
An Analysis Of A Week From Hell


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  docphil  •  6 years ago  •  19 comments

An Analysis Of A Week From Hell
We are Americans. We are one people. How a person prays, what the color of their skin may be, what their individual sexuality or sexual identity is, is no ones business but the individuals. We have to be united in our response to hatred and discrimination.

How did we get here? What happened to the historical purpose of this great nation? How have we gone from the "shining light on the hill" to the country that is sending troops to the U.S. southern border to keep out the "criminal hordes" that are "invading" our country? How have we come to accept violence against one another as just another day? When did race, religion or sexual preference or identity become issues that are of importance to so many Americans?

We have just undergone one of the most horrific weeks in the history of this country. Of course there were weeks when greater disasters happened {nothing can surpass either Oklahoma City or 9/11). But I can think of very few weeks when as many acts of hatred or discrimination occurred that are separate from each other. The actions have been different, but together they say some truly negative things about our nation.

1.  The murder of two black individuals by a man who tried to enter a predominately black church and was rebuffed. The perpetrator then went into a Kroeger grocery and killed two random victims. The issue was hatred of people of color by the shooter. It was an act that was motivated by extremist hatred. That hatred of people of color has been much more visible on too many sites on the internet. These sites encourage extreme action for people who are functioning on the fringes of society. It gives them the belief that they belong to a group and are doing something that furthers the group's goals.

2.  The mailing of at least 14 pipe bombs to politicians and celebrities who have been sharply critical of President Trump. Only through the efforts of local, state, and federal law enforcement and the vigilance of U.S. postal workers were disasters avoided, and the perpetrator caught quickly. This crime was a result of a belief that the President wanted these people hurt {whether or not accurate}. This was done by an individual who was targeting certain people. He lived in and made the bombs that were sent in his van. That van was a tribute to President Trump and the Republican party and a battle cry to war between the political tribes. Again the social media sites on the internet and the rhetoric of politicians fueled this extremist response.

3.  The decision by President Trump to send 5200 troops to our southern border in order to "repel the invading horde". This was the culmination of inciteful rhetoric that branded the people in the caravan as MS13 and other criminal elements {although there was no documentation for that lie}. It was a direct attack against Brown people who speak another language. It is an action that violates American values and historical belief.  It is a plan that is the exact opposite of the wonderful poem inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty, written by an American Jew in the 19th century named Emma Lazerus. The poem is called the New Colassus and the first two lines should be etched in our American consciousness. "Give us your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to be free." Contrary to some of the rhetoric, these are not Lepers or people with smallpox. These are refugees.

4.  The mass murder at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA by a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite. The shooter used the weapon of choice {AR15} for these massacres. This shooter was so deranged and so extreme that he was no longer a Trump supporter because the President was too much of a globalist and too liberal. This massacre was exacerbated by the President who, even before he issued scripted words of condolence, indicated that people in this house of worship should have either been armed or have had armed guards protecting the worshippers. In reality, any place of worship should be able to have it's congregants pray, receive solace, and commune with their Deity without the fear of violence whether Church, Mosque, or Synagogue. Again, Presidential rhetoric and the internet were at least peripherally responsible for the action. 

5.  The President making statements that he was going to attempt to remarginalize transgender individuals and then announced that he was thinking of issuing an executive order repealing American citizenship to babies born in the United States of foreign parents. During these times we should be encouraging acceptance of others. Not recognizing transgendered individuals {which might also lead to marginalizing others in the LBGT-Q community} and additional ethnic hatred because of this rhetoric. 

What are the common themes in all of these actions. Every one of them has an underpinning of hatred, discrimination, and white nationalism. Each of them is being fostered by the internet or through the Executive branch of our government. 

This has been a week that seemed to have a return address of hell. We are Americans. We are one people. How a person prays, what the color of their skin may be, what their individual sexuality or sexual identity is, is no ones business but the individuals. We have to be united in our response to hatred and discrimination. It has no place in this country. We all have to learn that lesson, and that includes our President.


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Sophomore Quiet
1  author  DocPhil    6 years ago

I am appalled at the events of this past week. I don't feel that this week truly reflects our nation. We have to commit to act as one, without hate and fear. This is the most important thing everyone of us have to do. Be civil to one another. Embrace all and concentrate on that which unites us. If we could begin to do that, this week could have some positive outcome, rather than being looked at as one of the worst weeks in our history.

Sophomore Quiet
1.3  lennylynx  replied to  DocPhil @1    6 years ago

Sorry Doc, Trump enablers are not worthy of civility.

Sophomore Participates
1.4  Skrekk  replied to  DocPhil @1    6 years ago

Trump has been using blood libel, white nationalism and vile demonizing rhetoric against various minorities since before he ever first ran for office.    He's a sociopath so don't expect that to change until he's removed from office and hopefully imprisoned.

And I'm not sure that civility is the answer since Trump's rhetoric needs to be called out for what it is and what it does.    The bigger question is what can we do about the 40% of the public which finds both the rhetoric and the white nationalist ideology so appealing?    And what can be done about a political party which won't even pretend to try to stop his worst excesses?

Also note that this is an infection which is rapidly spreading around the world, most recently in Brazil.    Good but depressing article here:

Professor Quiet
1.5  cjcold  replied to  DocPhil @1    6 years ago
Be civil to one another.

Far right wingers decry and scorn 'political correctness' when all it is, is just being civil to one another. 


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