
They aren't LIBERALS! They are COLLEGE KIDS who want to get out of their END OF YEAR E X A M S!


Category:  News & Politics

By:  eat-the-press-do-not-read-it  •  6 months ago  •  16 comments

They aren't LIBERALS! They are COLLEGE KIDS who want to get out of their END OF YEAR E X A M S!

The "Hubbala, Media Frenzy" of concern college students protesting have nothing to do with the killing of innocent people in Israel.

In my "clubbed" mind, it is the perfect way for COLLEGE STUDENTS (of any age) to avoid cramming for their:

Is that so difficult to understand. What do losers hate the most in college, taking their exams, when they haven't read the material, skipped class, to stay up all night watching PORN.

My Fellow, News Talkers.commies, it is faking a concern for an "International Crisis", in order that they might ignored failing their opportunity to graduate.

If it was "legitimate", where were they when it came to UKRAINE. And estimated 4,000,000 people fled their country as PUTIN's murderous, bloodbath and slaughter killed men, women, children, seniors, destroy their homes, churches, libraries, schools, hospitals, and decimated one town after another to FEED Putin's ravishing pursuit of overtaking STALIN'S LEGACY!

It is hard for me to say this, but PUTIN is WORSE than TRUMP!


Is there any difference between the young protestors' flying Confederate Flags, and those waving PALESTINE FLAGS, as they trash the University to avoid the necessity of taking their FINAL EXAM ?

I sin, cerally, tinkel not!

Please, don't "tinkle" me with your juvenile concerned for the genocide in a HAMAS controlled Palestine, or, the deadly consequences of that WAR.

It, the protests, the upheaval on college campuses, that is enabling student to GET OUT OF THEIR FINAL EXAMS that is the real engine that is driving the CHAOS, and they want to blame it on Joe Biden, because, he is responsible for every bad thing that happens in "MUR-REE-KKK-AH " and around the "FREAKIN' WORLD"!



jrDiscussion - desc
Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago

The PROTESTERS are not LIBERALS, they are spoiled rich kids that are too lazy to study for their END OF YEAR EXAMS, and suddenly got concerned about PALESTINE!


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @1    6 months ago

No, they're died in the wool, empty headed, easily bamboozled, young lefty spoiled rich kid commies. Certainly not white supremacists. 

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
1.1.1  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    6 months ago

Is there any difference?

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
2  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago

Teens, college students, etc. are like adult who don't want to go to work. They come up with some BS excuse to get out of going to a job they HATE.

"In my, damaged by the years (82.5 yrs) view!" 

Trump is demented, too!

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
3  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago

Did "Dirty Diaper Donnie" drop another load in the Courtroom. Does the government provide his WIPERS? When is "Donnie" going to give up the ghost?

Is Trump still alive, or are REPUBLICANS keeping him on Life Support so they can keep their jobs, and continue to loot the Treasury, take MILLIONS from BILLIONAIRES, Donors, or any bum with a load of cash?

"Enquiring Minds Want To Know. The Other Kind Don't Give a Rat Patootie!"

Must I explain everything?

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
4  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago

How much do you think T-Rump's WIPERS are paid? Now that's what I would call a "DIRTY JOB"!

Professor Quiet
4.1  Ozzwald  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @4    6 months ago
How much do you think T-Rump's WIPERS are paid? Now that's what I would call a "DIRTY JOB"!

That's a job even Mike Rowe would turn down.


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
4.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1    6 months ago

I like Mike Rowe. He would make an excellent VP for Trump.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
4.1.2  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Ozzwald @4.1    6 months ago

Can't blame him, beside Trump doesn't pay anyone.

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
5  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago


As many of you know, as a good SAMARITAN, I continue to seek DONATIONS for Billionaires. Billionaires are people, too, and they occasionally, need your help.

Send your CASH ONLY donation to the "Bird Droppings Institute - a Think/Stink Tank for MORONS, No, Idiots, please", % of Mildew, Ohio, where there are NO JOBS, not even BLOW JOBS!

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6  Sparty On    6 months ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7  Trout Giggles    6 months ago

Damn! There was nothing worth protesting back in the early 80's when I was going to college. Ronny Raygun's Amerikkka was fine and dandy thankuverymuch! I had to go sit my exams!

Right Down the Center
Masters Guide
7.1  Right Down the Center  replied to  Trout Giggles @7    6 months ago

Late 70's we protested SUNY tuition increases.  Even took over the administration building for 2 days.  We left after we got our point across through some media interviews.  Totally peaceful and the admins thanked us for a couple days off,

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
7.2  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It  replied to  Trout Giggles @7    6 months ago

I "grud-you-ated" in August of 1970, and it was the rise of the Hippy movement. I joined in and let my hair grow, primary because I didn't want to pay to get it cut.

I worked as a substitute teacher, smoke marijuana, every now and then, when when with friend, never bought it. Ingested a PEYOTE BUTTON in 197, and fell through the Center of the Universe, where God spoke to me.

HE said "I can only do good"! (Meaning GOD could only do good. I was unaware I was asking him the question about why is World so FUGAZY UP.

Naturally, I misinterpreted what that message meant, 'and immediately burst into my roommate's room and declared, "GOD HAS LIMITATIONS"!

For the next two years I went through a Living Hell, until I met my wife. We have been together for 50 years. However, I was in a deep state of depression, suicidal, a failure and multiple thing, so I decided to have an open discussion with GOD, and laid it all out what I thought I needed.

At the end of that session, I felt better, realized that I was still a registered substitute, but, was thrilled with it. When I applied for a position, their were none available but, there was a new program starting at Stivers High School, and they were looking for teachers.

I was going to teach Improvisational Theater in the After School Program.
The following day, I was assigned to my room the Theater/Auditorium, where my soon to be wife was teaching piano. 

No students showed up, and I was smitten.

Sophomore Quiet
7.2.1  MonsterMash  replied to  Eat The Press Do Not Read It @7.2    6 months ago

When the students found out who the teacher was they said " Fuck this, we're not going to be in the same room with that dangerously crazy man. 

Eat The Press Do Not Read It
Professor Guide
8  author  Eat The Press Do Not Read It    6 months ago

They AREN'T LIBERALS...they maybe escapees from "SKINWALKER RANCH"! 



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