Florida man shoots, kills home intruder who was attacking his wife, police say
Category: News & Politics
Via: kdmichigan • 5 years ago • 21 commentsBy: Stephen Sorace (Fox News)

A Florida man in his 70s fatally shot a home intruder who busted through the glass front door and began attacking his wife on Tuesday, investigators said.
Deputies arrived at the Panama City home around 6:05 a.m. and found 31-year-old Nathan Jerrell Edwards laying on the floor dead and a handgun on the counter, the Bay County Sheriff's Office said.
"The husband stated he felt he could not physically stop the intruder, so he went upstairs to get his firearm," the sheriff's office said. "He shot the firearm multiple times, ending the threat."
The husband, whom deputies did not name, said he was standing outside when Edwards walked up to his driveway and approached him in a threatening manner. Witnesses told deputies that Edwards was "acting erratically," screaming and swearing.
He went into his home through the garage to get away from Edwards, according to deputies, but Edwards followed and pounded on the door to the house. He shattered the large glass panel in the front door and entered the house.
Edwards shattered the glass door and entered the home, where he knocked the man's wife to the floor, got on top of her, and beat her, the husband told deputies. (Bay County Sheriff's Office)
Edwards then knocked the man's wife to the floor, got on top of her and was beating her, the husband told deputies. The husband said he shot Edwards, who was pronounced dead at the scene.
The man's wife was treated at a local hospital for her injuries.
Edwards, who was from Georgia, was staying nearby in a short-term rental residence.

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I'm sure we will hear how he just wanted a glass of water.
Good guy with a gun wins again.
A clear cut case of home & personal defense. The intruder got what he deserved.
IMO this was justifiable homicide.
Definitely Paula. In all the States, that part of the law says the same thing. "You may use deadly force to protect yourself or another innocent person from death or great bodily harm." Most of them add that deadly force must be the last resort, but the basic statement is the same in all of them. This man will have no legal problems at all, especially in Florida where they have a Castle Law.
By the way, as a point of information, rape is considered to be great bodily harm.
Appears they had a nice crowd of people living nearby.
"Well, there goes the neighborhood." (Eddie Murphy as Mr. Robinson - SNL)
No room for argument here
Natural selection at work ....
Very scary. This is why most people have guns in the home. Cops are not fairy godmothers. They don’t magically appear the moment you need them.
And a gun is a lot easier to carry than carrying a cop!
Probably shoots better as well ....
You can't stuff him under your pillow.
...and the sugar goes everywhere...
Good for this guy!
This happens all the time. What's the point of seeding the article ? Not exactly a "man bites dog" event.
“What's the point of seeding the article ?”
if that’s how you really feel what’s the point of commenting?
Maybe because I was wondering “What's the point of seeding the article ?”
It was a question, that was the point of my commenting.
Just a guess, but I’d say the point of seeding this article is to show one of the positives of owning a gun. 😀