Business Insider: "Elon Musk just threatened to leave Trump's advisory councils if the US withdraws from the Paris climate deal"
Elon Musk and Donald Trump. AP/ Evan Vucci
Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he would leave President Donald Trump's advisory councils if the US withdrew from the Paris Agreement.
Trump is planning to pull the US out of the Paris climate deal, the news website Axios reported early Wednesday.
"Don't know which way Paris will go, but I've done all I can to advise directly to POTUS, through others in WH & via councils, that we remain," Musk said on Twitter on Wednesday.
Musk then said he would have "no choice" but to depart Trump's advisory councils if the US pulled out of the climate deal.
Who is Elon Musk?
Elon Reeve Musk is a South African-born Canadian-American business magnate , investor , [ engineer , and inventor .
He is the founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX ; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Inc. .
He is also co-chairman of OpenAI ; founder and CEO of Neuralink . He was previously co-founder and chairman of SolarCity ; co-founder of Zip2 ; and founder of, which merged with Confinity and took the name PayPal .
As of May 2017, he has an estimated net worth of $15.2 billion,.
Musk was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People .
Musk sits on two of Trump's councils: an economic advisory board and the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative.
Musk has come under fire for his proximity to the Trump administration — some people claimed they canceled their Tesla Model 3 orders because of his involvement in the councils.
Musk has visited the White House three times since Trump took office in January for meetings about infrastructure spending and US manufacturing.
Musk has said that a goal of being involved with Trump's advisory councils is to help convert the planet to sustainable energy.
His latest project is solar roof tiles to add to his many other projects and accomplishments.
"Don't know which way Paris will go, but I've done all I can to advise directly to POTUS, through others in WH & via councils, that we remain," Musk said on Twitter on Wednesday.
Musk then said he would have "no choice" but to depart Trump's advisory councils if the US pulled out of the climate deal.
Tesla Motors would not be able to compete in the auto market against IC engine cars if it wasn't for the subsidies that were set up by Obama . They are not economically structured to do so ...
I don't see how any scientist with a shred of self-respect could work for/with Trump.
... ... On second thought... why limit that to scientists?
I don't see how any scientist with a shred of self-reI don't see how any scientist with a shred of self-respect could work for/with Trump.
... ... On second thought... why limit that to scientists?spect could work for/with Trump.
Ever since Trump got elected, there was a debate amongst Democratas: should they totally resist everything Trump did-- should,they even vote down every one of his proposals in Congress-- even ones they agreed with?
(Spending on infrastructure spending being one example-- in fact I believe it was the only issue that both Hillary and Trump agreed on. The opposition to it would come from conservative Republicans, who believe the goal must always be to decrease spending {unless its military of course}).
Or: Should they staunchly resist all his policies but support those they agree with???
Musk's argument for consulting with Trump was that he felt that the more sane input Trump got-- the better. (BTW Musk voted for Hillary).
I can understand Musk's attempting to give intelligent advice to the President. It's kinda courageous, even.
Musk has, with sadness I would guess, surrendered to the evidence: Trump is hopeless, so staying with him does no good, while destroying the honor of the advisor.
The President of Disney resigned, too.
On second thought... why limit that to scientists?
I agree. He wants to do a shake up at the White House, but he can't find anyone better then the group of mostly clowns he has now. No one who wants to keep their reputation wants to come to work for this White House any longer and why should they? The place is a fucking mess! I'd advise the few smart ones left to run...NOW!
I agree. He wants to do a shake up at the White House, but he can't find anyone better then the group of mostly clowns he has now. No one who wants to keep their reputation wants to come to work for this White House any longer and why should they? The place is a fucking mess! I'd advise the few smart ones left to run...NOW!
I recently saw on a news programme that there's a YUGE number of unfilled vacancies that Trump must fill. But apparently the problem is not that he's not trying to fill them-- but rather everyone he asks turns him down! (Can't say I blame them).
I agree. He wants to do a shake up at the White House, but he can't find anyone better then the group of mostly clowns he has now. No one who wants to keep their reputation wants to come to work for this White House any longer and why should they? The place is a fucking mess! I'd advise the few smart ones left to run...NOW!
I recently saw on a news programme that there's a YUGE number of unfilled vacancies that Trump must fill. But apparently the problem is not that he's not trying to fill them-- but rather everyone he asks turns him down! (Can't say I blame them).
Nearly 400 from what I hear that still need Senate approval. Trump supporters are screaming that the Democrats in the Senate are holding up the confirmations, but that would be hard to do considering that the GOP can confirm anyone without the Democrats and that the Trump administration isn't even submitting any names to fill the jobs. Like you said, no one wants them. They don't want to sign onto the Titanic or is it Gilligan's Island? Many agencies are like tombs of empty offices, except for the civil service workers.
