
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video spurs false media claims of conservative outrage


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  96ws6  •  5 years ago  •  42 comments

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video spurs false media claims of conservative outrage
“It caused a social media stir, with the mainstream media and liberals lining up to cheer it and condemn conservatives for being offended by it. The only problem: Conservatives were not actually offended by it,”

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

An old video of now-Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez playfully recreating a dance scene from “The Breakfast Club” was resurfaced anonymously on Twitter last week -- resulting in a slew of misleading stories claiming conservatives were outraged over it, despite virtually no supporting evidence.

The 2010 footage of Ocasio-Cortez dancing comes from her days at Boston University. It went viral, for sure. But The New York Times,   GQ , Newsweek and Ocasio-Cortez, among others, were quick to falsely claim that conservatives were somehow upset by the harmless video.

“It caused a social media stir, with the mainstream media and liberals lining up to cheer it and condemn conservatives for being offended by it. The only problem: Conservatives were not actually offended by it,”   Media Research Center’s Clay Waters   wrote.

The Times   published a story headlined , “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dancing Video Was Meant as a Smear, but It Backfired.” It doesn’t feature a single example of anyone being offended with the exception of an anonymous Twitter account that first drew attention to the video saying it showed "America’s favorite commie know-it-all acting like the clueless nitwit she is." However, the Times managed to find examples of Ocasio-Cortez supporters condemning conservatives for being critical of the video.

Waters called it the “latest knee-jerk liberal mockery of conservatives,” who “stand accused on absolutely no evidence of being offended by something.”

Conservative strategist Chris Barron told Fox News that the mainstream media is “so desperate to make conservatives look bad that they will invent a controversy when there isn’t one,” with the Ocasio-Cortez video the latest example.

“If you want to look up the very definition of fake news, look no further than the faux controversy over the AOC dancing video. Literally, every single conservative I saw comment on the video said it actually made her more likable, and yet our shameless mainstream media spends days pushing the narrative that conservatives attacked her,” Barron said. “Must be nice being a liberal.”

Perhaps   the most overblown example   was published by Newsweek, which wrote that “Conservatives mock Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for college dancing video, everyone else thinks it’s adorable,” while not citing any "conservatives" beyond the original anonymous Twitter account. Media watchdogs pounced on Newsweek for the misleading headline.

NowThis likewise posted a video   claiming conservatives tried to "shame" Ocasio-Cortez with the clip, but mostly cited tweets praising her cool dance moves -- with not much in the way of criticism beyond the original anonymous tweet.

The social media-savvy Ocasio-Cortez used the viral video as an opportunity to knock political rivals, tweeting “I hear the GOP thinks women dancing are scandalous,” with footage of her dancing in the halls of Congress. While Ocasio-Cortez didn’t provide examples of Republicans claiming dancing is “scandalous,” her new video has been viewed nearly 20 million times.

The Daily Caller’s Joe Simonson   wrote that the dancing story   “served as another reminder of how desperate the media wishes to portray the GOP and its voters as something very different from what they truly are.”


jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  96WS6    5 years ago

LOL. How embarassing it must be to be a liberal.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1.1  Sean Treacy  replied to  96WS6 @1    5 years ago

A single mean tweet from an anonymous commentator and the media freaks out  in defense of the new  chosen one. 

Junior Quiet
1.1.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Sean Treacy @1.1    5 years ago

What on earth do you think the chances are that the anonymous tweet came from a liberal?/S

Junior Silent
1.1.2  tomwcraig  replied to  96WS6 @1.1.1    5 years ago

I'd say 75% chance.  Since, they are desperate to call Conservatives soulless at the drop of a pin...

Junior Quiet
1.1.3  seeder  96WS6  replied to  tomwcraig @1.1.2    5 years ago

I would say at least that given the current environment

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.2  pat wilson  replied to  96WS6 @1    5 years ago

Yet you've seeded the second article here about her college dance video. But you're "not actually offended by it" right ? Maybe you should be embarrassed, lol.

Junior Participates
1.2.1  KDMichigan  replied to  pat wilson @1.2    5 years ago
Maybe you should be embarrassed,

Not surprised you totally missed the point. There was no conservative outrage, just fake news as I pointed out on the 1st post and am still waiting for a example of conservative outrage from the seeder on the other post.

Maybe you would like to give it a shot? 

Professor Principal
1.2.2  Texan1211  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.1    5 years ago

I bet you could ask 1000 conservatives about this dance video, and 95+% would say that they don't give a shit about it.

Ask the same folks what they think of her ideas and you would get an earful!

Junior Quiet
1.2.4  seeder  96WS6  replied to  pat wilson @1.2    5 years ago

Actually I posted an article on how petty and silly liberals can be and you just doubled down on it.  LMFAO!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2  Sean Treacy    5 years ago

I will write the hot take expressing anger about AOC dancing, just because the chattering class seems to want it so very, very badly

— Allahpundit (@allahpundit)   January 7, 2019

Junior Quiet
2.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Sean Treacy @2    5 years ago

What is really funny is the number of people that grabbed this blazingly obvious manufactured asshat and stuck it as firmly as possible on their pointy little heads and wear it with pride.

