
Hello Branson, Hello Kavika!


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  community  •  9 years ago  •  15 comments

Hello Branson, Hello Kavika!

The next morning, Matthew woke up early, excited about our coming visit with Kavika and his family.  I dragged myself out of bed, reluctantly leaving the coolness of the air conditioning, and we both got back into the car, the scene of many adventures of the day before.  We took off toward Highway 60W, Springfield, and then Branson!  Although the rocks were relatively flat-lying, the slopes became sharper, and there were Road Cuts!  Fascinated, knowing nothing about the geology of the area, I remembered that the Ozarks are there because of the weight of the sediments deposited in the Gulf.  It’s the same principle as sitting on the side of one of the old steel-wire mattresses.  If you sit on one side, the other side rears up…  So this made sense, and I was satisfied with just enjoying all the rocks and the scenery.  Highway 60W was an old friend, and I was definitely grateful to be off the winding road of 160!

We drove and drove, and finally we saw a sign that said:











What fun!  The city isn’t a large one, about as large as Murray, KY, (population 10,000), but filled with everything one can imagine.  It was just like Gatlinburg, TN, without the wedding chapels.  They also had a Walmart, a MacDonald’s, and a Wendy’s—we could survive…



Naturally, I got lost trying to find the hotel, which was off the main road, onto a secondary loop, but we found a lovely overlook spot, and gave us a panoramic view of the entire city.  WOW!  It was hot.  Very hot!  So, we didn’t stay long, as we were melting in the sun, but it was a great place to see, if not understand, the layout of the city.  Heading back to town, I stopped at one of the “Buy Your Tickets Here!” places and asked for directions. 







384 After we checked in to the hotel, and rested a bit, Matthew had seen a restaurant he wanted to try—Pasghetti’s, which specialized in, you guessed it, pasta!  The food was really good, and the restaurant was decorated to look like a street in Old New York City, so we were both pleased. 

Leaving the restaurant, two very large, very drunk couples tried to climb through the macaroni they had on the sidewalk.  They were actually 24” PVC pipes with an elbow in the middle, painted yellowish to look like pasta—very ingenuous idea!  As we got into the car to leave, they got stuck, and were too drunk to turn over to bend their legs to get out.  Gales of laughter came from the macaroni, and I must admit, gales of laughter sounded in our car, too…  They must have gotten out somehow, because they were gone the next day!



384 This is the inside view of the restaurant-- there was so much to see, it was hard to eat!









384 Then, we took a drive down the main road of Branson-- so much to see!!!  Too much to do!!!  Just like Gatlinburg.  Clothing outlets, shows, thousands of tourist traps...  We could have stayed a month and not seen it all...  But, like Gatlinburg, Bring Money.  Bring LOTS of money...  

Kavika had given me very explicit instructions on how to get to his house, which was amazing—most of the directions we have been getting haven’t been that clearly stated—and we drove a bit, and then, There was Kavika, waving us into his driveway!  It was like seeing a long-lost brother!  Red came out to meet us, too, and I must say, a lovelier woman would be very hard to find!  We got to meet the girls, Annie and Wiki, and both of us fell in love with them, in a heartbeat.  Red served us a delicious light lunch, and then Kavika took us on a boat ride.




This is the view of Table Top Lake, where Kavika and Red live-- isn't it beautiful?

We used to have a boat, many years ago, and my husband always drove it hell-bent for leather, as it skipped across the top of the waves…  My chest would slap down on my thighs, then bounce back up to hit me in the face, so Kavika, bless him, tootled us around without a bunch of bouncing.  Thank you, Kavika!!!  There are some beautiful houses around the lake, and most of them were friends of Kavika’s and/or Red.  Kavika’s house was gorgeous!  And WHAT a view!

But nothing could equal the kind hospitality, the generosity of spirit, that was Kavika’s and Red’s…  We will be forever in their debt for their kindness and patience with these two ‘Hicks from the Sticks’.  Thank you, dear Kavika.  I will never forget either of you, and remember our visit with great joy!!  Kavika and I yakked and yakked, and Red and I yakked and yakked, and it was like catching up with one’s family!  Family that you haven’t seen in a long time, but will always love.  Wiki and Annie were both such sweet dogs—I would welcome them in my home any day!






This is dear Wiki, Kavika's sweetheart, who was rescued from a gas station out west somewhere, (he can fill in those details).  What a darling little dog!







And this is the dear Annie, who Kavika and Red rescued from being dumped outside their subdivision.  Annie had fended off coyotes and had really fought for her life-- until Kavika and Red brought her home...  Such a sweetie!

We had taken Kavika some ‘Ordovician Seafood’—an Ordovician aged rock, (about 450 million years old), that had a bunch of fossils, but one was really good—a Platystrophia.  They have renamed it to Vinlandstrophia, which just confuses things…At any rate, if he leaves it out in the rain, the Platystrophia should weather out fairly quickly.  This rock came from Shelbyville, about 25 miles east of Louisville.  We had also taken some other small gifts, and they liked them!  An answer to many prayers and good wishes!  We were also able to buy him a piece of fluorite—part of Mr. Clement’s collection.  I’m so glad he has a piece of this fabulous collection! 

I won’t publish the picture of all of us without Kavika’s and Red’s blessing.  However, I must say, I looked unusually weird.  I put my hair up, which is cooler than leaving it down.  So, I resemble a very old, stout lady, with glasses.  My smile hasn’t changed, but the rest of me has!  Just cal me Aunt Bea…

We had so much fun!