If it was hard to recruit before this decision, it's going to be a lot worse now. People are going to ask themselves, "Do I really want the rest of my life to be labeled 'Trump'?"
Well, there are always a lot of unemployed people outside of Home Depot looking for work? Then again even they might not work for him no matter what the pay. LOL!
I don't see how any scientist with a shred of self-respect could work for/with Trump.
Well, Elon Musk agrees with you-- his latest tweet (after Trump announced he was leaving the Paris Accord::
Tesla ( TSLA ) and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who had threatened to leave the president’s advisory council, confirmed he would in a disapproving tweet.
Elon Musk represents the worst of crony capitalism that steals from us and gives to him. He should be kicked to the curb and his subsidies ended ASAP.
One of the great things about the Paris Accord is that, while the moron in the Oval Office may play to his base by saying we are pulling out of it, there are so many nations and states and cities and communities that are going to stick to the goals of the accord anyway and that him saying we are as a country are going to pull out is really not going to have much of any real effect at all. Mostly because, except for an ever shrinking number of sycophants, not that many people care what he does or does not think about this issue anyway when it comes to changing their actions. Sure people care about the damage he does to the environment when he allows things like coal companies and fracking companies to start dumping their poisonous slurry into public streams and rivers. However as far as this what he did today, it's overall pure symbolism.
And by the way Donald, the world is not laughing at America, they are laughing at you and you alone and have been since your overseas trip and this just adds to it their laughter.
Does pulling out of the Paris climate deal hurt America’s credibility internationally?
It's interesting to speculate about Trump's motives.
I can't see any explanation as solid as "playing a tough-guy movie role".
By extension, we observe his Faithful playing the same role: "proving how macho they are" by laughing as the world burns. Our little NT conservative community follows this pattern perfectly.
It's pitiful, really.
Here's something really pitiful . The liberals can't comprehend trying to save US taxpayers some major expenses . Spend spend spend is all they ever know ...
Laughing as the world burns? Spare us the little drama queening, the only thing burning are your fantastical delusions. You wouldn't be able to see a pattern because you aren't capable.
The human race isn't going to be pushed to extinction because Trump bailed on a voluntary Climate accord only the US is foolish enough to abide by.
Well said. The agreement was an unscientific farce to begin with. I doubt any other nation will meet the goals.
Right. Trump and anti-environmental conservatives are wiser about climate change that the vast majority of the world's climate scientists. Sounds reasonable.
It's interesting to speculate about Trump's motives.
Perhaps it might be as simple as him acting to make his base happy. A typical knee-jerk reaction intended to please his hard-core supporters. (Estimated to be 35-38% of the population).
But while pandering to his supporters, he's annoying the estimated 60+ % of the population that does not support him.
It's interesting to speculate about Trump's motives.
Perhaps it might be as simple as him acting to make his base happy. A typical knee-jerk reaction intended to please his hard-core supporters. (Estimated to be 35-38% of the population).
But while pandering to his supporters, he's annoying the estimated 60+ % of the population that does not support him.
Another possibility: looking at his typical style of operating, whenever there's a news story that tends to portray his actions in a negative way (currently its the Russia scandel) one of his tactics is to try to deflect-- to change the subject.
So by creating headlines re: the Paris Agreement, he is trying to direct attention away from the increasingly damaging news items about his involvement with Russia...)
Actually Randy, they also said we are on target for most of it as well, regardless of the agreement. So in reality, all Trump has done by leaving it is he has gotten the US out of paying billions to the third world countries that want to see us all dead. The real question is why liberals are trying to make such a big deal over it.
You know what they say? Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out!
So, he said....if you don't agree with me, I am going home. That is very adult!
He was probably thinking he was going to be able to suck billions out of the taxpayer like he did with Obama and was disappointed Trump won't play his game.
You know what they say? Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out!
So, he said....if you don't agree with me, I am going home. That is very adult!
Think about what you just said. If you're really trying to argue the case for Trump's actions-- seriously, do you really think a comment like that will convince anyone?
What does it say? Well-- that you don't care if Musk stops advising Trump, and that if he leaves its childish.
But what really happened is that Musk decided he's give it a shot-- that Trump might listen to him.
But when it became obvious that Trump wouldn't listen to him, he left.
Do you really think thatb that's "childish"? Actually it seems pretty sensible, eh?
I don't have to argue the case for Pres. Trump. He made his decision and it really doesn't matter what you or I think. We only have opinions.
There were other people giving advice. He didn't take the advice of Musk. Does that mean that he would always disagree with Musk? Of course, not.
If you have ever sat in the board room or in the state legislature, as I have, then, one's advice is not always adhered to, but considered. Do you quit? Of course, not.
Musk is only one of many experts, you might say, on this subject. Musk made his decision to leave...that's on him and not on Pres. Trump.