
Article on Value of Books | A Reflection on Reading

Via:  Buzz of the Orient  •  one month ago  •  1 comments

By:    https://edumantra.net/learn-english/124-class-9-10-short-essay-and-article-on-value-of-books/

Article on Value of Books | A Reflection on Reading
The value of reading books is that it develops the imagination and improves creative thinking. It also helps to improve language skills and increase knowledge. In addition, reading books can be a great way to relax and unwind after a long day.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Article on Value of Books | A Reflection on Reading

Books are never-failing friends. They console us when our own desert us. They impart wisdom. They give aesthetic, mental, physical and spiritual happiness and pleasures.....Books take us close to different cultures, traditions, creeds and customs and establish better understanding amongst different peoples.


Books can be used for a variety of purposes, from entertainment to education. Here are some of the most common uses for books:
1. To entertain:  Books can be used as a form of entertainment. They can provide an escape from reality, transport readers to different worlds, and introduce them to new characters and stories.
2. To learn:  Books can also be used as a tool for learning. They can teach us about different topics, help us develop new skills, and expand our knowledge base.
3. To relax:  In addition to being entertaining and educational, books can also be used to relax and unwind. Reading can be a great stress-reliever, and it can help us wind down after a long day.
4. To escape:  Sometimes, we just need a break from reality. Books can provide an escape from our everyday lives, transported us to far-off lands, or take us on adventures we could never experience in real life.
5. To connect:  In a world that is increasingly digital, books can help us connect with others in a more personal way. Reading gives us the opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings about a story or characters with others, and it can help forge stronger bonds with friends and family members.

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Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    one month ago

I used to read a lot, the Freddy the Pig books when I first started to read, then as a pre-teen loved Sci-Fi, but a long hiatus followed until my profession guided me to John Grisham novels but now more time is spent on watching movies.  

I must get back to the books again, the hand-held ones I can read

And all I need is a bookstore, and new glasses that I need.

(Apologies to John Masefield for screwing up his poem)


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