Celebrate Black History Month
February is Black History Month. This is a time of remembering the many great contributions of African-Americans in the history of our great nation.
We have experienced many advances made possible from contributions from members of the African-American Community. Beyond the familiar names that we hear every year, advances have been made by countless African-American unsung heroes in every spectrum of the human experience.
While we will never hear every name of these contributors to the tapestry of our lives, we can take comfort in knowing that they were born, and that they made the quality of our lives more meaningful. For this truth we should thank our God.
Generally as a people, African-Americans have proven to be very resilient people, surviving the greatest obstacles of slavery and segregation which are part of the annals of our history. The current success of the movie "Selma" pays great tribute to our heroes of these eras past.In many ways, we have overcome. There is reason to celebrate this truth.
Yet, here in the 21st century, we are faced with an epidemic that threatens the black community, and indeed the entire fabric of our nation in a manner that has never before occurred in our history. In America since 1973, over 58 million people, nearly 36 percent of these numbers being identified as African-American people, have been denied the right to be born.
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