



@cb • 2 days ago • comments: 22
Posted a new Comment on Let's talk about....:
"I think I remember now where I first saw this picture of your dear wife and this bike! It was on an article (can't remember its title), but the context was..."
@cb • 2 days ago • comments: 22
Posted a new Comment on Let's talk about....:
"I actually get this! For me, the closest I have ever gotten to this kind of 'tortured' singing is Tears For Fears' "SHOUT! (Let it all out)," but this does..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 22
Posted a new Comment on Let's talk about....:
"Please tell us something about the top-most picture, is it personal?"
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 22
Posted a new Comment on Let's talk about....:
"I am so sorry for the loss of your dear wife. I have seen that picture of her before on NT. . . and it is surely fine that you post it as often as you have a..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 22
Posted a new Comment on Let's talk about....:
"Okay! Now that was. . . therapeutic. . . and refreshing. . . and I can see the artistry and the guitarmanship, oh, the drumming! Now, I am wondering what the..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 37
Posted a new Comment on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president':
"The Democratic Party is made up of coalitions of many diverse people groups (in the millions), many organizations, which form its community. Trumpists are..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 37
Posted a new Comment on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president':
"Candidate Biden did commit to picking a black woman for his running mate. It was a professional choice without any regard for semantics . It was his..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 37
Posted a new Comment on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president':
"How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’ 26 October 2016 By Tom Stafford Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 37
Posted a new Comment on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president':
"She was on this morning, "Morning Joe." -wee hours Pacific Time. Very interesting. I will get the book. (Everand does not have it yet for audible. Hopefully..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 6
Posted a new Comment on Project 2025: The Right's Plan to Remake America Explained:
"Biden did not, however, mention Project 2025 and what it would mean for the United States during the debate, when he had the attention of tens of millions..."
@cb • 3 days ago • comments: 37
Posted a new Comment on GOP Rep. Tim Burchett calls Kamala Harris a 'DEI vice president':
"It's embarrassing for the country that the GOP in it's present form, even exists. They are a pathetic old white guy group of Trump worshipping . ....."
@cb • 4 days ago • comments: 14
Posted a new Comment on JD Vance's hometown state senator says civil war may be needed to 'save our country':
"Now, we can see shape coming to this unspecified mass that is standing idle before us. This is why the conservative SCOTUS has given unprecedented official..."
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