Black Lives Matter DC Chapter Condemns Mayor Bowser's BLM Mural As A 'Distraction'
Category: News & Politics
Via: kdmichigan • 5 years ago • 6 commentsBy: Rachel Chason (MSN)

The official BlackLivesMatter DC chapter recently tweeted their disappointment in response to a mural stating "Black Lives Matter" painted on the street in front of the White House calling it "counter organizing" to their demands.
© The Federalist Black Lives Matter DC Chapter Condemns Mayor Bowser's BLM Mural As A 'Distraction'
"This is performative and a distraction from [Mayor Muriel Bowser's] active counter organizing to our demands to decrease the police budget and invest in the community. Black Lives Matter means Defund the police," they replied to a tweet by Rachel Chason, a Washington Post reporter.
Mayor Bowser, according to NBC4 Washington, renamed the street "Black Lives Matter Plaza" shortly after D.C. Department of Public Works crews and muralists completed the painting, which stretches across 16th Street.
"We want to call attention today to making sure our nation is more fair and more just and that black lives and that black humanity matter in our nation," Bowser said.
In a reply to a different tweet by New York Times writer Emily Badger, BLM DC called the mural painting a "distraction from real policy changes," claiming Bowser just wants to "appease white liberals."
"This is a performative distraction from real policy changes," they said. "Bowser has consistently been on the wrong side of BLMDC history. This is to appease white liberals while ignoring our demands. Black Lives Matter means defund the police."
Defunding the police is just one of the demands named by the official Black Lives Matter organization in response to George Floyd's murder. In addition to their new campaign, #DefundThePolice, BLM also called for "an end to the systemic racism that allows this culture of corruption to go unchecked and our lives to be taken" and "investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive."

BLM calls out street painting for what it is, virtue signaling for the liberal cucks.
They want attention to their cause and they got it, but it is damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Here is what is going to happen within a week or 2...
The white liberals that are showing "solidarity" to BLM in major cities across the country are going to return to their suburbs when the states and cities they live in start opening back up. May are going to return to their parent's basements, others, the few that have jobs, will return to those jobs. The name George Floyd will be forgotten, an asterisk in history.
BLM will go back into the shadows. The celebrities that are loving BLM will stop doing so and return to hating the president.
The media will stop reporting about BLM and George Floyd and go back to hating the president, especially since the economy is making a huge comeback, far earlier than expected.
How do I know this?
Because it has happened each and every time a black person is killed by a white cop and followed by protests, riots, looting, burninig and empty promises of liberal communities and politicians for change in those communities.
These white liberals are a very small group in this country, even though they look like their are alot because of the numbers in small compact areas like NYC.
What won't change is blacks will continue to kill blacks in large numbers in pretty much every inner city in America, and no one in the black community will say a thing about it.
THe vast, vast majority of this country will give a crap about BLM when these black on black killings begin to decline substantially.
Why is no one protesting the black retired cop in St Louis that was killed by what looks like 3 other blacks that looted the pawn shop he was helping to protect?
Why is it that liberal mayors and governors did not allow for thousands upon thousands of funerals for the dead in this country, some by COVID, others by other means, but are perfectly OK for allowing a funeral for one black man that was killed by cops?
I don't think you can find one person without sympathy to George Floyd and his family for what those cops did, but I don't think the vast majority of this country is going to take BLM serious until the black community, especially black politicians, seriously takes control of their own communities and makes changes for the better of the black community.
Fiddle Dee and Fiddle Dumb – A.F. Branco Cartoon
A.F. Branco June 4, 2020 Leave a comment
Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio Fiddle like Nero while New York city burns refusing to ask for help from Trump. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.
It's speaks loudly that the only time BLM rears its head is when a black is killed by a white cop. And rarely do they appear at a real peaceful protest, but always at riots. Never do we hear from them at the same level when a black kid kills another black kid.
They operate similar like Al Sharpton. If there isn't publicity to be had, they are nowhere to be found.
What a Fucking Stupid idea.....
........unless he's just trying to create "JOBS".