
1491 The Last 15 Minutes


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  community  •  10 years ago  •  10 comments

1491 The Last 15 Minutes


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Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

This is the last 15 minutes of the audio version of the book "1491" by Charles C. Mann.

By the way you are not limited to 5MB on so-called attachments as you were on the old site.  Now you can put an attachment which can be a picture, photo or a mp3 file to give an audio transcription of a YouTube video of not 5MB but up to 128MB.  Isn't that great?  Now you or I can put an attachment up for Buzz for example who is unable to see YouTube that can last for a very long video.

THANKS PERRIE!!! thumbs up

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  sixpick   10 years ago

Now if I can figure how to get rid of that "hat" and "@community".

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  sixpick   10 years ago


Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Dowser   10 years ago

Isn't that great Dowser?  I can record at 48 bits a second or 2880 bits a minutes.  On the old site I would be able to record about 12 minutes before I started reaching the 5MB limit, so that should give you anyone an idea of how much longer your audio file can be having a limit of 128MB instead of 5MB.

Should listen to the last 15 minutes of 1491.  It may sound boring at first, but I know anyone who listens to it will enjoy it if they listen to the entire audio.  It's only 15 minutes long. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

Thanks for publishing this-- it is very interesting!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

1491 is an excellent book. Mann's follow up, 1493 is excellent as well.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Kavika   10 years ago

I listened to 1491 Kavika.  It works out so much better for me not having the time to read these different books.  I just download them from the library onto my phone and listen with my Bluetooth all I can all day while I can as I'm working and not having to talk to someone.  I've listened to several since I discovered this new avenue.  I've listened to a couple twice.  I really plan on listening to 1491 again as I'm not always able to concentrate entirely on what I'm hearing all the time.  I just put 1493 on hold and will be notified when I can download it onto my phone.  I can do that at home and save GB usage while I'm away from the wifi.  Then the entire time I'm listening to it I'm not using my internet time up as well.  I listened to "A People’s History fo the United States" 1492 to Present – Howard Zinn as well.

I am thrilled to have this new means to listen to these books since I really don't have the time now to sit back and actually read them because I always find something else I want to do more.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  sixpick   10 years ago

Six, that sounds way to tech for me. I still like to turn pages. Happy

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Kavika   10 years ago

Six, that sounds way to tech for me. I still like to turn pages.

Yes, but if you consider all the time I spend on here, working, taking care of business I can't take care of when I'm not wasting time, I'm sure you can see what a benefit it would be for someone in my situation.  I wash my own clothes too. I do everything.  You see, I'm a hard fellow to get along with so it's up to me to do everything. LOL

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

The fact is there are a lot of really important and interesting information in the book, but it is hours long, so I just put up the last 15 minutes to accomplish two things, one to see if I could and the other because the last 15 minutes in its entirely will be well worth listening to for those who do it.


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