
New New Left Ideology Controls the Democratic Party


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  7 years ago  •  68 comments

New New Left Ideology Controls the Democratic Party
The left as represented by today’s Democratic Party has failed to be truthful, just, loving, kind, and respectful of our Constitution and Judeo-Christian morality. The Democratic Party has moved by stages from the Old Left, to the New Left, to the New New Left, where it is today. In the New Deal, or Old Left, the socialist ideals of Eugene Debs and the liberal fascism of Woodrow Wilson began to be integrated. Union organizing was legitimized during the New Deal, unemployed workers were given higher priority, and wage and price controls were attempted. Further, federal attempts at control over private enterprise intensified. Later, the hegemony of New Deal thinking was challenged. The Henry Wallace wing of the Democratic Party in the 1940s coalesced with Students for a Democratic Society in the 1960s to challenge the New Deal version of the Left that was represented by Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey. That leftist coalition against the Old Left became known as the New Left. It coalesced around opposition to the Vietnam War and support for the more violent Black Power movement led by Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, H. Rap Brown, and Stokely Carmichael.

Gradually, the New Left became ascendant in our institutions of higher learning, but meanwhile a militancy and grassroots antagonism towards capitalism and individualism continued to grow in the body politic and among the students. The New New Left added in homosexuality, feminism (gender equality so-called), and a dogma of America as the "land of exploitation" replacing the prior dogma (which was closer to the truth) of America as "the land of opportunity." The New New Left is more militantly anti-white.

The New New Left has attacked the idea that there is one human nature that makes moral choices, an idea common to religion, which projects a sinful human nature that must be corrected and/or atoned for by intervention of Almighty God. But the idea of one human nature also is held by atheistic Freudianism which describes a dynamic of the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind governed by a series of psychic mechanisms that seek higher and higher levels of integration of the ego, superego, and id. The New New Left instead has a determinism based not only on economics, as with the original Marxists, but also on race and gender, which have been suppressed by a white, male hegemony as well as by bourgeois economic values of private property, family, and corporate forms of organization.

For most of the left today, the history of the U.S. is now considered a history of genocide, racism, and assaults on the poor workers, and those even below the workers like the unemployed and the physically and mentally disabled (all of these formerly called “the lumpen-proletariat” by the original Marxists) by money and status hungry white males. Howard Zinn’s best-selling leftist textbook The Peoples’ History of the United States, used in U.S. History courses in colleges and universities throughout our land, is but an introduction to the more extreme views held by today’s left-wing. To the left, money and status hungry white males have almost enslaved women and people of color within our borders and around the world. Programs like unemployment insurance, welfare, Section 8 housing, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Aid to Dependent Children, and WIC are all belittled by the left as stopgap measures that are woefully inadequate and ultimately unable to shore up a failed capitalist system.

It is common today to see the leftist agenda referred to in articles and books as "secular humanism." But the New New Left, with its neo-neo-Marxist/Maoist dogma is more severe and far-reaching in its criticism than “secular humanism.” For one thing, it has a vision that is not humanistic in the classic, post-Renaissance use of that term such as might have been applied to Desiderius Erasmus as a 16th century Christian humanist or Abraham Maslow as a 20th century “secular humanist.” The New New Left dogma presents a clear and present danger to every independent thinking, creative, moral, and decent individual living in our society in that it literally calls for a defiance and destruction of “the system.” It is a species of leftism that is more associated with anarchism such as we saw at the end of the 19th century.

The anarchism that led to the Haymarket Riots and violent strikes in the 19th century USA, and to the Russian Revolution were not ignored by right-thinking leadership of the USA in the early 20th century. They perceived that the violent incidents in the USA might be a prelude to the revolutionary upheaval we saw in Russia. Therefore, in 1921 and 1924, despite the beginnings of the administrative state with its entrenched bureaucracies and the frightening Leviathan of the Federal Reserve System, the country was still sufficiently rational and republican (small "r") to pass immigration laws that curtailed massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe because of fears -- legitimate fears -- of the entrance of anarchists, and particularly of communists who would violently try to overthrow our government. But these new immigration laws were not effective in keeping out the leftist ideas that were being promulgated in Europe.

Radical leftists began to understand that violent revolution by the working class (proletariat) was not going to be the basis for anti-capitalist revolutionary change. Rather, revolutionary change (not “reform”) would only come about through a change in the hegemony of certain cliques within the capitalist, individualist system as found in Europe, and especially the USA. Left-wing intellectuals then mobilized themselves to this goal of overthrowing the existing hegemony and replacing it with a new revolutionary neo-Marxist hegemony. Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School of sociologists and psychologists, many of whom emigrated to the U.S. from Europe, thus posited a new “cultural Marxism” for our society. Under the guise of escaping Nazism, many of these brilliant, well-connected individuals were able to gain entrance to the USA. A different species of Marxists emerged in our culture, the "cultural Marxists." The New New Left is culturally Marxist to its core.

