17 Regional Foods Every American Should Eat Before They Die
Whatis American food? What comes to mind when thinking of the culinary classics in the United States? Hopefully, it is not just a Big Mac or a Cookout milkshake, but instead, the traditionalplatesyou associate with different regions. From the Florida Keys to Minnesota, New York toHawaii and many stops in between, the variance in farecan be tremendous. The distinctionof American cuisine is that no one food defines our food culture. Instead, you must try them all. So heres your culinary bucket list, America. Eat up; its your patriotic duty.
1. Nathans Famous Hot DogConey Island
Photo courtesy owlpacino via of flickr.com
A classic American tradition for the Fourth of July, the Nathans Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest draws crowds of more than 30,000 annually. While you can purchase your own Nathans dog in your local grocery store, there is nothing like eating a fresh hot dog smothered in chili or sauerkraut at itshome in Coney Island.
2. Deep Dish Pizza in Chicago
Photo by Ataya Kanji
Deep dish pizza resembles more of a casserole or a cake than a traditional pizza, which is precisely why it is amazing. It heralds from the Near North Side Neighborhood of Chicago, where two Italian-Americans, Ike Sewell and Ric Riccardo, created their own unique take on the classic Italian dish.
3. A New York Bagel
Photo courtesy of flickr.com
No explanation needed. Nothing compares.
4. True Southern Barbecue
Photo by Kristen Yang
Regardless of whether youre of the tomato or vinegar basedpersuasion, you havent lived until youve had true down-home Southern barbecue.
5. Philly Cheesesteak
Photo courtesy of flickr.com
While many try to imitate, there is simply no other place to eat a Philly Cheesesteak than in Philadelphia. The city even has its own folklore over who created the masterpiece. This classic too overplayed for you? Try these modern takes on the Philadelphia favorite.
6. Key Lime Pie in the Florida Keys
Photo by Susan Bean
One of those desserts thats almost too pretty to eat. Almost.
7. Spam
Photo by Julia Murphy
An American staple during World War II, Spam is still oddly prevalent in the island state of Hawaii. A region that has to import much of its food, the convenience of a precooked canned meat product has never lost its appeal. While Im not heralding the product as fine cuisine, to eat Spam is to understand the sacrifices previous generations of Americans made in wartime.
8. Chicken Fried Steak/Country Fried Steak
Photo courtesy of I Believe I Can Fry via flickr.com
Whats more American than frying your steak?
9. New York Pizza
Photo by Kellyn Simpkins
Yes, pizza made it on thebucketlist twice. Pizza is an American food group. New Yorkers and Chicagoans would assure you each style of pizza deserves a category of its own.
10. Shrimp Gumbo
Photo courtesy of Jeffrey W. via flickr.com
The only thing better than traveling down to New Orleans is trying this authentic French Creole dish in the famed Louisiana city.
11. New England Lobster Roll
Photo by Christin Urso
Such a simple concept: lobster soaked in butter served on a steamed roll. Such a classicflavor.
12.MississippiMud Pie
Photo courtesy of cyclonebill via flickr.com
Good luck eating just one piece of this chocolate decadence .
13. Minnesota Hotdish
Photo courtesy of Clint McMahon via flickr.com
Minnesotas version of what the rest of us call a casserole. Yet, hotdish is worthy of its own name. Traditionally containing your choice of meat and vegetables with a soup base and tater tots, check out this quick and easy version here . Youll be missing grandmamas cooking in a minute.
14. Ohio Buckeyes
Photo courtesy of Travis Estell via flickr.com
If youve ever visited Ohio youve encountered some sort of buckeye. A colloquial term for an Ohioan, the buckeye actually comesfrom the Aesculus glabra tree. According to legend , Native Americans dubbed the nut of the tree a buckeye because it resembled the eye of a deer. From their state tree to their University mascot, buckeyes are everywhere in Ohio. But the best kind of buckeye is this chocolate and peanut butter no-bake dessert .
15. Southern Grits
Photo by Kathy Dai
What are grits you ask? A thick corn-based porridge eaten for breakfast in the South covered with cheese , or at dinner with spicy shrimp .
16. Hushpuppies
Photo by Izzi Clark
Americanslike to fry things. And when we run out of things to fry, we simply fry the batter and call it a hushpuppy .
