Stefanik, Greene Introduce Resolutions to Expunge Donald Trump's Impeachments | Press Releases | Congresswoman Elise Stefanik
By: Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Washington, D.C. - Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced resolutions H.Res.(#) and H.Res.(#) to formally expunge the December 18, 2019 and January 13, 2021 impeachments of President Donald John Trump. The resolutions would expunge the unconstitutional impeachments of President Trump as if such Articles of Impeachment had never passed the full House of Representatives.
"The American people know Democrats weaponized the power of impeachment against President Donald Trump to advance their own extreme political agenda," stated Stefanik. "From the beginning of this sham process, I stood up against Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff's blatant attempt to shred the Constitution as House Democrats ignored the Constitution and failed to follow the legislative process. President Donald Trump was rightfully acquitted, and it is past time to expunge Democrats' sham smear against not only President Trump's name, but against millions of patriots across the country."
"The first impeachment of President Trump was a politically motivated sham. The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, weaponized a perfect phone call with Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. Meanwhile, the FBI had credible evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden's corrupt dealings, confirming their involvement in a foreign bribery pay-to-play scheme and receipt of over $5 million each. All of this information was revealed to Congress by the FD-1023 form from the FBI's most credible informant. The form vindicates President Trump and exposes the crimes of the Biden family," stated Greene. "It's clear that President Trump's impeachment was a nothing more than a witch hunt that needs to be expunged from our history. I'm proud to work with Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on our joint resolutions to correct the record and clear President Trump's good name."
Stefanik's resolution is based on the assertion that the facts and circumstances upon which Articles of Impeachment were based neither met the burden of proving that President Trump committed "high Crimes and Misdemeanors" nor established that President Trump engaged in "insurrection of rebellion against the United States."
The resolution highlights the various issues surrounding the impeachment processes of President Trump, including the subjective account of what transpired at the Capitol on January 6th, the omission of discussion of circumstances and unusual voting patterns leading up to the 2021 Presidential election, the lack of consideration for the vote numbers and breakdowns, the whimsical changing of the legislative process for impeachment, and much more.
Greene's resolution expunges the December 18, 2019 impeachment of President Trump on the grounds that President Trump was wrongfully accused of misconduct in House Resolution 755, impeaching President Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors, as demonstrated by the information revealed in an unclassified FD-1023 FBI document. The resolution asserts that the facts and circumstances upon which the Articles of Impeachment were based did not meet the burden of proving the commission of "high crimes and Misdemeanors."
Read the full text of H.Res.(#) -
and the full text of H.Res.(#) -
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The left and Democrats are going to go batshit over this.
Time to make the popcorn.
The Dems will go batshit and the resolutions will fail. Like the censure yesterday it's theater over substance. You may like the partisan games though. I don't.
Where have you been for the last seven years? Partisan games is all the Democrats have been playing.
Jeremy is correct- it is going to be fun watching the Democrats, their media sycophants, and their lemming followers heads collectively explode. The amount of faux moral outrage from the left will be a measurable source contribution to global warming, climatic change, or any other euphemisms the wackos come up with.
Leftists are just PO'd that they are on the receiving end now.
Partisan games are all BOTH SIDES have been playing. To say this is one sided is the height of hypocrisy.
Yes... and the GOP are doing the same things the Dems did so, what? It's okay when Republicans do it?
The difference is the GOP have the evidence provided with the Durham report, and the procedural failures of the democrats (linked in article), this is correcting the record.
Don't come preaching about bipartisanship when, If I recall, you've pushed the partisan narrative the whole time.
There is no difference... The GoP is playing fast and lose with the Durham report while the Dems played fast and lose with the Mueller report. Rah, rah... go team...
No. They are all at fault. At best you can call me a never Trumper, but that only leaves me with the least shitty option.
So you have no problem then. You're complaining for what, kudos from the hive?
I have a problem with Congress continuing waste time NOT solving issues. I have problems with the partisans here thinking poking each other in the eye accomplishes something.
And that is exactly what is happening here. They are solving issues.
The idea that Trump's phone call with Zelensky was "perfect" is one of the more hilarious things I've seen in a while. Where did that nonsense come from? Oh it is Marjorie Taylor Greene aping Trump himself.
Reminds me of …
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="rLuqzSLZ2EA"]
It must really really suck being so angry all the time.
I thought the squad were supposed to be the crazy ones ...
Just another example of the leadership vacuum we have seen in today’s political landscape.
When the lunatic fringes are driving the debate with their purely partisan agendas based solely upon retribution, the real work, and supposedly the reason they were elected, gets relegated to the back burner. Sad times.
What "lunatic fringe" from the left was involved in impeaching Trump?
He was guilty both times and got off only because the Republicans stood in solidified fear of their political base's unhinged devotion to Trump.
Have you not been paying attention or reading your own posted articles?
They could be drafting immigration legislation to try to fix the problems at the border but they prefer to revel in the chaos and, in fact, run on it.
I'd ask you to prove otherwise, but we've already seen the lack of proof from you, democrats and the rest of the left.
Trump called his phone call "perfect". No one else in their right mind did.
The Republicans in the Senate refused to allow witnesses to testify in the first impeachment. If witnesses had been allowed Trump would have looked even more guilty than he already did.
The fig leaf the Republicans held onto and voted on was that even though the phone call was despicable and wildly inappropriate, it wasnt an impeachable offense.
Even by the Republicans own standard it wasnt "perfect", and no one at the time other than Trump tried to argue that it was.
All I see is what YOU think. Just flapping lips. Kind of like Adam Schiff - all TDS and nothing to back it up.