
Europe gives Biden a one-finger salute

Via:  Bob Nelson  •  4 years ago  •  15 comments

By:   Matthew Karnitschnig (POLITICO)

Europe gives Biden a one-finger salute

Given the opportunity to show the new US administration it was serious about collaboration, Europe has done no such thing

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For the last four years the American government has crapped all over America's erstwhile allies. Both insults and injuries.

Punitive tariffs while labeling Europe a "threat to American security".

Why they aren't falling all over themselves for this new President??

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

GettyImages-1230806673-1320x1149.jpg U.S. President Joe Biden
Doug Mills via Getty Images

So much for first impressions.

Ever since Joe Biden won the U.S. presidency, the rhetoric from Europe's leaders has been filled with anticipation of a new transatlantic dawn. With you know who safely out of the White House, the Continent's leading lights signaled Europe would again link arms with America, bound by common ideals and a firm resolve to save the world from its bad angels.

Biden, a dyed-in-the-wool transatlanticist, pushed all the right buttons, stroking the Continent's bruised ego after four years of relentless abuse. His roster of foreign policy Cabinet nominees (including French speakers!) could have been drawn up in the Berlaymont.

"The United States is back. And Europe stands ready," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declared on the occasion of Biden's inauguration.

The only question is, ready to do what?

Given the opportunity in recent weeks to show the Biden administration it was serious about geostrategic collaboration, Europe opted instead to show Washington the finger.

A consensus has emerged among transatlantic strategic thinkers in recent years that the West faces two major threats to its security: old nemesis Russia and China, the global power most see as the much greater challenge to the democratic world over the long term.

"Beijing is now challenging our security, prosperity and values in significant ways that require a new U.S. approach," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said this week.

In Washington, policymakers in both major parties share that assessment. But Europe has its own ideas.

That strategic dissonance explains why Europe has continued to pursue its own course on both China and Russia in the face of American reservations.

In late December, for example, the EU, prodded by Germany, agreed to a landmark investment pact with China, ignoring objections from across the Atlantic and requests from the Biden camp to hold off until the new administration was in office.

The pull of China's huge market for European exports, already of existential importance for Germany's carmakers, seemingly proved a more powerful argument for Angela Merkel and other leaders than the plight of the Uighurs or the fate of democracy in Hong Kong.

What worries Washington is that Europe is walking into a trap with its eyes wide open. After decades of quietly siphoning Western intellectual property in its quest to build world-beating corporations, China has in recent years focused on acquiring companies in the European market, especially Germany. At the same time, Beijing has courted countries across Southern and Eastern Europe with the promise of investment and trade through its 17+1 initiative.

While China's leaders have sought to cast such strategies as a reflection of the country's embrace of free trade and the multilateral order, critics see a more sinister agenda.

"These efforts, cloaked in language crafted for Western ears, serve Beijing's long-term strategy of turning Europe into an unwitting network of Chinese tributary states," Peter Rough, a former aide to George W. Bush and a leading conservative voice in Washington on European affairs, wrote in a report published this week by the Hudson Institute. "The master strategists behind it envision Europe as a Switzerland-on-steroids: economically relevant but politically non-aligned."

It's a vision of Europe shared by the Kremlin. Moscow has tried for years to sow division in the transatlantic alliance. Its most effective tool of late has been Nord Stream 2, a 1,200 kilometer-long undersea pipeline that begins north of St. Petersburg and runs to Germany's Baltic coast.

The U.S. and most Eastern European countries have opposed the project for years over concern that it will allow Moscow to pressure Ukraine and others in the region that Russia currently relies on to transport gas to Europe.

Berlin, arguing that the pipeline will prove more efficient than the antiquated land-based network now in use, has steadfastly refused to back away from it, despite persistent criticism from the U.S. and other allies.

Those tensions have been on the boil again this month as U.S. sanctions against companies engaged in the project took effect. The measures, which Germany considers a violation of international law, have hampered completion of the pipeline, with just 75 kilometers remaining.

Unease over the project's impact on Germany's international standing is growing in Berlin, even within Merkel's own center-right alliance.

In Washington, there was quiet hope Merkel would seize the opportunity presented by Russia's arrest of opposition politician Alexei Navalny this month to halt the project.

Instead, Merkel has done what she did after the 2018 Salisbury poisonings, the 2019 murder of a Chechen rebel by a suspected Kremlin hitman in central Berlin and after Navalny's near-lethal poisoning last year with a Russian nerve agent: nothing.

Merkel is far from alone in Europe in not wanting to join a more robust U.S. approach toward Beijing and Moscow. Paris and Rome broadly share Merkel's position, not to mention the European Commission.

Asked by reporters this week whether he would follow through with a planned visit to Moscow next month despite Navalny's arrest, European foreign policy chief Josep Borrell confirmed the trip, saying it "is a good moment to reach out and talk to Russian authorities."

