
Why the Trump Agenda Is Moving Slowly: The Republicans’ Wonk Gap


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  bob-nelson  •  7 years ago  •  5 comments

Why the Trump Agenda Is Moving Slowly: The Republicans’ Wonk Gap

Original article  by Neil Irwin - The Upshot (NYT )

When Republicans won in November, it looked as if 2017 would mean a major legislative shift to the right. But two months into the 115th Congress and six weeks into the Trump administration, progress on fulfilling Republicans’ major domestic policy goals is looking further away, not closer.

Plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act have quickly become a quagmire as lawmakers grapple with the risk of millions losing their health insurance. A corporate tax overhaul that has backing from House Republicans is running into serious opposition among Senate Republicans. Work on a major infrastructure bill, which President Trump has always been more enthusiastic about than congressional Republicans, has been punted to next year. Overhauling the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, it is clear, will be no quick task.

This is partly just the usual slow grinding of legislative gears; don’t forget that it took the Obama administration 14 months to pass its health care overhaul. And it’s partly a result of Democrats in the Senate slowing down confirmation of most of President Trump’s nominees, which leaves less time for legislating.

But there’s another element in the sluggish or nonexistent progress on major elements of the Republican agenda. Large portions of the Republican caucus embrace a kind of policy nihilism. They criticize any piece of legislation that doesn’t completely accomplish conservative goals, but don’t build coalitions to devise complex legislation themselves.

The roster of congressional Republicans includes lots of passionate ideological voices. It is lighter on the kind of wonkish, compromise-oriented technocrats who move bills.

The years of lock-step Republican opposition to President Obama’s agenda are well known, and that opposition is rooted in ideology. But the aversion to doing the messy work of making policy really goes back further than that. Consider what happened in domestic policy after George W. Bush won re-election in 2004.

First, Mr. Bush sought to partly privatize Social Security , a plan that went nowhere in a Republican-led Congress. He pushed for comprehensive immigration reform, and conservatives scuttled that. Later, after Democrats won Congress in 2006, a majority of Republican House members voted against the financial rescue bill known as TARP in 2008, even as a president of their own party said it was needed to avert an economic calamity.

The last time congressional Republicans have done the major lifting of making domestic policy was Mr. Bush’s first term, a productive time that included an expansion of Medicare to cover prescription drugs, the No Child Left Behind education law, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act that reshaped securities law and tax cuts in 2001 and 2003.

But that’s now a decade and a half ago. Only 51 of the 238 current House Republicans were in Congress then — meaning a significant majority of Republican House members have never been in Congress at a time when their party was making major domestic policy.

“The vast bulk of the Republican conference were elected on howls of protests against Obama’s agenda, but governing is a very different skill,” said Michael Steel , who was a top aide to former Speaker of the House John Boehner, and is now a managing director at Hamilton Place Strategies. “It requires a different kind of muscle, and that muscle has atrophied.”

John Boehner, then the speaker of the House, returning to the Capitol at the end of a government shutdown in October 2013.
Credi Doug Mills/The New York Times

 He noted that Speaker Paul Ryan has tried to keep some of those governing muscles toned by passing elements of his “Better Way” agenda, even when they had no shot of being passed by the Senate or signed by President Obama.

Having a Republican in the White House may not make things much easier. Many of the newer Republican lawmakers have shown little inclination to follow leaders with more experience in passing complex legislation. In debt ceiling standoffs in 2011 and 2013 — the latter combined with a government shutdown — congressional leaders were pushed into confrontation by a base that didn’t want to compromise with President Obama to keep the government running.

In 2015, Mr. Boehner called conservative members of his party who sought government shutdowns “false prophets” who “whip people into a frenzy believing they can accomplish things they know are never going to happen.”

If you make a career opposing even the basic work of making the government run, it’s hard to pivot to writing major legislation. In the opposition, it’s easy to be strident and pure in your views. Legislative sausage-making requires compromise and flexibility and focus on the gritty details. Some politicians are great at both opposition and actual legislating — but not many.

You’re seeing that dynamic most vividly with the Republicans’ efforts to repeal Obamacare. They have spent years assailing the law, but the criticisms have always had a fundamental contradiction. They say the health insurance that people obtain through the law is inadequate and too expensive; they also say that the program involves too much government intervention in the economy.

