LOL: Look Who Dems Chose to Deliver Their Official SOTU Rebuttal
They’re putting up the looniest laughing stock ever, Maxine “Mad Max” Waters, to deliver their official rebuttal to President Trump’s State of The Union address.
Knowingly resenting a false headline as truth.
What? Lol it’s Mad Max.... that’s a fact
Your headline isn't and you know it.
Yeah, her backup is the cowboy hat wearing bimbo from Florida!
Waters, who is one of several Democratic lawmakers who have said they will not attend Trump’s speech on Tuesday, has consistently criticized Trump throughout his presidency, repeatedly calling for his impeachment.
Actually, I understand the official rebuttal will be from Representative Kennedy. Maxxie is doing her own dog and pony show on BET
Liberals can't be that STUPID.....can they ?
trick question? Lol
Yes they can!!!
Auntie Maxine won't have much to say on BET, because she's a one-trick pony:
Between her and Pelosi I really have to wonder why the Dems keep putting up crazy old dinosaurs to represent them.
The so-called "response" to the SOTU is already a stupid joke anyway. So who better to deliver it than their #1 clown?
The Constitution requires the president to report to Congress on the state of the Union. So he makes his report. It doesn't require an effing "response!" It's a function of government, not a gd debate. Sadly the 1st Amendment prevents us from outlawing this annual ridiculous exercise.
The number one clown is delivering the SOTU address.
It is neither a response or rebuttal. It's nothing more than a a brief summation of the spin Dems want on the State of the Union.
Preparation? Five minutes after the President is done Madame Squawker is ready with a rebuttal?Typical Party BS which has been being practiced by both Parties for years.
There will be an ear bug to cue her what to say about certain phrases made during the President's speech. Although the Dems are taking a huge risk putting Waters out there. Good for ratings, she is hell on wheels when it comes to rabble rousing. Transparently so.
Rather than preluding the speech with a bunch of talking heads guessing and spinning what they think the President is going to say they should just let Maxine go first. Then we can sit back and listen to what the President really says and the context in which it is said in.
Then let's go one even better. The next day the networks should give equal time to the Dems to state their rebuttal. A whole day to absorb and analyze what the President said. At the very least it would give the Dems time to prepare a truly informed response and possibly a more organized negative attack on Trump.
Won't happen though. Dems and the media both rely heavily on hot button claims and knee jerk reactions to keep the pot stirred and the country divided. Time to think? Can't be having that on the part of the people.
Now if that doesn't sound crazy enough for you, I have a real lulu of a face palmer here.
We are finally reaching the end of Obama. His own infrastructure that he worked so hard to put together is coming down around him and his dreams of being the most powerful politician in the world are crumbling. The best part of this is that he is taking down not just the Dems with him, but a whole bunch of establishment types from both sides of the aisle.
Bush, Pelosi, Clinton, McConnell, Flake, Waters, Comey, Mueller, McCain, Warren, Sanders, and a whole bunch of purely politically motivated department heads and managers who have become fixtures throughout out government offices. The majority of people working for the government (civil service) are just fine. The that can't be said about the people who give them their orders and hold their jobs as hostage.
And the US Constitution doesn't stipulate how often a POTUS must do this (Article 2, Section 3) ...
Maxine Waters has a very limited vocabulary, so her rebuttal/response will be brief: "Impeach 45!".
I would bet money she actually says it. She might even chant it.
You know I won't take that bet!
Why is it that when she talks it sounds like "Doodlebob" from the SpongeBob cartoon?
Maxine Watters........Just the name brings laughter.......Bwahahahahaha!
We should have a contest to see who is the biggest loon.......Maxine Watters or Pelosi.......
Tough call!
I just read that Joe Kennedy is bringing a tranny with him to give his rebuttal. He’ll showcase the New Democratic Party’s looney platform that promotes transgenderism and applauds the sanctuary cities harboring illegal aliens.
the dems are throwing her out there to say things no normal human being would even think.
should be good fun
This is proof the Dems aren't even trying anymore.
If they were, they'd have a candidate working the partry. It's less than 3 years before the next election. WHat do they have? Hillary 3.0? John Kerry 2.0? What other retreads are they lining up? WHy aren't they actually preparing for the next presidential election?