
Elise Stefanik emerges as main Schiff antagonist in fiery impeachment hearings


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kdmichigan  •  6 years ago  •  18 comments

Elise Stefanik emerges as main Schiff antagonist in fiery impeachment hearings
Another moment came later in the hearing when Stefanik read out comments from Schiff about how the whistleblower was going to testify “very soon” -- comments that he had not allowed to be submitted for the record. As she did so, Schiff sat emotionless with his arms folded. In this case, the fact that we are getting criticized by [Schiff] for statements he himself made early on in this process shows the duplicity and the abuse of power we are continuing to see," she said.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., emerged this week as a central figure on the Republican side of the House Intelligence Committee in the public impeachment hearings -- and a top antagonist of Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif.
The 35-year-old lawmaker featured prominently as tensions boiled over between lawmakers on Friday during the questioning of former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., attempted to give up the remainder of his time to her. But as Stefanik spoke, Schiff slammed down the gavel, arguing that it was not allowed under committee rules: "The gentlewoman will suspend.""What is the interruption for now?" she shot back.
What followed was a debate between Nunes and Schiff as to whether the Republican could offer his time to a fellow member of Congress, rather than minority counsel. Stefanik repeatedly tried to speak, only for Schiff to bang his gavel again.
"You're gagging the young lady from New York?" Nunes laughed at one point.
"This is the fifth time you have interrupted a duly-elected member of Congress," Stefanik told Schiff, who repeatedly told her she was "not recognized" to speak.
Before the testimony began Friday, Schiff shut down Stefanik for the first time after Stefanik asked if he would “continue to prohibit witnesses from answering Republican questions.” Schiff said it wasn’t a “proper” point of order, and then declined to recognize her colleague Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who also tried to raise a parliamentary question.

We know clearly you're going to interrupt us throughout this hearing,” Stefanik complained within minutes of the gavel.
Tensions and spats between Republicans and Democrats were expected amid the partisan impeachment hearing, but eyes were generally on Nunes and Jordan -- who normally play the roles of attack dog at hearings. But instead, it was Stefanik who generated significant buzz, as well as viral clips that quickly zipped around conservatives and Republicans on Twitter.

Another moment came later in the hearing when Stefanik read out comments from Schiff about how the whistleblower was going to testify “very soon” -- comments that he had not allowed to be submitted for the record. As she did so, Schiff sat emotionless with his arms folded.
In this case, the fact that we are getting criticized by [Schiff] for statements he himself made early on in this process shows the duplicity and the abuse of power we are continuing to see," she said.
She also scored some key narrative points for the Republican side too. In the questioning of Yovanovitch, she asked the ex-ambassador whether it was accurate that “defensive lethal aid” that she had pushed for was provided to Ukraine not by the Obama administration, but by the Trump administration.

“She’s effective. She’s a great spokesperson,” said Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, another member of the Intelligence committee, to The Associated Press. “And these issues are in her wheelhouse.”
It was for Republicans, something of a mirror of another viral 2017 moment when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., shut down remarks from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. When McConnell subsequently complained that he warned her she was breaking Senate rules, he added that “nevertheless, she persisted.” Those words formed a slogan for Democrats -- and sympathetic media outlets -- that carries on to this day.
Some of those media outlets appeared less sympathetic to Stefanik, however, The Washington Post, which had once called Warren’s moment a “battle cry” called Stefanik’s a "transparently" "manufactured"  moment and a "gender-centric stunt." It also accused her of making "political hay."
Stefanik has indeed used the Friday moment, as well as the controversy it generated, to follow up with a fundraising push.
“Since I’ve exposed Adam Schiff, radical liberals & never-Trumpers are launching disgusting attacks against me in an attempt to silence me,” she said.

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Junior Quiet
1  seeder  KDMichigan    6 years ago

This woman is awesome. Schiff sitting there looking like a total moron while she reads his statements back to him was classic.

Professor Principal
2  devangelical    6 years ago


Professor Quiet
3  Ed-NavDoc    6 years ago

Schiff, thy name is hypocrisy!

Professor Expert
3.1  CB  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @3    6 years ago

ED-NavDoc, see the video below. After Donald Trump stood in the 'well' of the White House Driveway and announced that Ukraine and China should investigate the Biden's, he stepped on his own whistleblower outing thunder. Fair-minded people can listen to Trump do it. There are longer clips on this 'event' taking place in the well of the driveway if you need further context.

Representative Schiff is basically telling the inexperienced rep to desist in her attempt to derail today's testimony with peripheral and irrelevant angles. Good job for Mr. Schiff that he did not chase any 'rabbits down a hole' Friday!

