


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  8 years ago  •  21 comments

On New Year’s Day, Texas Governor Greg Abbott had a strong message for President Obama regarding his upcoming plan to unilaterally enact gun control legislation: “Come and take it.”

“Obama wants to impose more gun control,” Abbott tweeted Friday. “My response? COME & TAKE IT.”
The Republican governor’s statement comes amid announcements the Obama administration will act later this month to impose stricter rules on the selling and purchase of firearms.
The president will meet with Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday to discuss what actions can be taken to circumvent the Second Amendment without congressional authorization, the Washington Post reports.
The new rules will reportedly seek to require private sellers to conduct background checks, as well as prevent people on the no-fly list from being able to purchase firearms.
Meanwhile, Governor Abbott has made a strong show of support for Texans’ Second Amendment rights.
On Friday a new law came into effect allowing licensed citizens of the Lone Star State to openly carry holstered pistols.

The phrase “come and take it” was emblazoned on a flag flown by Texian forces during the Texas Revolution, chiefly at the battle of Gonzales, where Texian rebels revolted against the Mexican army and challenged them to retrieve a cannon loaned to them for protection. http://www.infowars.com/texas-governor-challenges-obama-on-gun-control-come-and-take-it/


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Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    8 years ago

We will look to the states to be the resistance to all of obamas gun grabbing anti constitutional measures.  

Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi    8 years ago

Until he finds a way to address radical Islam he isn't going to get much traction in the way of more gun control.

But, you can't fix stupid.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  screminmimi   8 years ago

Obama is far more concerned with taking guns from law abiding Americans than he is with working against anything Islamic.  

Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi  replied to  XXJefferson51   8 years ago

Since he can't even speak the words "radical Islam" or acknowledge it exists, he certainly can't deal with it.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    8 years ago

The gun grabbers will never be satisfied. Guns aren't the problem. People are.

Freshman Silent
link   screminmimi  replied to  Cerenkov   8 years ago

I agree Cerenkov.

It's also my personal opinion that if guns become scarce, there will be more massive disasters in the form of home-made bombs. Bigger bang for fewer bucks, take more people out, get bigger headlines. The killing won't stop; killers will always find a way.

Mexico has a ban against owning personal firearms (ROFLMAO) and no one can even come close to counting the dead in that country. Israel has a strict gun law and the killer Palestinians are using knives, suicide bombs, Molotov cocktails, IEDs, rocks at the windshields of vehicles to make them wreck and kill the passengers, illegal guns, setting fires to homes at night, running people over with vehicles, ramming passenger trains with vehicles and placing objects on the tracks to make them derail...

yes, it's the people. And no one is addressing that aspect.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior  replied to  Cerenkov   8 years ago

How 'bout we cut off the index finger of everyone - no more gun control laughing dude laughing dude laughing dude

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    8 years ago

We just need to defy this president on this issue.  We reject his efforts to control our access to our 2nd amendment rights and will use our 1st amendment rights to peaceably assemble and engage in free speech in defiance of him and this action of his regime.  We need to remind him daily that the more he does and says the more we drive up gun makers stocks and profits and the more guns w put out therein our homes and under our fields. We need to continue to defy him to his face and openly mock his actions, subjecting him to direct public and personal ridicule regarding his attempts.  We need to figuratively rub his face in the fact that when he leaves office there will be far more guns in private hands than there was before he took office and it's all because of him.  

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    8 years ago

Is there something preventing lawsuits against Obama if someone is attacked in their own home after their gun was taken by Obama's "executive order" ?


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