
Kamala Harris loses credibility with false claims in debate

Via:  Just Jim NC TttH  •  4 weeks ago  •  15 comments

By:   Beaumont Enterprise

Kamala Harris loses credibility with false claims in debate
Kamala Harris wins debate but loses credibility with false claims about Trump and vague policy answers.

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People watch the presidential debate between Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, at the Gipsy Las Vegas in Las Vegas.John Locher/AP

Vice President Kamala Harris may have won the debate battle, but for me she lost the war — not that I was going to vote for her anyway.

There were the lies she told about former President Donald Trump — the Charlottesville hoax, his views on abortion, his backing of the 2025 project — all debunked, yet she repeats them as gospel. She refused to answer direct questions about her policies, instead skirting around how she was raised middle class, how she wants to raise up the middle class but not spelling out any plans for how she will do it. To paraphrase Nancy Pelosi, we have to elect Kamala to find out what she will do.

Trump was off his game that night and coulda, shoulda done better. However, with him there is no second-guessing. We know what he intends to do and in many cases, how he intends to do it.

There were all the questions Trump and the moderators didn't ask Kamala about her CNN interview a couple of weeks ago: "What do you mean your views have changed but your values are the same?" Why didn't they ask her about her wanting the government to control prices, housing, health care, health insurance and giving $25,000 to first time home buyers for down payment on a home? A few days ago on TV, she said that a considerable tax increase is a good thing. That will be needed to pay for all the government freebies she has planned. It's right out of the Marxist-Communist playbook. But her father was (is) a Marxist economics professor.

Her demeanor, her snarky, condescending attitude towards Trump was very disturbing. During the Biden-Trump debate, Trump didn't try to belittle Biden. Kamala showed a complete lack of respect towards Trump. Her eye rolling and smirks were below a presidential candidate. If elected, is that how she's going to treat world leaders whom she disagrees with? She made a complete ass out of herself — but she is a Democrat.

Alice Wilder


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Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Just Jim NC TttH    4 weeks ago

This is an opinion piece letter to the editor.............and spot on

Sparty On
Professor Principal
2  Sparty On    4 weeks ago

lol and Trump is the liar.


Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    4 weeks ago

The seed is right wing twitter nonsense on steroids. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
3.2  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  JohnRussell @3    4 weeks ago

and you can't disprove any of it.

Junior Expert
4  George    4 weeks ago

The headline of this article needs to change, it's obviously not accurate, you actually had to have some credibility to start with in order to lose any.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    4 weeks ago

Q.  Kamala, Why are beepers exploding in Lebanon?

A.   I grew up as a middle class kid. 

Junior Expert
5.1  George  replied to  Sean Treacy @5    4 weeks ago


Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
6  Dismayed Patriot    4 weeks ago
Vice President Kamala Harris may have won the debate battle, but for me she lost the war — not that I was going to vote for her anyway.

So, she's admitting to being an uncompromising partisan who doesn't care how cogent the other side is or how qualified their candidate is, she's supporting her party regardless of facts or reality.

There were the lies she told about former President Donald Trump — the Charlottesville hoax, his views on abortion, his backing of the 2025 project — all debunked

Debunked by who? Partisan rightwing nutjobs and Qanon conspiracy theorists? Charlottesville wasn't a "hoax", we watched Trump supporting confederate defending wannabe Nazi's marching in the streets with their tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!". We saw the then President Trump claim there were good people on both sides. Harris was absolutely correct to call him out for his response to vile piece of shit rightwing conservatives defending confederate statues, one of which rammed his car into a peaceful crowd killing one and severely injuring dozens.

As for Trumps views on abortion Harris was again correct to point out his inconsistencies from proudly proclaiming that he killed Roe v Wade to claiming it's up to the States while also refusing to say he'd veto a national ban if Republicans put it on his desk if he were President. Everything Harris said about that was true.

As for the claim that he supports the 2025 project, it would have been better had she said that project 2025 and its authors support Trump and he's never actually rejected their plan, he's just feigned ignorance and claimed he has nothing to do with it. He wants those rightwing religious conservatives at the Heritage Foundation to support him so he can't bash their plan and will likely give in to their demands and adopt some of their proposals if he's elected, but he also knows he can't come right out and admit that because project 2025 is fucking insane and unconstitutional.

There were all the questions Trump and the moderators didn't ask Kamala

Ah yes, just another piece of garbage partisan Monday morning quarterback injecting her own "what if's" as if that would have "won" them the game if only they had done things differently. Someone should send her a cheese platter to go with all her bitter sore loser whine.

Professor Principal
6.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @6    4 weeks ago
Debunked by who? Partisan rightwing nutjobs and Qanon conspiracy theorists? Charlottesville wasn't a "hoax", we watched Trump supporting confederate defending wannabe Nazi's marching in the streets with their tiki torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!". We saw the then President Trump claim there were good people on both sides. Harris was absolutely correct to call him out for his response to vile piece of shit rightwing conservatives defending confederate statues, one of which rammed his car into a peaceful crowd killing one and severely injuring dozens.

Defense of Trump over the "Unite The Right" march has taken on the same rote nonsense that their defense of his collusion with Russia and the J6 events has shown.

"Charlottesville" was a white supremacist event. The permit was held by a white supremacist leader  and the "protest" had been advertised in social media as a white nationalist event. The list of participants was a who's who of lunatic racists and nazis. 

Who were the fine people on both sides? One side had no fine people. There is no evidence at all that "fine people" were there protesting the statue. Trump was president of the United States, he should have either known this or found out about it before he opened his mouth. As it is he had to make four statements on the issue over four days because the public wasnt satisfied with the previous days version. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
7  Jeremy Retired in NC    15 hours ago

After last nights "interview" her credibility is non-existent.

Professor Principal
7.1  Hallux  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @7    7 hours ago
After last nights "interview" her credibility is non-existent.

After? When did you not think that way?

Professor Guide
8  MrFrost    9 hours ago

When she starts saying Hattian gangs are eating people's pets and people are aborting their children AFTER they are born, get back to us. Until then? This "article" is laughable.  

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
8.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  MrFrost @8    8 hours ago
This "article" is laughable

Much like her "interview" was.   But keep making your excuses for not answering a single question. 

Sophomore Quiet
9  MonsterMash    7 hours ago

The interview was a disaster: three weeks out to the election, Harris still looks like an amateur. 

Professor Principal
10  Hallux    7 hours ago

          "It's right out of the Marxist-Communist playbook. But her father was (is) a Marxist economics professor."

This is the sort of blithering nonsense we get enough of from the 'we' crowd. Yawn!


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