Sore LOSER Trump, despite losing the election, continues to wallow in his pen like a SPOILED BABY!
"When Karma is taking a break, Kamala stepped in to SHUT this punk down. - Jonathan Livingston Pigeon-Poo, "Doctored"
"Baby Trumpy" is further debasing, degrading, and defiling his tenure in office by hurdling lie after lie like a warthog in a pig pen as he stokes his supporters to violence.
How can CONGRESS stop this madness?
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Trump as Christ? Why not? So many self-styled "Christians" adore Trump while ignoring Christ.
Kinda gross, though...
I concur.
Kinda gross, thought....
Gross understatement!
"We're going to need a bigger cross."
Christ died for others.
Can anyone imagine Trump dying for others?
Can anyone imagine Trump dying for others?
No... To Trump we're all suckers and losers.
"No... To Trump we're all suckers and losers."
Yup. Typical gangster/mobster/thug/psycho-sociopath think.
All those honest folks working hard to make a living who have been screwed over by him, his supporters, everyone but him and his family, are suckers and losers.
The hardest part about assembling the All New Ronco Self Crucifixion Kit is driving in that last nail. Some assistance is required...