Female border patrol agent violently assaulted by illegal immigrant
By: YahooNews

An illegal immigrant violently assaulted a female border patrol agency while she was making an arrest, U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources say.
The agent, who remains unidentified, was taking a male illegal immigrant into custody on Saturday when he attacked her, injuring her face and arms, the CBP told Fox News Digital. The agent was able to struggle with the culprit until backup arrived, and the man was subdued.
"On March 4, 2023, at approximately 4:00 a.m., a U.S. Border Patrol agent assigned to the Tucson Sector took a subject into custody near Foudy Road and State Route 92, after investigating the subject's illegal entry into the U.S. While being placed in a service vehicle, the subject assaulted the agent, injuring the agent's face and hands. Additional agents responded and took the suspect into custody," the CBP said in a statement.
"The assaulted agent was transported for medical treatment. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the assault on a federal officer. The Cochise County Sheriff's Office is also investigating," the statement continued.
The US CBP tracks hundreds of thousands of encounters each month at the U.S.-Mexico border. The unprecedented crisis has continued to worsen under President Biden's administration.

If you are gullible enough to believe the liberal left, these are "asylum seekers looking to better their lives".
They are getting bolder.
Almost as bold as American citizen criminals?
The ones currently acting up in Georgia?
Not quite yet
So in right wing world, a simple question is considered deflecting.
Not the topic so yes, it was deflecting.
You got simple right.
So, since I was responding to Vic's specific comment, that means that Vic was off topic as well. I expect you to flag him for that then.
And yet you keep responding......
YOU'RE the one whining about it being off-topic.
Then so was mine.
Y'know I don't believe so.
LEOs being violently assaulted by the Americans they attempt to arrest isn't uncommon at all.
American criminals are now even throwing Molotov cocktails.
That's not how I read it.
Regardless, there is absolutely a point to be made regarding the rate of violence among illegal immigrants vs the rate of violence among American born criminals, and that point is absolutely relevant to this conversation.
We have a whole story about a single incident with an illegal alien, but you and I both know there were undoubtedly a dozen incidents of violence between police and the people they arrested in Dallas County alone over the weekend and probably two dozen in Harris County.
So if we're going to make generalizations, let's make them based on the numbers, which say very clearly that illegal aliens are far less violent as a group than American citizens.
Your dumbass, off topic question isn't flagged. Vic's isn't flagged. Now quit crying and keep it on topic.
I am sure Joey and Alejandro Maydickless will get on TV any time to say it is totally unacceptable and they will do what it takes to protect our border patrol and border. Any minute now..............