Professor Guide
3  Tacos!    5 years ago

So, this happens, but it's offensive to call the New York Times "fake news."

It's also supposed to be absurd and paranoid to insist that these news media are biased propaganda machines for the Left.

Junior Quiet
3.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  Tacos! @3    5 years ago

I think it was Newsweek that was the most ridiculous in this case, but regardless, to try to lump all conservatives over an anonymous anything seems to be the new strategy.   I think these two comments sum it up quite well:

the mainstream media is “so desperate to make conservatives look bad that they will invent a controversy when there isn’t one,” with the Ocasio-Cortez video the latest example. “If you want to look up the very definition of fake news, look no further than the faux controversy over the AOC dancing video. Literally, every single conservative I saw comment on the video said it actually made her more likable, and yet our shameless mainstream media spends days pushing the narrative that conservatives attacked her,” Barron said. “Must be nice being a liberal.”
Junior Silent
3.2  tomwcraig  replied to  Tacos! @3    5 years ago
It's also supposed to be absurd and paranoid to insist that these news media are biased propaganda machines for the Left.

The thing is that it can be proven time and time again that the mainstream media are propaganda machines for the Left; but when it is proven, the Left makes excuses like "They only want controversy to make money by attracting readers/viewers."

Junior Quiet
3.2.1  seeder  96WS6  replied to  tomwcraig @3.2    5 years ago

If that were true they wouldn't have swept BO and Hillaries "controversies"  under the table.  Gosh I would have thought a story in which a traitor made a secret payment of billions in foreign currency to a hostile foreign government would make headlines or even an interesting novel.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
3.3  Sean Treacy  replied to  Tacos! @3    5 years ago

It's also supposed to be absurd and paranoid to insist that these news media are biased propaganda machines for the Left

You can't make this up.  The MSM collectively decides that a single anonymous tweet ridiculing a politician is suddenly national news in order to protect "their" star, and then expect to be taken seriously as an "objective" source.  

True American Pat
Freshman Silent
5  True American Pat    5 years ago

I don't get outraged about a whole lot......I do get a little frustrated that an open Socialist gets elected in this Country.....but it doesn't surprise me.....Ooops....should have said....
"Democratic Socialist".....that makes it all better now....

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1  Sparty On  replied to  True American Pat @5    5 years ago
I do get a little frustrated that an open Socialist gets elected in this Country.

Don't ..... folks like that just always get elected in the most liberal districts in the USA.   Like "payoff" John Conyers old district.   Michigan District 13 in Detroit.   He held that seat for over 50 years.   Now they elected  Rashida Tlaib after he finally got caught "handling" some of his female staffers 

She's SOSDD or worse.    That will NEVER change in districts like that.

Junior Silent
5.1.1  tomwcraig  replied to  Sparty On @5.1    5 years ago

That's what happens when they gerrymander the districts.  The Democrats want to say that only Republicans gerrymander, but most of the time it is a deal set up between the parties of that state to create the districts so they both can have safe districts for themselves.  This is one reason why we actually need to start thinking about abolishing political parties.  Abolishing political parties would also get rid of the so-called "big money" as it would require the donors to back a bunch of individuals instead of a single party.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
5.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  tomwcraig @5.1.1    5 years ago

I've got zero problem with that concept but it wouldn't change much in a district like the 13th.   Just like AOC's district, its solidly. and likely permanently, Democrat leaning.   The shit will really hit the fan when all the current unfunded liability of such cities comes due and they have to ask taxpayers to pay for it.   Most big cities are all in the same boat in that regard.

Keep your powder dry for when that happens.   Because it's not if that happens but when.

Professor Quiet
6  bbl-1    5 years ago

Nah.  The only thing that is false is conservatism and its outrage.  Conservatives are outraged because they can't dance and nobody will stoop low enough to teach them.

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1  Sparty On  replied to  bbl-1 @6    5 years ago
Conservatives are outraged because they can't dance

Not only is that comment outrageous, its egregiously fallacious as well.  

I can dance like a mofo.   Plus i make up most of my own moves.

So i got that going for me .....

Professor Quiet
6.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  Sparty On @6.1    5 years ago

When I'm bored I practice my moves...


Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1.3  Sparty On  replied to  Release The Kraken @6.1.2    5 years ago

Now if you can only get your little fishy fins to do the Carlton ...... you'll be cooking with gas!

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6.1.5  Sparty On  replied to  Release The Kraken @6.1.4    5 years ago

I suddenly have the urge to floss ....

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
6.1.6  Thrawn 31  replied to  Sunshine @6.1.1    5 years ago

Damn, I wish I had that coordination! 

Junior Silent
6.1.7  tomwcraig  replied to  Release The Kraken @6.1.2    5 years ago

Is this the Mackerella?

Thrawn 31
Professor Guide
7  Thrawn 31    5 years ago

I am still not sure how this dumb ass video is relevant to anything. 


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