As a rhetorical tool, one can slide from one argument to the next easily. But when it’s time to legislate, it’s hard to deal with both of those issues at once. If you make the program cheaper and more market-based, you’re almost certainly making insurance less comprehensive, leaving fewer Americans well covered.

That’s why Mr. Boehner, now apparently enjoying his retirement greatly, said recently that Republicans would not repeal and replace Obamacare, despite years of promises to do so.

“In the 25 years that I served in the United States Congress, Republicans never, ever, one time agreed on what a health care proposal should look like,” Mr. Boehner said at a panel discussion. “Not once.”

If a more conventional Republican were in the White House — Mitt Romney, say, or John Kasich — clear leadership on policy details could come from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. A president has the bully pulpit of his office, control over a vast bureaucracy that can help sort through the technical issues around a law, and, normally, a campaign policy agenda that can form a starting point for legislation.

But President Trump is even less attuned to policy detail than the typical House Republican. He didn’t campaign on a detailed policy agenda. And he seems to have only recently figured out what a policy morass health care can be. (“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated,” he said Monday, to guffaws from anyone who has thought even a bit about health care reform.)

None of this means that major legislation won’t happen in coming years. Republicans are united in the desire for tax cuts, and the analysts who handicap these things remain confident that a major tax package will be enacted this year or early in 2018.

But it’s hard to carry out a sweeping agenda of shrinking and remaking the federal government when relatively few members of your own party have the inclination to focus on policy details, embrace compromise and accept the inherent trade-offs that come with change.


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The topic is explaining why Republicans have so few ideas nowadays.


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Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

RED RULES apply:

  - Be polite. No insults whatsoever. No insults to particular people, to groups of people, to ideas, ... None!
  - Be smart and stay on topic. Contribute substantive thought. Facts and/or reasoning. One-line zingers and bumper-sticker mantras are by definition off-topic, and will be deleted.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   seeder  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

I've been hassling our conservative friends lately (particularly XX), in an effort to get them to post policy ideas, rather than their usual red meat drivel.

This is an explanation for why there just aren't any conservative ideas out there...

Sophomore Participates
link   Randy  replied to  Bob Nelson   7 years ago

Many of them simply do not know how to govern. They don't know how to write a proper bill, hold hearings that are open to the public, have witnesses from groups that will be affected by the bill, make necessary changes that will get the bill passed, hopefully in a bi-partisan manner and then put it out on the floor for a vote. It's like they never took basic civics classes.

They also have to accept that their health care bill was not one, it was a tax cut for the rich and was a terrible bill!

Masters Quiet
link   PJ    7 years ago

Good article Bob.  I thought it was very well written.  When Obama came into office and the tea party erupted on the scene I watched how they conducted themselves and it was clear to me what was driving their movement but the institutionalized Republicans did nothing to direct the movement.  They allowed it to take on various forms of extremism and now the monster they allowed and enabled has overtaken their party.  As the article rightly points out, they elected people who have no idea how to govern because they weren't sent to Washington to govern.  They were sent to say "NO" and to represent a small faction of our population.  These "do nothing" Congressmen and Senators are a direct result of gerrymandering.  

What we're witnessing is an evolution of the Republican party and that evolution is going to have an irreversible impact on the Country as a whole.   I don't think it will be for the better but sometimes we have to burn it down in order to start over.

I don't know the answer to the question you are posing but I have to admit that I'm well aware that I'm living during a pivotal time in this Country's history.  What happens now will reshape the country.  It's interesting watching the country as it prepares to implode.  

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     7 years ago

What I found to be enlightening was the vote on the health care bill...From what I've seen the Freedom Caucus around 24 or so voted against the bill. Around 12 or so ''moderate'' republicans voted against it.

The rest of the republican party voted for it. Looking at the bill, it would have gutted ACA. Yet, the so called moderates voted for it...That is something that should really send up red flags.

What I see in that vote is three parties inside the republican party, with the Freedom Caucus as far right as you can go...Everything is no, with no solution and no ability to govern. The ''moderates'' voted for it, but they to cannot and do not have the ability to govern. The third group, the dozen or so that voted against it, at least showed that they were really worried that their constituents would be left in the cold, or that the town hall meeting showed that they might not be re elected.

Paul Ryan and the republicans bringing this bill to a vote, was a example of their inability to understand the basics of governing.

Bottom line to this, IMO, is that few if any of the republicans have any idea on how to govern. Additionally, I don't seem them learning from this health care fiasco.

I'll bet that Bohner is have a very good day/week/month.


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