
13 Cool Picnic Gadgets


Category:  Wine & Food

Via:  robert-in-ohio  •  10 years ago  •  14 comments

13 Cool Picnic Gadgets


Courtesy of The Coolest Team

From coolers equipped with margarita blenders to picnic-table condiment caddies, here are 13 ways to take your picnic game up a level.

Check out this <a href=#picnicbike! Just pack it full of all of your #wine and #food essentials and take off! The weather is perfect for this today 😊." src="http://i.embed.ly/1/display/resize?key=1e6a1a1efdb011df84894040444cdc60&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent.cdninstagram.com%2Fhphotos-xtf1%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fe15%2F10251402_1551867685092856_1342740719_n.jpg&width=810">















jrDiscussion - desc
Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Makes you wonder how we ever managed to have a picnic without these modern gadgets when we were younger.

Actually it doesn't

Picnics and backyard cookouts were a big part of life when I was younger and we had no such gadgets.

My wife does like the condiment holder for the picnic table and suggests that I could make some of those as Christmas gifts for family - we will see.

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
The picnic table condiment holders are the only things that interest me. Wife is right, they would make neat Christmas presents.
Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

I agree that the condiment holder is really cool, the other thing I like is the "draw string blanket"!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


The wife is usually right, I have found over the years

Thanks for the feedback

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


I had really paid attention to that one, but you are right there are possibilities there

Thanks for stopping by

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

I like the bike.

The most important thing is missing...BUG SPRAY!!!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Bug spray is an important aspect to all outdoor outings up here by the lake - good point

As to the bike - I do not ride bikes all that much, but an attachment such as that on my golf cart or perhaps that fits in a saddle bag now there is an idea

Thanks for the feedback

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

The smore's maker wins hands down IMHOSmile.gif

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

That IS a cool idea!!!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

We took Tommy, (our dog), with us on a picnic Saturday night, and I must admit, that little boombox/basket would have been a real hit. We just went to a city park, and there was a lot of traffic on the main road a block away, so a little music would have been nice.

Tommy sat at the table with us, and "submarined", (lurked/cruised beneath the table), for bites. It was a lovely time and Tommy would like to go again, I could tell!

I like that blanket in a bag, too-- the little picnic table condiment holder thing is cute! Also the wine cooler thingy. We have tons of this stuff at the camper, and love to take picnics. All my life, I've loved picnics...

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

It has been so long since I have been on a picnic...now I want to go on a picnic in the very near future!!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


If you are making smores in large numbers I can see the value and utility for sure

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Good choices

Thanks for the feedback

I hope the family picnic was a lot of fun

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Robert in Ohio    10 years ago


Picnics are a lot of fun especially when the family gathers


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