The Hateful Self-Righteous Hypocrite Trump Voter Guide And Drinking Game - By JBB...

The Hateful Self-Righteous Hypocrite Drinking Game And Voter Guide. Take one drink for each time one of the following atrocities happens...
1. A young black or native girl is gang raped.
2. A gay man is bashed to death.
3. A woman dies from a back-alley abortion.
4. A poor child is denied healthcare.
5. An unarmed person is shot by police.
6. A lesbian loses custody of her child.
7. A mosque or black church is burned.
8. A gay couple is denied housing.
9. A trans person commits suicide.
10. A prisoner is abused by their guards.
11. An immigrant family is separated by ICE.
12. An innocent person is wrongly convicted.
13. A black man is found hanging from a tree.
Extra Points - In the event of a mass shooting everyone chugs a beer and does The Macarena.
Some of y'all are going to get drunk this morning...
14. A synagogue or gay bar is bombed.
Since it is an American election this particular Drinking game is USA specific though nothing stops Nazis, The Skin Heads, Aryan Nations, the KKK, Proud Boys or any other White Nationalist groups from contributing. You can call you local chapter for updated times and dates...
I haven't done the Macarena in years. I hope I don't hurt myself
Then there won't be a pizza party again this month.
The trouble with conservative religious freedom is...………….there is no religion and there is no freedom.
Note a couple of the MAGAs have shown up.
16. Idiots riot over something they have very little or absolutely no information about.
No, but thanks anyway for bumping my blog...
You're not providing anything to prove it wrong. Not that I expect you can.
Because you did not admit that the violence was instigated by outside rightwing agitators!