Jordan Neely's uncle, Christopher, arrested for pickpocketing
By: Steve Janoski (New York Post)

An uncle of Jordan Neely — the homeless man choked to death on the subway this month — was arrested near the Port Authority Bus Terminal for allegedly stealing purses from restaurants, police sources said Tuesday.
Christopher Neely, 44, had acted as something of a representative for the grieving family in the aftermath of his 30-year-old nephew's May 1 death, frequently speaking out about the lightning-rod case.
But Neely was also allegedly wanted for a pattern of grand larceny, including the handbag thefts, according to the sources.
A member of the NYPD's pickpocket team spotted Neely, of Hamilton Heights, at about 11 p.m. Monday near the Manhattan bus station.
He allegedly took off when the officer approached him — and fought back when cops caught up to him after a brief chase, the sources said.
Eventually, authorities cuffed him and charged him with criminal possession of stolen property, resisting arrest, bail jumping and unlawful possession of a weapon.
It was not clear when he would be arraigned. Neely has been outspoken in his defense of his nephew, who died when former Marine Daniel Penny wrapped him in a chokehold during an outburst on an F train in Manhattan.
The city medical examiner ruled Jordan's death a homicide. Penny, 24, has been charged with manslaughter, and is out on $100,000 bail.
In an exclusive interview Sunday, Neely told The Post he didn't think Penny deserved a plea deal after the ex-Marine suggested he'd act the same way if he was put in a similar situation again.

The question is whether or not this be prosecuted? We've already seen DA's like Bragg sweep stuff like this under the rug.
Bragg is under pressure from the all powerful radical left.
I think the question will be: how many subway commuters will be on the jury?
In Jordan's case, given the number of people who use the subway, I'd say it's a very good chance many of the jurors will be included.
In the uncle's case, it's a matter of Bragg doing what he's supposed to do vs. doing what he's always done.
We need more people like Daniel Penny and less like the Neelys and Bragg
More Pennys? To do what? Kill off the mentally ill?
Maybe if your lovely shithead DA did his job then Penny wouldn't have to protect the passengers on that subway car.
According to Bragg and his mentor/donor, George Soros, he is doing his "job": arrest, indict, and imprison victims and allow criminals to freely roam city streets to commit more crimes.
We've seen this all over the US ... San Fran, Los Angeles, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, etc.
The first Neely should not have been out threatening and bothering people and causing problems
The Uncle Neely should not have been out with his criminal record.
Citizens going about their business should not have to put up with them
And the left supports it.
Imagine that. All are Democrat run shitholes.
The first Neely should not have been out threatening and bothering people and causing problems
So yes, to kill off the mentally ill then.
Making stuff up I see.
What am I making up? Penny killed a mentally ill person with an action that has gotten massive attention for its lethality. Charger says we need more Pennys. Do the fucking math.
If Penny had not been causing problems nobody would have bothered him, you want to have to put up with people like that?
"Bothering" is not a capital offense. We cannot just execute the bothersome...
True, but physically assaulting people is.
He was mentally ill. Why are you not acknowledging that? Penny could have chosen to do what everyone around him was doing and not get himself involved in a mental health crisis having nothing to do with him. He could have stopped himself before he had a lifeless body in his arms. Instead he decided to kill the guy. I hope his life is as negatively impacted as the victim and his family.
When people talk about how human life has become devalued in society, your thoughtless and heartless comments are exactly what they are talking about. One day you may become victim to Alzheimer’s, and you better hope Penny isn’t there to extinguish your meaningless life.
Dude! Penny assaulted and killed Neeley!
He was mentally ill and causing problems, what do you want to do with people like that?
He needed help, not to be strangled dead!
We cannot execute people for bothering...
Help them.
How? Where? Who pays? Who determines it they need help?
I wonder if drug use contributed to either of the Neely's problems?
To protect others since the shithole cities don't let police do their job. He never said to kill them. So......stop making stuff up. Get a fucking grip.
You have such a caustic mindset. You call immigrant children feral cats. You’re pro-choice not because women should have autonomy over their bodies but because you think the world is overpopulated. Now you are openly claiming that loose mentally ill people are fair game for murder. Some people are “I got mine Jack, keep your hands off of my stack”, but you are more like “I got mine Jack, who cares if you are alive or dead”.
