in ousting the president from the race, insisting she had not called anyone to whip up opposition to his standing in November. However, she reportedly took multiple calls from concerned Democrats.

Mr Biden is also said to be frustrated with Barack Obama, whom he served as vice president, because he would not tell him to his face that he should leave the race.

Although the former president expressed support for Mr Biden following his disastrous debate performance in June, he did not attempt to quell the move to bring him down.

The two men share a complicated relationship, and the president has long believed that Mr Obama's staff looked down on him.

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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    7 months ago

Noooooo. Pelosi? Well she was one of the puppeteers I guess LOL

Junior Silent
2  squiggy    7 months ago

She structured the plan to install Harris two years ago.


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