Professor Expert
4  CB    6 years ago
Another moment came later in the hearing when Stefanik read out comments from Schiff about how the whistleblower was going to testify “very soon” -- comments that he had not allowed to be submitted for the record. As she did so, Schiff sat emotionless with his arms folded.
In this case, the fact that we are getting criticized by [Schiff] for statements he himself made early on in this process shows the duplicity and the abuse of power we are continuing to see," she said.

What now? The chair is permitted to change his or her mind as you certainly know. So Representative Stefanik made herself look like an inexperienced loud-mouth trying to make a spot for herself and failing to do so. The FACT is: Stefanik should be blaming President Trump for his loud-mouth for standing in the driveway of the White House announcing Ukraine and China, foreign countries both - and during campaign season - for which Trump is a part should investigate (interpreted as meddle) in a U.S. election.

Roll the tape, please:

Context is everything. Omissions are everything. Glad to provide it for you - in case FOX News commentators stripped it out from their reporting. (As Representative Stefanik did in her selected presentation above.)

Junior Quiet
4.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  CB @4    6 years ago
So Representative Stefanik made herself look like an inexperienced loud-mouth trying to make a spot for herself and failing to do so.

She has more class and government experience than any of the squad.

The FACT is: Stefanik should be blaming President Trump 

What are you babbling about? China? Ukraine? But Trump?

How about the hypocrisy of the left again to shame Elise and call her a inexperienced loud mouth while they glorified Warren for doing the same thing in 2017.


The article isn't about Trump, Try to stay focused. I'm sure you can find a place on JR seeds to cry about President Trump. 

Professor Participates
4.1.1  bugsy  replied to  KDMichigan @4.1    6 years ago
I'm sure you can find a place on JR seeds to cry about President Trump. 

Ain't that the truth. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of those here.

Professor Expert
4.1.2  CB  replied to  KDMichigan @4.1    6 years ago

Everything to do with impeachment is about Trump. You can not set-up a propaganda shop here. What does the squad have to do with the intelligence committee and how are they collectively relevant to what this representative attempted with the whistleblower? Clear relevance, please.

Junior Quiet
4.1.3  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  CB @4.1.2    6 years ago
You can not set-up a propaganda shop here.

Plenty of articles about Trump. This seed is about Elise and Schiff. You don't like it then move on. 

Junior Quiet
4.1.4  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  CB @4.1.2    6 years ago
What does the squad have to do with the intelligence committee

You are the one challenging her experience.

We know how the left hates a independent women and degenerates anyone that doesn't follow their group think.

Professor Participates
4.2  bugsy  replied to  CB @4    6 years ago

Why is wanting an investigation into the 2016 election a bad thing? To liberals as long as Biden was in office, or is seeking another office, he is off limits to any investigation.

China and Ukraine have nothing to do with the 2020 election, so the argument that Trump wants a foreign country to investigate a potential political rival has no bearing. As a matter of fact, Trump had been calling for this type of election before Biden announced his candidacy.

Democrats are simply reaching for anything now. The look on Schiff's face while Stefanik read his own words was priceless, showing he has nothing and is desperate for ANYTHING to pop up.

Professor Quiet
4.3  Ronin2  replied to  CB @4    6 years ago

Too bad Trump didn't brag about it like Biden did about Ukraine. Maybe you need to see that video again for context.

Professor Expert
4.3.1  CB  replied to  Ronin2 @4.3    6 years ago

And where is the problem? Besides being a bit verbose and relaxed about doing the job he was sent to do (see President Obama approval of the Ukrainian prosecutor) what is he issue here. Just BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome) full-blown.

I will help you with this. I will look up the extended tape of this to find its proper context, and post it here.

In the meantime here is MSNBC holding class on this subject. Watch it, look for errors (if you can find them) and pick it apart, please:

I'll make a deal with you: If you can not find an error in its fact-finding, post it in a comment for all to see, then your silence will be taken as confirmation that you should accept it, bar none.

Now, I am off to look for that Biden video mentioned earlier.

Professor Expert
5  CB    6 years ago

Okay. I have another video that explains the whole Biden 'thingie' from way up to the drain at its bottom. I am even willing to go 'pull' news articles to present here if you wish. Let's get to the bottom of all this noise. What say you?

Junior Quiet
5.1  seeder  KDMichigan  replied to  CB @5    6 years ago

good for you. start your own seed

Professor Quiet
6  bbl-1    6 years ago

Watched Rep. Stefanik during the hearing.  Could not understand why she was disputing, along with Nunes, the rules for time.  The GOP wrote the rules and both of them know it.  Schiff was correct.

Noticed this too.  Every time Stefanik offered anything after she finished she looked back to her male GOP counterparts as if she were a puppy seeking a treat or approval.  She honestly reminded me of someone afflicted with The Stepford Syndrome.


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