It is easy to throw out statements like " help them" when you have no clue how to do it or pay for it. Then they can pat themselves on the back and think they had the answer.
Those are exceedingly stupid questions.
But, here goes...
Call 911. Anywhere. Medicaid would have paid in NYC, as everyone is automatically insured. Mental health professionals...
We cannot summarily execute the sick!
We cannot kill because we are bothered.
Stupid bothers me. I can't kill the stupid!
If choosing to not murdering someone is the only way you can help someone, then you are helping them more than any other way possible.
Murder is not the answer to all problems.
That's why Penny faces a murder charge!
You are wrong on my reason for pro choice! Overpopulation and generational poverty are reasons I have stated frequently. I have not said as much about women's personal freedom and body autonomy because others have covered that point amply; however. in the next discussion of that topic I shall profoundly let it be known I consider that to be the most important reason.
Those are exceedingly important questions
And here is one more: If NYC had been doing the job a city should do would this event have occurred?
Speaking of mental illness, a cunning and total absence of empathy is probably as dangerous as schizophrenia.
It is a short step from dehumanizing to believing differences are cause to kill...
NAZIS executed Germany's mentally ill.
Fascists value their owe hate filled lives.
The sick, the old, the poor, the different...
To Fascists they deserve to be murdered.
But, not their aged parents or dumb kids!
I call all illegal aliens feral cats
so we just have to put up with being bothered and threatened? .
I call all illegal aliens feral cats
Regardless if they are 25 or 2 years old.
No, you can call 911 or just move away...
You can't execute people for bothering!
If you do, like Penny, you are a murderer.
And, will face murder charges like Penny.
He is, after all, facing a murder trial now!
They are all a problem but that is another topic
The poor, the sick, the aged are problems!
Nazis eliminated them. Americans don't...
Is 911 going to do anything? the problem seems to be widespread and not much is done about it.
Move away? Did to people who pay taxes to use the subway, are just going about their business and not causing problems loose their rights because of Neely and those like him?
Are regular people less important than the Neelys of the world?
Try as you may, murder is not the answer!
Yes, and that became quite obvious above!
They don't understand why they can't KILL.
Which, bothers me. Yet, I cannot kill them...
Well then, we must take that as a "Yes"...
Which has nothing to do with summarily executing any mentally ill who bother us!
That door has been flung open throughout history, are you sure you want to charge through it again?
who has to give up?
who gets to get away with unacceptable behavior?
There are indeed either/or situations, this was a neither/nor situation.
It would have been kinder and less paperwork if Penny had let up but like the old saying goes "if you mess with the bull you get might get the horns " and it don't matter to him if you are crazy or not. If Penny had let up Neely probably would have been out causing problems again
Being able to go about my lawful business not being bothered by beggars, criminals and crazy people is important to me.
So where was his family? Seems like they only care now that there is a chance of a big payout.
Even the criminal uncle is looking for part of the handout.
By that logic I should be allowed to kill the Johovah's Witnesses on my front porch.
If they threaten to hurt someone, like witnesses say Neely did, and make statements that he did not care if he died, again, like witnesses say Neely did, then yes, you have the right to defend yourself at all costs.
Of course, you do. If one wants to OVERTHROW their country, one must have compatriots on the INSIDE, like worms.
So the FBI tried to overthrow the government on Jan 6?
Weird logic...but hey....even the FBI hated Trump...and still does until today.
Looks like Neely apples don't fall far from the Neely tree. What a great role model this uncle is!
How can a bail jumper also be a public spokeman in a high profile case?
New York. 'Nuff said?
How can a Sexual Predator be elected POTUS?
Bull Shat sticks to everything it touches!
Americans can be very forgiving.
Uncle Christopher's lengthy rap sheet doesn't come close to the length of Jordan's, but I'm sure Alvin Bragg won't deter him from catching up.
A self-employed entreneuper with Special Talents.
How did Trump miss this valuable asset for his cabinet?
Exactly and a fellow New Yorker.