What then does the New New Left want? The left does not want our constitutional system. The left does not want federalism. It does not want three branches of government. It does not want checks and balances. The left does not want private enterprise. It wants a one-world government based on Marxist principles as found in various forms of updated (cultural) Marxism. Such a government (you or I might call it a dystopia) is, for them, not fettered with "bourgeois values." The New New Left, as with previous formations of the left, is hypnotized by Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s belief that “Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains.” To the left, our government and socioeconomic system is hopelessly naive and regressive. It is actually exploitative and tends to perpetuate an unjust status quo.

We are facing a cultural tragedy right now. The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power mad neo-neo-Marxists, in our political and intellectual establishment.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/02/new_new_left_ideology_controls_the_democratic_party.html#ixzz4YxOfdVBB
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Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    7 years ago

The democrat party has become so anti God and so far to the left that independents and those truly moderate and balanced will find only the GOP to be appealing to their issues.  

Freshman Silent
link   deepwaterdon  replied to  XXJefferson51   7 years ago

XXXPalin.....Coming from one of the biggest hypocrites/tea party supporter/secessionists on NT, your whole criticism of the 'leftist' movement in the Democratic Party is pure, 100% bullshit, as are most of your posts.

Professor Silent
link   TTGA    7 years ago


I would very much recommend reading A Time for Action written by William E. Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Nixon and Ford.  A fairly short book, it details much of the methodology by which the system of US laws got to the point they are at now.  The people in Congress don't really write very clear laws.  They are mostly vague and semi coherent directives.  According to Secretary Simon, those who actually make the laws workable are the 1st and 2nd level of Civil Service bureaucracy in each department.  They write the regulations interpreting the laws.  They are unelected career bureaucrats and their ranks have been infiltrated by ideological Leftists since the beginning of the New Deal.  It will take a long time to rid the country of their influence.  It can only be done by getting those who believe in Capitalism to also take those jobs and work their way into positions of authority.  That can't be done in one election cycle.

By the way, that book was assigned reading by one of my Pol Sci professors in college.  These days, you won't find too many college professors assigning reading material like that in their classes (those who do can't seem to get tenure; I wonder why).  Admittedly, even then (mid 70's), he was an exception.  He did admit that, while doing research on governmental structures in Central and South America for his PhD thesis, he gathered a lot of extra data which got turned over to the CIA and he was the pilot of a Mosquito bomber who landed agents in Occupied Europe for the OSS in WWII.  Interesting guy.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  TTGA   7 years ago


I would very much recommend reading A Time for Action written by William E. Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury under Presidents Nixon and Ford.

And here's another little tidbit.....

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    7 years ago

The Left is the best enemy you can possibly have.  When the Left wants to help you they hurt you and when the Left wants to hurt you they help you.  Just ask Chick fil a.  Or you can ask the students at colleges.  The left took over the student debt to help them and the cost of a college education has ballooned.  The left's ideas of helping a city like Detroit has hurt it tremendously.  So don't let the Left help you or you will be disappointed, but if they want to hurt you then you will be very happy.  Just ask Milo or Ben Shapiro.  No one really cared about them until the Left decided to hurt them, now they are known world wide and many more people want to see and listen to them than before.

The Left never learns that when they try to stifle people's freedom of speech many are offended and will fight even harder to maintain their freedom of speech.

The left has also contributed to the largest increase of conservatives in decades.  Call it backlash.


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  sixpick   7 years ago

You are ridiculous.

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   7 years ago

A conspiracy nut! No offense.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   7 years ago

You are ridiculous

I know Liberals don't to hear the truth as it can be seen here, but that is the truth.  Having a Liberal as someone wanting to hurt you only helps you.  Take Chick fil a for example.  The Liberals were going to protest them and really hurt them, but Chick fil a had the best payday in the history of their company.  People who never ate at Chick fil a are now patronizing them due to the efforts of Liberals trying to run them out of business.  Come on Liberals, we appreciate your hurt.  If you have a business, the best thing that could happen to you is to have a Left Wing Liberal boycott!!!

The media did everything they could to help Hillary, but hurt her instead and they did everything they could to hurt Trump and look who is President.  Liberals trying to hurt you only helps you, plain as day.

Liberal calls half of Trump's supporters deplorable and a number of other bad things trying to hurt him and show the people how bad Trump's supporters were.  Well, that didn't turn out so well, did it?