17. Election Cake
Photo courtesy of Ann Larie Valentine via flickr.com
More of a bread than cake, the tradition of eating Election Cake on the day of voting traces its roots back to Revolutionary times. So come this November, after you submit your ballot try out this recipe just like the Forefathers.
I have had all of these dishes, for the most part in the regions or cities where they are famous and culinary staples with the exception of the Shrimp Gumbo, Minnesota Hotdish, New England Lobster Roll
I don't care for seafood I do not know if I will try those or not
But there are certainly some tasty treats in these regional favorites
Bon apetit!
Authentic American dish.
Pan fried hazelnut crusted walleye, with wild rice and cranberries.
I love grits!
You can put honey on them, a little milk, sugar, and cinnamon, or maple syrup. I make cheese grits, and I have a great recipe. Grits are good! They're sort of like Cream of Wheat, but made with corn hominy...
Hushpuppies are also a really good accompaniment to fish, down here, but mine look nothing like that. Basically, it's fried corn meal dough, with diced onions mixed it. They puff up nicely! Such fun! Served with catfish fillets and fried green tomatoes-- oh boy!
Fried Green Tomatoes, YUMMY!
Yeah, we believe in getting our Vitamin G, (grease), every day! And Crisco is king!
That looks great! Yeah, I want some!
I am not fond of fish but that looks very pleasing to the eye and I am sure it is tasty
Thanks for the feedback
My mother's family is from Georgia, I grew up on grits in the morning and fried green tomatoes are still something I enjoy, but they never taste quite like Grandma's
Thanks for the feedback
Never had a pizza at home that tasted as good as the one I got at Uno's
Perhaps the atmosphere helps
Same for the Nathan's hot dog in New York
They are great my wife and her sisters all make them around Christmas time and they are a favorite sweet bite at all of the parties and get togethers.
Thanks for stopping by
We always snag green tomatoes off the vine when we get a taste for these.
As an aside, we grow our tomato plants in pots on the deck, you might try that if you have a little outside space to work with that gets some sun
The only place that gets sun at our house is in the front yard, right next to the road. UGH! I am ready to move!
Most of the farmer's markets here sell green tomatoes, I'm grateful to say! Besides, I always try to buy my produce from them-- it helps local businesses!
It can be difficult to find that gumbo File, though... I finally found a store that carries it!
I would also like to nominate: Kentucky Bourbon Balls.
My Grandma made them with crushed graham crackers, powdered sugar, and bourbon, then dipped them in chocolate. She used to serve them to her bridge club-- and all the little old ladies would get a bit tipsy! What fun!
We have a fish market that sells all manner of local and imported fish and related foods and I think that is where my wife gets such spices when she and her sisters make gumbo and other fish dishes.
AMEN to Uno's Deep Dish Pizza!!!!! AWESOME!!
It certainly looks like he wither sees fish, smells fish or heard fish - that is an intense stare!
In my view, the best in Chicago.
We used to drive down from Milwaukee for it
You simply cannot go wrong with hush puppies!
The picture makes me want some!
We had a similar experience with a rum cake that my mother in law made
Enough rum to put a dozen sailors in dry dock and an unsuspecting aunt, who didn't drink much, a similar result but she became quite talkative (unusual) before she started napping.
Raven, my Daddy liked to cook. In fact growing up he cooked for the whole family quite often as his sisters all worked in town. After my mother passed away, his house was like a restaurant for all the old farts. I think he died from his cooking though. LOL
He would load his hush puppies with little slices of onion and I don't know what else, but they were delicious. I could make a meal out of them. They looked like your photo above only with lots of onions. I would want to say somewhat sweet onions, but not too much.
My mom used to make them with onions and hot peppers in them and we eat them as snacks by the platter full, especially my dad
Thanks for bringing that memory back to me
The Uno's in downtown Chicago isthe only Uno's I have had, and it's the bestpizza I have ever had!!
I think we are talking about the same place
Fried green tomatoes are YUMMY!!
I's been a long time since I have been there, but, if I remember correctly,people are allowed to write on the walls!!
California beefsteak served with a side order of bone dry dirt :
I mentioned to my wife last evening that we have not had hush puppies in a long time!
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