Beer Mapper
Beer Mapper is a practical implementation of my Active Ranking work on an Apple iPad. The application presents a pair of beers, one pair at a time, from a list of beers that you have indicated you know or have access to and then asks you to select which one you prefer. After you have provided a number of answers, the application shows you a heat map of your preferences over the beer space.
My own tastes are all over the board.
I'll stick with stout, porter, brown ale side of your map there, Larry. Though anything but the wheat is usually good.
I'm hooked on the IPAs. They give the most flavorful belches.
Drinking a New Glarus Two Women right now.... A German style pilsner.
I wish I could drink beer without getting a headache. It sounds so good!
Wee Heavy/Scottish Ale seems MIA.
A great Wisconsin beer for sure!
I'm thinking I would fit a Scottish Ale somewhere between Amber, Doppelbock and Brown Ale.