More to come—the trip to Farmington, and the usual car trouble…


Thanks for coming by!




jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    9 years ago

The more pictures you add, the weirder the spacing...  But, I'm trying!  

We  had so much fun with Kavika and Red!  I would gladly travel the world with them...  Any time!  Of course, they have traveled the world, and I seem to have forgotten how to manage hotels, etc., from my traveling days.  Of course, with all these "new" things, like Expedia and Travelocity, etc., I'm a lost ball in tall weeds.  As convenient as it may be, to stay 3 nights in a row in the same hotel, is like booking hen's teeth.  It's all so complicated these days...

Red was one of the loveliest women I have ever met, and is such a good person, as well as being fascinating!  I feel very fortunate to have met her, and am very grateful for the time she spent with Matthew...  A wonderful conversationalist, as well as a lovely, kind person.  To be honest, I was scared to meet her, in all my hickness...  But, she overlooked my oddities and was exceptionally kind!  She takes care of those dogs as if they were her children, and they adore her!  

Wiki is a hoot!  We took them both a toy, and of course, dear little Wiki got them both-- Annie isn't fond of toys.  But what a cutie!

Kavika, brother of my heart, thank you so much for allowing us to come and visit you, and for being the brother of my heart.  I love you and Red very much!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    9 years ago

One more little picture-- this is one of the first things we saw in Branson that was, er, eye-popping!


Masters Quiet
link   PJ    9 years ago

Lady Dowser - I'm so jealous that you were able to meet Kavika and Red in person!  Thank you for the pictures.  Amazing view.  I love the meatball and admit I would probably be tempted to crawl through one of the noodles myself (hehehehe).  I'm going to be sad when your and Matthew's adventure comes to an end but until then.......post away. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

I wanted to try it, also, but I'm a lot smaller than they were, and I knew my legs wouldn't bend that way...  But, apparently, with enough alcohol, one thinks that one's legs bend backwards-- I'm sure they feel as if they could!  I KNEW I would get stuck...  We laughed and laughed, and it was funny!

laughing dude

Freshman Silent
link   KatPen    9 years ago

What a wonderful story, Dowser!   Not surprised at all that you enjoyed the company of Kavika and Red.  

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  KatPen   9 years ago

Meeting them in person was a REAL blessing!  It's been on my bucket list for a few years, and finally, I was able to do so and arrange a time when it was convenient for them-- or let me put it this way-- if it wasn't perfectly convenient, they did not portray, by the flicker of an eyelid, that it wasn't...

I wish everyone could meet them!  And No, dear Kavika, I'm not trying to drum up a parade of Newstalkers to come banging on your door...


Masters Quiet
link   PJ  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

dear Kavika, I'm not trying to drum up a parade of Newstalkers to come banging on your door...


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang 

Pj:     Kaviiiiikaaaaa! 

Bang, bang, bang

Pj:     Reeddddd!

Ding dong, Ding dong, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding dong

Bang, bang, bang, bang

Are you guys home?  I see your cars

….walks over to the window places her cupped hands to her face framing her eyes and peeks inside.

Yoo hoo, hello??!!

Kavika to Red:  Red, shhhh….. be quiet and maybe she’ll go away.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang 

PJ:     Hello?!!  Hey, are you guys home?  I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by. 

Red:  Kavika, she’s not going away.  We’re going to have to let her in.  I swear I don’t know how you get involved with some of these crazy people!  For god’s sake put your hair up or we’ll never get rid of her!


Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  PJ   9 years ago

LMAO, the tipi doesn't have a door bell, Pj. Besides Amos has been trained as an attack armadillo...Amos is easy if you have a hand full of insects for him...He'll be in love with you forever.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

If I ever get to come back, I'll stop at a Bait and Tackle shop and get him some bugs, as a hostess gift...  I'm so sorry we missed him!

Please give dear Red a hug for me, and kiss little Wiki and Annie for me!  Such a wonderful family you have!

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

I must say Dowser, that Red and I really enjoyed our visit together. Of course Wiki and Annie were in 7th heaven.

Wiki is still throwing her toy all over the house and then goes and chases it.

Thank you for all the kind words, and back at ya.

Matthew was a gem, what a great kid.

Thank you for coming to visit the wooden tipi. Amos was really upset that he didn't meet  you. He can be pretty cranky at times. He likes nothing better than chasing a teenager around the hill.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Matthew was quite disappointed that I forgot to ask about Amos...  I received several dirty looks, especially when we got lost trying to get back!  Obviously I can't follow directions backwards.  I've now done that twice on this trip...  OH well!

We had so much fun being with y'all, and really enjoyed your kind hospitality!

So glad little Wiki likes her toys!  My dogs love things that flop-- I bet she'll love the one that flops!  I hope so, anyway!

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    9 years ago

Awesome and fun! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us all Dowser!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Thank you, dear Larry!  We have more adventures to come-- the Shut-ins, car trouble, our almost detour to Fulton, (at the bottom of KY), etc.  

What is a road trip without peanut butter?  What's a road trip without ham salad/cooler water?  I'll never know...

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    9 years ago

I did not see this excellent photo essay until just now … to think I might have missed it!

And while I can more-or-less claim … "Been there -- done that," if Branson wasn't a bit difficult to get to from Philly, I'd be back out that way at least once a year … to hang out with Kavika especially.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser  replied to  A. Macarthur   9 years ago

Me, too!!!

6 hours isn't that much, but its enough to wear me out, driving...  Note:  the 6 hours doesn't include taking the scenic route...


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