
Read Fusion GPS Trump dossier interview full transcript


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  galen-marvin-ross  •  7 years ago  •  21 comments

Read Fusion GPS Trump dossier interview full transcript

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Tuesday released the transcript of congressional investigators' interview in August 2017 with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, whose firm was behind a controversial dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russians.
"The American people deserve the opportunity to see what he said and judge for themselves,” Feinstein said in a statement. “The innuendo and misinformation circulating about the transcript are part of a deeply troubling effort to undermine the investigation into potential collusion and obstruction of justice. The only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public.”

Simpson had called for the transcript of his appearance to be made public, but Republican leaders so far had not agreed to release it.
For the full transcript, click here.

and, just in case the link doesn't work, here is the pdf,



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Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

Grassley said that he wanted to release this transcript however, when it came time to do it he said he wouldn't, if it hadn't been for Feinstein we never would have known the truth behind the transcript. Enjoy. 

Professor Principal
2  JBB    7 years ago

If you needed proof Chuck Grassley is a big olde liar look no further. Fushion is vindicated. Trump will be indicted...

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
2.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  JBB @2    7 years ago
If you needed proof Chuck Grassley is a big olde liar look no further.

He has two things against him, he is a Republican and, a long time Washington politician, so, if his lips are moving he is lying.

Professor Guide
2.2  Dulay  replied to  JBB @2    7 years ago
If you needed proof Chuck Grassley is a big olde liar look no further. Fushion is vindicated.

When I saw that Grassley said that they were 'uncooperative' all I could think of was why the 10 hours of questioning then? Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were cooperative and that Grassley was lying to the American people for the benefit of his 'Great leader'. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
2.2.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Dulay @2.2    7 years ago

It does make one wonder what the Republicans are trying to hide here.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.2.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Dulay @2.2    7 years ago
ow we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were cooperative 
Skirting the CoC [ph] Half of the transcript is GPS either claiming privilege, not recalling or otherwise refusing to directly answer questions. 
As suspected, there was nothing not already known in the transcripts, if you've been paying attention.    

Professor Guide
2.2.3  Dulay  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2.2    7 years ago
Half of the transcript is GPS either claiming privilege, not recalling or otherwise refusing to directly answer questions.

If you think that is an issue, you should go watch the Trump deposition online. My favorite part is when he admits that he didn't have anything to do with the negotiations or the contracts and that he signed them without reading them. 

The interview was voluntary and was supposed to be based on specific topics. They tried to get Simpson to answer questions 'beyond the scope' multiple times. He claimed privilege to ensure the confidentiality of clients and subcontractors, which was part of the agreement but they STILL asked him the question in bad faith.

As suspected, there was nothing not already known in the transcripts, if you've been paying attention.

The fact is, they questioned him for 10 hours and if they didn't get 'anything new' that's on the Senate investigators, not Simpson. What is new is that now we have proof that Grassley is a liar. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
2.2.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.2.2    7 years ago
Half of the transcript is GPS either claiming privilege, not recalling or otherwise refusing to directly answer questions.

Gosh and, I bet you thought it was great when Sessions did it in front of the committee.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

What gets me is that Feinstein is the ranking Democrat on the committee which means that she has as much power there as Grassley however, the Republicans, including Trump say she was being sneaky about releasing the transcript and, that she had no right to do it without Grassley's say so, that is pure bs.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3    7 years ago
Feinstein is the ranking Democrat on the committee which means that she has as much power there as Grassley

No she doesn't. That's not how this works. 

hat she had no right to do it without Grassley's say so, that is pure bs.

She doesn't. It's insane to leak transcripts of testimony of an ongoing investigation. Future witnesses, now know exactly what GPS did and didn't testify to. Very dumb move on Feinstein's part, if she thought the transcripts actually contained  new information, which they obviously don't.  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.1.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1    7 years ago

So what's your opinion of the selective leaks that the Republicans have been releasing then?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.1.2  Sean Treacy  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.1.1    7 years ago

To the extent they were leaks, it seems like that was the only relevant part of his testimony. The transcripts, as demonstrated by the lack of interest from the Trump hating  MSM, are basically nothin burgers.

The only thing we learned yesterday that Fusion walked  back what they claimed in the the Op-ed they wrote last week and in their testimony, that there was someone in the Trump campaign itself that went to the FBI.  Fusion is now claiming Simpson was confused during his testimony. 

Following Feinstein's stunt of publishing witness transcripts of an ongoing investigation, House Republicans are now asking for all information relating to the dossier to be published. Do you think the Republicans believe  release of all the dossier information will help or hurt Trump? It's now been confirmed that Congressional committee members have seen the FISA application. Republican members of Congress want it released. Should be interesting since Fusion and Steele testified (in London) they did't verify the information they passed on.

Professor Guide
3.1.4  Dulay  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1.2    7 years ago
The transcripts, as demonstrated by the lack of interest from the Trump hating MSM, are basically nothin burgers.

Except as a document for Grassley to LIE about in an attempt to direct the narrative. It's now obvious from the transcript that Simpson cooperated fully with Congress. Now, Grassley won't be able to LIE about Fusion GPS or Simpson. 

I also find it ironic that Grassley would refer Steele to the DOJ when the transcript makes it clear that Steele, though not an American citizen, seemed to have a real fear that our national security was at jeopardy and was the ONLY one who reported what the Russians were doing to the FBI. Grassley is despicable. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.5  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sean Treacy @3.1    7 years ago
No she doesn't. That's not how this works.

OK, maybe I was too brief in my post to make sense here. Feinstein and, Grassley have until recently sat together and, discussed what should and, shouldn't be released to the press, it was Grassley who said not too long ago that he wouldn't object to the testimony being released then he decided that he didn't want it released, then "selective parts" of it started getting leaked from the Republican side of the committee and, Grassley came out and, said that Fusion GPS was not cooperative in the testimony, that is when the management at Fusion GPS came out in the Op-Ed and, stated that they wanted their testimony released, in total, to show that they had been cooperative in their testimony, since none of the testimony centered on what specifically was in the dossier Feinstein decided that it could be released in total since the Republicans in the committee were already releasing ONLY THE PARTS THAT MADE THEIR CASE look good, so, what does this do to Grassley's case of "Fusion GPS didn't cooperate"? It destroys that case.

One other thing to think about here, as one poster has said on here, Steele, who is not an American citizen, saw something that concerned him about the security of the United States and, brought it to the attention of the FBI and, what was the Republican response to that, "bring charges against Steele", for what, being concerned for the security of the United States?

I forgot one thing in all of this, when someone who has testified before a Congressional committee requests that their testimony before that committee be released it has been tradition that if there is nothing in that testimony that will hurt the investigation then it is released, that is what Feinstein did and, Grassley and, the Republicans can't stand it.


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