Why James Comey doesn’t think Donald Trump should be impeached
James Comey did not hide his concerns about Donald Trump’s fitness to be US president in his book A Higher Loyalty to be released April 17—nor did he in his interview with George Stephanopoulos which aired tonight (Apr. 15) on ABC television.
Discussing Trump, the former head of the FBI said:
I don’t think he’s medically unfit to be president. I think he’s morally unfit to be president.
A person who sees moral equivalence in Charlottesville, who talks about and treats women like they’re pieces of meat, who lies constantly about matters big and small and insists the American people believe it, that person’s not fit to be president of the United States, on moral grounds. And that’s not a policy statement.
Despite Trump’s attacks on Comey, whom the president fired, Comey doesn’t consider himself someone dedicated to bringing the president down. On the contrary: Comey doesn’t even think Trump should be impeached.
This is because he believes the American people can’t be left “off the hook,” and instead need to take responsibility for removing Trump through an election. “People in this country need to stand up and go to the voting booth and vote their values,” said Comey. Only voting, he suggested, can deliver a worthy defeat.
Impeaching the president, Comey believes, would be a quick fix to a larger problem: “You cannot have, as president of the United States, someone who does not reflect the values that I believe Republicans treasure and Democrats treasure and Independents treasure,” Comey said. “That is the core of this country. That’s our foundation. And so impeachment, in a way, would short circuit that.”
Comey continued:
I think we owe it to each other to get off the couch and think about what unites us. I think about the people who supported Trump, and continue to support Trump.
A lotta them come from families with a proud history of military service. And that’s a wonderful thing. What did their fathers and grandfathers fight and die for? Not for immigration policy. Not for a tax policy. Not for Supreme Court justice. They fought and died for a set of ideas. The rule of law. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. The truth.
That’s what they fought and died for. And at some point, we have to focus on that and make sure that whoever’s leading us embodies those and we judge that leader by their tether to those values. Then we’ll go back to fighting like cats and dogs about all the things we normally fight about.
Forgot to add link.
I agree with what Comey is saying here but, I must add that if Trump is found to be guilty of a crime he has no right to be president, according to the Constitution and, must then be removed from office.
I am willing to wait until the investigation is over. That said is seems more and more like Donald Trump is guilty of criminal charges from before he moved into the Oval Office including Bank Fraud, Wire fraud and Money Laundering. I know no President has ever been criminally charged while in office, however it seems like this one must be an exception. If any a President deserved to go to prison while in office, this is the one.
That plus his close association with Putin that is so close that it can not be any anything less then traitorous, must bring this amateur president down and out of office,
Get serious and come to reality.
Should we find the crime first?
Well Yeah, unlike the Right Wingers who where calling to "Lock her up" during the RNC Convention I don't think I've heard of any chants at any DNC rally's to "Lock him up" by anyone who is taken seriously and, if you will look at my comment I did say "IF" Trump is found to have committed a crime.
I will remind you of what our Constitution says about this.
The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Geez...if I was working for someone I felt was that morally unfit, I would have left that job.
What a blowhole.
This isn't a business, it is a country and, we have always set the standards high for the POTUS.
And that's it in a nut shell, people think our country should be run like a business which is bs....we have a constitution, NOT articles of organization nor articles of incorporation. This is the United States of America, not the United States Corp, LLC, S Corp, C Corp PLLC, Inc., Co., etc.
RIGHT!!! Keep thinking that. Totally ignore:
Warren Harding-Teapot Dome Scandal, Herbert Hoover-The Great Depression, the fact that FDR was with a woman who was not his wife when he died, Harry Truman-the man was a St. Louis politician for God's sake, Dwight Eisenhower-remember his "driver" Kay Summersby, John Kennedy-nobody really knows how many there were, Richard Nixon-Watergate, Jimmy Carter-honest but stupid, Ronald Reagan-he was an actor, how many women would you expect from an actor, George H.W. Bush-not very bright, Bill Clinton-oh, come on now, George W-not as smart as his father, Barack Obama-Worse than being stupid, he thought we were stupid. Problem is, he may have been right; at least a majority of us bought the Socialist crap he put out.
Turns out that the only one since Harding, who was both smart and honest, was Calvin Coolidge.
OK, TTGA you make some good points in your post and, I expected someone to come on here and, post something similar to what you did. Now, let me ask you this, how many of those presidents took the position of POTUS with the scandal that they may have been in league with another country to subvert our elections?
Well he hit that one on the nose didn't he? You did vote for Trump, right?
Well, now I'm going to put a note up, can you guess what it is?
The topic is Trump and, what Comey said about Trumps possible impeachment, not Obama.
This should read:
how many of those presidents took the position of POTUS with PROOF that they were in league with another country to subvert our elections?
Then the answer would be NONE, including Donald Trump. Scandal is nothing more than a polite term for rumors, lies and innuendo. When used for political purposes, it is a sure sign that the user, particularly if they try to use a dirty cop to gather their "scandal", should have no governmental authority whatsoever.
When I say dirty cop, I mean any officer who, a. takes bribes, b. allows political views to affect his job, c. allows personal emotions or sexual weakness to affect his job.
A dirty cop is considered to be the slimiest, most despicable creature on Earth. Nothing he says can be trusted or considered truthful in any way. There is no shade of grey in this, it's all black and white; a cop is either dirty or he is not. James Comey has violated part B, and is therefore dirty. Robert Muller's behavior, particularly his choice of subordinates, raises strong suspicions that he has gone political. In that case, he too would be considered dirty and his opinions worth nothing. By the way, the same applies to soldiers. They do their job for their country, not for political factions.
While police officers are, or should be held to the absolute highest standards of honesty and impartiality, as I have shown, politicians are not.
Doggone Galen, I had the perfect answer but I won't derail your seed by posting it.
Yep, and Comey ranks right up near the top at being a member of law enforcement. Dirty as a pig in a septic tank. Once Trump is cleared and the Republicans hang onto both houses of Congress, perhaps some really fruitful investigations can begin. Might take another AG to get the ball rolling.
Soooo, you don't believe any of the "scandal" information leveled against Hillary then. Got it.
Remember this part when you read this,
This was days before the election, the damage done by this announcement helped to kill the Clinton campaign. THIS is political.
Soooo, you are saying that Mueller, who is a Republican, appointed to his position by people, (Rosenstein), who were appointed by Trump is making political choices. OK, so, that means that he is deciding in favor of Trump, got it. Oh wait, you say because he had some people on his team that voted Democratic that the investigation is tainted. Then what you want to see is any investigation into anything that involves the president to only be investigated by people who are loyal to the president only, so, they should all be loyal Trump supporters. Yep, that sounds fair, NOT. The oath an FBI agent takes does not include a section that says that they will be loyal to any president or, member of Congress or, political party.
Now, the two agents that you seem to think are still working the investigation are not, they were removed from their positions within the investigation by Mueller when it came to light that they were not only passing emails and, texts that compromised their positions in the investigation but, were lovers as well.
If Mueller was to get political in this then I would say he needs to be removed, the problem with your narrative is that both Comey and, Mueller are or, were Republicans, Comey now claims no political affiliation, Mueller is still listed as a Republican.