Whether Europe's decision to effectively de-couple from the U.S. foreign policy agenda before Biden's administration has really even begun is born out of a desire to achieve the dream of "strategic autonomy," concern that Donald Trump could return in four years, or some combination thereof may not matter in the end.

As the strategic rivalry between the U.S. and China comes into focus, most Europeans profess a desire to stay on the sidelines and remain neutral. But if they believe Europe can become Switzerland, they're mistaken.

A more apt analogy is the "neutral zone," the lawless territory that served as a buffer between the major powers in Philip K. Dick's "The Man in the High Castle," a dystopian novel about a world in which the Germans and Japanese had won World War II.


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Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Bob Nelson    4 years ago

The author seems outraged! How dare they??

Well... um... Europe is not actually a series of puppet states, at America's beck and call.
In matters of international relations, European countries are accustomed to playing a long game. Sen from today, it might be wiser to be China's ally than America's.

Who knows? America's crazy voters may put Donald Trump back in the White House in four years. So it would be unwise to get too close for the time being...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Bob Nelson @1    4 years ago
European countries are accustomed to playing a long game

Yeah,,, Killing over a hundred million people so they could decide which totalitarian system controlled people's lives was quite a game. And after proving themselves totally unfit to play a leading role on the world stage, they've happily become client states to the country that started those wars in a last ditch effort to remain relevant.   Relevance to them being sucking up to whatever murderous regime can funnel a few  coins to the pockets of their elite.   

No surprise they are right back playing footsie with China.  Mass murder, concentration camps and forcible suppression of dissent are just European values brought to the 21st Century. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1.1.1  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1    4 years ago


Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

The U.S. and the EU had the same problems with China when Trump started his multiple trade wars. Instead of combining forces with the EU and other, NZ, Australia et al Trump chose to fight everyone at the same time and we can see what that has lead to. 

I can understand the EU's reluctance to fully engage with the US at this point. 

Professor Quiet
3  bbl-1    4 years ago

Maybe our European allies see the Capital Insurrection and willful collaboration of that insurrection by a substantial number of US government officials, ( elected and otherwise ) as an indication that America has become feint hearted and reluctant to defend it's own democracy---especially when the American government finds itself unable/unwilling to ruthlessly deal with those whose clear purpose is to weaken or destroy that democracy.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
3.1  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  bbl-1 @3    4 years ago

IMNAAHO, they estimate that for the foreseeable future, America is not a reliable partner. Biden's a nice guy, but who knows, in four years?

Europe plays a long game. China plays a long game. America cannot see beyond 2024.

Professor Quiet
3.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  Bob Nelson @3.1    4 years ago

Is that not clearly what I said?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
3.1.2  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  bbl-1 @3.1.1    4 years ago


OK. You nailed it!

Professor Principal
4  TᵢG    4 years ago

I can understand why other nations would be cautious with the USA.   We have demonstrated that we can be uber-irresponsible with our choice of leaders given who we elected as PotUS in 2016 and the fact that he would have likely been reelected if not for his handling of COVID.

Biden should work on healing and not expect much.   In the meantime, how do we encourage competent adults to run for office and encourage the electorate to actually vote for them?

Professor Quiet
4.1  bbl-1  replied to  TᵢG @4    4 years ago

End Gerrymandering and Citizens United.  Allow the voters to pick their politicians instead of the politicians picking their voters.  That would be a start.

Professor Quiet
5  Ronin2    4 years ago

Europe is for Europe, period. They always have been. They have fucked over administrations since Vietnam at the very least.

Seems they don't care if China Joe is in the White House now; and is ready for the US to go back to a subservient roll to the EU and NATO.  That is what they expect, don't expect them to reward the US for it.

Fuck them, next time they want to take out some 3rd world wannabe dictator we should tell them they are on their own. NATO w/o the US can't do shit.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.1  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ronin2 @5    4 years ago


Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Ronin2  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.1    4 years ago

So then NATO can exist w/o the US. We can withdraw at anytime an leave them to fight such stalwarts as Serbia and Libya on their own. Maybe you should do some research into which country does all the heavy lifting once NATO is deployed. 

If Europe and NATO is not taking the US for granted; why are they giving Joe the finger when he has obviously broken out the knee pads for them?

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.1.2  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ronin2 @5.1.1    4 years ago


Junior Silent
6  zuksam    4 years ago

I think they're busy with the covid pandemic and a few other things. England is busy with Brexit and knows the American Left doesn't support Brexit in fact the US Left wanted the EU to punish the UK for leaving. The EU is struggling with losing one of it's biggest cash cows (UK) on top of this covid downturn. The fact is they have more important things to do than to kiss Biden's ring. They know where the Left stands so there's not a whole lot to talk about anyway, Biden is trying to undo everything Trump did and that's what the EU wants anyway so why would they beg for what Biden is already going to give them.


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