
Moyers: The Amazing Power of Music to Create Social Change


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  storyartist  •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

Moyers: The Amazing Power of Music to Create Social Change


BILL MOYERS : You said without fighting them. What do you mean without fighting who?

FRANCINE WHEELER : Well, when you have 26 victims, you have 26 different families. When you have this country, you have 50 different states. You have people who have different values, different lives that are very different from mine.

BILL MOYERS : And different positions on guns.

FRANCINE WHEELER : Different positions on guns. Different positions on mental health. Different positions on the security of our schools. So, I had to talk to them. And I still do talk to them because they're parents. Their kids go to school. They're grandparents. They're brothers, they're sisters, they're aunts, they're uncles. So, they have their perspective, and they want safety. And I think there's a misconception that Sandy Hook Promise is just about the gun debate, it is not.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

It IS more than a gun debate. It is about alot of issues-- not just guns.

Maybe I have short attention span, but I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about nothing but guns!


Freshman Silent
link   seeder  storyartist    12 years ago

No short attention span, Dowser. I have infinite patience, but the gun topic obsession and insecurities which surround it actually contributed to driving me off a site where I was rooted and quite happy. This interview by Bill Moyers actually balances the gun issue into the larger framework which some try but are typically run off by those who allow those voices to dominate in the false pretense of Free Speech.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

I think the gun debate is clouding a lot of the real issues-- like poverty, mental health care availability, health care costs, banking, etc. Our country is not just about guns, but to hear our news, one would think that is all we care about...

Much love, dear friend!


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