Yoko Ono project seeks to chronicle 'harm done' to women worldwide
Category: News & Politics
Via: loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley • 6 years ago • 26 comments
her "Arising" installation will "continue to grow and will be exhibited in many countries."

Yoko Ono is renewing a call for submissions for a global project capturing the plight of women.
The artist put out a new call Tuesday for "women of all ages, from all countries of the world" to send "a testament of harm done to you for being a woman."
Along with the writings, Ono is asking for a photo showing solely the participant's eyes.
Ono says the testaments and eye snapshots will be included as part of an upcoming art installation on exhibition in Montreal and in Syracuse, N.Y. Ono has been working on the project for several years, and the submission deadline for the eye-opening photographs is open-ended.
The 86-year-old musician and peace activist — who in 2016 responded to President Trump’s election win by releasing a video of herself screaming — said her "Arising" installation will "continue to grow and will be exhibited in many countries."
"Yoko Ono project seeks to chronicle 'harm done' to women worldwide"
That's not anything "NEW". It's been done for years !
The article says her project is ongoing. This is a new call for women to participate, per the article.
Your link goes to women who have been murdered, but those photos don't appear to be linked to Ono's work.
Her "Call to arms" isn't "NEW", unless she's looking for "ONLY WOMEN" to post the same things that have been Photo'd for years !
Is that what Yoko is looking for ?
I only know what is in the article. From the article, the photos she wants are eyes only. She wants the women to write about how they have been harmed.
Yes, male violence inflicted upon women is centuries old. I don't see why that should keep her from highlighting it in her work. I discuss it all the time because it needs to stop. Silence only helps the abusers who inflict the violence, not the victims of the violence.
As I wrote that, a new thought struck me: she's doing it to give a voice to the victims who all to often are forced to endure the violence in silence. That feels right to me, although the article does not say that.
If one is dead....dead is dead ! no writing occurs !
As for your statement...….That's nothing new either !
Yoko is NOT some "Pioneer" on this.
LOL. You're sure out to discredit her for no reason I can think of. It doesn't matter if she's a "pioneer" on this. She's an artist doing a project.
I agree that those who have died can't respond. That shouldn't mean that those who survived shouldn't have their voices heard.
I'm wondering: is your intense objection because you dislike Ono or because you don't want victims to have a voice?
I didn't "Discredit" her "Feeling" about it at all. I just noted that this isn't some "spectacular" event coming from her (not "Special").
It's like a "Movie Remake". It's been done, even with New "Special effects" added.
Here's why I said that the murder rate has gone up since the idiot took office. It's because they have:
His words came within weeks of some striking new statistics. In September, the nonprofit Violence Policy Center released its annual study of numbers from the FBI’s Supplemental Homicide Reports, showing that …
In 2016, more than 1,800 women were murdered by men in single-victim or single-offender incidents submitted to the FBI, and 85 percent of them were murdered by a man they knew.
Of the 1,809 women killed, 962 were wives, ex-wives or current girlfriends — meaning more than half were or had been romantically linked to their killer. And the percentage has risen 11 percent since 2014 — these figures are for 2016, the most recent year available — when it had been falling for several years previously. The 962 figure was actually lower than the true number of intimate partner murders, as the FBI doesn’t include ex-girlfriends in its reporting, even though the CDC defines ex-girlfriends as intimate partners. Many domestic violence killings occur right after recent breakups or during separations.
And the situation for women is not getting better. A look at news stories from early 2018 tells us that more than 10 women across the U.S. were killed by male intimate partners in just 24 hours between 5 p.m. on New Year’s Eve and 5 p.m. on New Year’s Day 2018, with more than 25 women murdered by past or present partners in the first week of the year. Contrary to what some believe, intimate partner homicides in the United States touch all ethnicities, socioeconomic groups and geographic locations. But the one thing they all have in common? The victims will never get the chance to plead their case, defend themselves, or raise their own sons or daughters.
People I assumed were dead.