Anytime Liberals try to help, they actually hurt whoever they're trying to help and anytime they try to hurt someone, they help instead, never fails.

They think they are hurting these speakers.  I never even knew of them before the Liberals tried to hurt them and now they are all over the TV getting paid for appearances they never would have gotten otherwise.  And to top that colleges are starting to change their tune about real diversity instead of various levels of Liberal diversity on campuses.  Come on Liberals, hurt us some more!!!  The Liberals are the ones building these speakers audiences.

The Liberals Far Left Arm Anarchist riot and burn things at Berkley against speakers they don't want anyone to hear try to hurt them by doing so.  Now who do you think the average American ties this group with, Republicans or Democrats?  I can assure you it isn't the Republicans.  You haven't seen any Republicans standing out protesting with the protesters who are there at these riots, have you.  They tie them to the Democrat Party, the Socialist Democrats, Communist types, Anarchist on the Left, not the so called right wing.  They thought they were hurting someone by preventing the people inside from hearing the speaker, but they actually helped him and they helped the people inside to see what they are up against to educate a new generation of Conservatives if you will to the evils of Leftism.

Don't you just love it the way Trump just doesn't give a crap about what the media thinks.  He probably was the only candidate who could have beat Hillary Clinton out of that group of Republicans, because the others would have allowed her and the media to run all over them.  I know he lies and exaggerates and the media try and use it to hurt him, but guess what, it actually helps him.  You see there is a silent majority in this country as all of you found out this last election who are tired of your Socialistic Left Wing crap and we're not going to take it any longer.  They try to hurt him and somehow it helps him, beats me, but that's the truth.

The Left Wing Media puts out a story about all these National Guard will be going out and grabbing all the Illegals.  Now they are still pushing this even today long after Spicer said it was 100% untrue and nothing has changed since Obama was President at this time in the number or attention on getting illegals, but the Left Wing Media pushes this lie over and over trying to hurt Trump, but guess what?  You think everyone still believes it, but they don't and many more will realize what a lie it was shortly.  Trying to hurt and ending up helping, the Liberal Left Wing Fake News Media.

The Liberals see the media as one of them and everyday Americans see them the same way, one of them, meaning one of the Liberals or Democrats.  For Trump, the everyday American sees someone fighting the big bad lying Democrat Left Wing Media.

You see the Socialist Left Wing Media never ask their candidates any hard questions and never ask a Republican an easy question or something that doesn't have an underlying trick to it so they can twist it later when they go to publish it.  You see the system sucks and the media is part of the message which is the Democrat message.  The system is stacked against the Republicans because of this, so Trump handles it better than anyone else every has.  He mopped the floor with the Press and the people loved it!!!

The media has sunk to a new low.  Who cares what Trump's ratings are.  Of course the Democrats still have a 51% approval rating of the media, but Clinton had a 85% chance of winning the election and I believe some from the media were all the way up to 95% a week before the election.

Now the Republicans and Independents have a much lower approval rating of the media. 30% for the Independents which is the lowest they've had and 14% for the Republicans, the lowest they've had.  And the Democrats continue to lose Governorships and legislature seats by the dozens.  Sorry, but the American people are waking up and I don't think you are going to like it very much at all.  The Republicans give more to charity than the Democrats do.  They want to help people to be more successful and they are tired of the Left Wing Media and lying to everyone all the time.

LOOK!!!  Remember how hard the media has tried to hurt Ivanka Trump?

Ivanka Trump’s Perfume Is the Bestselling Fragrance on Amazon

SEE!!! Just another example of Liberals trying to hurt you.


Singer Who Wore Trump Dress To Grammys Is Now No. 1 On iTunes

Singer Who Wore Trump Dress To Grammys Is Now No. 1 On iTunes

Figured I had better put this up since it isn't #1 today, but was and I'm sure the resident Fake News Publisher and Correction Agent would try to prove me wrong and then go hide somewhere.


Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  sixpick   7 years ago

All true.  Those whom the left target benefit from that targeting.  They become better off than if they were never targeted by the left.  That's due to the effect of a buycott.  

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     7 years ago

''We are facing a cultural tragedy right now. The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power mad neo-neo-Marxists, in our political and intellectual establishment. ''

And the Republican party has been co-opted by the lunatic right wing evangelicals, who's motto of being inclusive is belied by the fact that they are inclusive only if you believe as they do.

God has never saved a country, nor has God destroyed one. Man doesn't need any help when it comes to destroying, we are quite good at it.


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Kavika   7 years ago

God has never saved a country, nor has God destroyed one. 

Not according to Genesis.  He once murdered the world, if you believe in fairytales.


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