
10 Unbelievable Historical Concurances


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  dowser  •  10 years ago  •  41 comments

10 Unbelievable Historical Concurances

Any time I read about history, I try to put it in the context of what different family members were doing at the time-- where they lived, what they might have seen, etc. This article really pushed my buttons as being interesting, because it takes disparate historical events, and compares them, in time. I think you will be amazed! (Original article here .)

1. Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.



2. Queen Elizabeth II is older, by 1.5 months, than Marilyn Monroe.



3. Anne Frank was born the same year as the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.



4. Christopher Columbus was one year older than Leonardo DaVinci.



5. The Titanic sunk the same year that the drug "Ectacy" was first synthesized.



6. Charlie Chaplin was 4 days older than Hitler.



7. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same date.



8. The stegosaurus died out 84 million years before the tyrannosaurus. Stegosaurus died out 150 million years ago, and tyrannosaurus died out 66 million years ago.



9. The last known widow of a Civil War veteran died the same year that President Obama was first elected, (2008)



10. Wooly Mammoths still roamed the earth when the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed.



Thanks for coming by!


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

I found these to be neat little facts that I would have never put together! Hope you enjoy!


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

The stegosaurus died out 84 million years before the tyrannosaurus. Stegosaurus died out 150 million years ago, and tyrannosaurus died out 66 million years ago.

Can't be true. Everyone knows that the Earth is only between 6 and 7 thousand years old.Grin.gif

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Wooly Mammoths still roamed the earth when the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed

Hmmm , so that's how they moved those heavy stone blocks ... (; ~ P

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    10 years ago

Absolutely amazing.

Some say there are no coincidences and perhaps they are right, but there are certainly very interesting concurrences of events that are surprising, interesting and informative

Thanks for sharing

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Interesting information Dowser. Thanks for the post.

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

What an interestingway to look at things....who would have thought!! Good find Dowser!

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson    10 years ago

Do you know, Dowser, just how many conspircy theories you could start with these factoids?!


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    10 years ago

Can't be true. Everyone knows that the Earth is only between 6 and 7 thousand years old.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Funny! Both of you!


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Thanks! Finding pictures of everything that would fit was hard!


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Oh my! NOW, we know! Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

thanks! I found this and had to share! Grin.gif

Thanks to all of you!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Oh noooo!!! Tons of them!

Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

lolI'll bet when they were in school, they were the class clowns!!

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
I could not figure out the math on the civil war widow...until I googled. She married him when she was 19 and he was in his eighties! There was another one who died in 2003, they were married when she was 18 and he was 81! I think they had about 10 years together.
Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Seems like I read a book about the Last Confederate Widow... It was Pete Longstreet's wife. But, I don't think this is her...


Love you, jennilee!

Freshman Silent
link   jennilee    10 years ago
Thanks Dowser! Love you, too!
Professor Silent
link   Nona62    10 years ago

24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

Some how the teachers never "got" my jokes or my kind of humor?Grin.gif

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    10 years ago

The Oxford/Aztec connection is the most mind boggling to me. Thanks for posting.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

I'm glad you liked it! I haven't had much time to post much today... Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

It was to me, too!

Then the one about the dinosaurs got me, too... Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

Teachers at inner city school lose their sense of humor almost as soon as they start. I good day was less then 5 fistfights.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    10 years ago

What gems, thanks for posting. Like others, fascinated by the wooly mammoths and the pyramids in Giza.

Hard to believe the Titanic and ecstasy are on the same time continuum! Perhaps more than just an iceberg was involved Grin.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

Pretty mind-boggling, all in all...

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    10 years ago

LOL, Lynne! Grin.gif

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51    10 years ago

9. The last known widow of a Civil War veteran died the same year that President Obama was first elected, (2008) This one I'm trying to figure out. The civil war ended in 1865. By 1950 even a 15 year old boy who just got into the war in 1865 which could have happened in the south would have been 100. Some very old 75+vet must have married a very young 20- woman between 1920-1930 and she lived near to or past 100 to make this work.



Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit    10 years ago

I could not figure out the math on the civil war widow

Jennilee, that one reminded me of a recentstory Icame acrossabout how two Grand Children of our tenth President are still alive today.

President John Tyler's Grandsons Are Still Alive

John Tyler was born in 1790. He took office in 1841, after William Henry Harrison died. And he has two living grandchildren .

Not great-great-great-grandchildren. Their dad was Tylers son.

How is this possible?

The Tyler men have a habit of having kids very late in life. Lyon Gardiner Tyler, one of President Tylers 15 kids, was born in 1853. He fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. in 1924, and Harrison Ruffin Tyler in 1928.

Nice find Dowser, thanks.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson    10 years ago

Very, very cool story!


Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit    10 years ago

Very, very cool story!

I thought so too Bob.

I shared the story with my daughter and tried to illustrate how bazar it was by describing it to her this way.

Me and some other old geezers are sitting around the pickle barrel playing dominoes and trying to one up each other as to how oldwe are.

I slap a spinner down and announce, "I'm so old that both of my grandpa's fought in WW II & one of them was even in WW I! (true family history that she is aware of)

Then the old guy sitting next to me makes the winning score off my play, stands and announces, "Well I'm so old my Grandpa was the President of these United States,20 years BEFORE the Civil War! Drops his mic and walks off stage. lol

Describing the story in that manner helped her see how wonderfully weirdit truly is. Plus the image it put in her head made her laugh. :-)

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson    10 years ago


Time passes.

When I was a kid, I was a Civil War buff, like so many others. The Civil War seemed very real -- less than a century in the past.

Now, WWI is already a century old, and the Civil War seems like prehistory.

I wonder what happened......

Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit    10 years ago

I wonder what happened......

We got old...... Smile.gif

True That! :-)

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson    10 years ago

We got old.....

Did we?

I can't remember...



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