
Nate Silver says Joe Biden should resign following ABC interview

Via:  Texan1211  •  2 months ago  •  16 comments

By:   Lauren Irwin (The Hill)

Nate Silver says Joe Biden should resign following ABC interview
Nate Silver, the founder of FiveThirtyEight, called for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 White House race after making "incoherent comments" in his first postdebate interview Friday.

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by Lauren Irwin - 07/05/24 10:11 PM ET
by Lauren Irwin - 07/05/24 10:11 PM ET

Pollster Nate Silver, the founder of ABC's FiveThirtyEight, called for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 White House race after making "incoherent comments" in his first postdebate interview Friday.

Earlier Friday, Silver wrote a column about whether a model could appropriately determine Biden's chances of winning the election, as voters remain skeptical of his abilities more than a week after his poor debate performance.

Silver, who viewed Biden's interview with ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos before it was aired publicly Friday evening, posted to social platform X with a change of tune.

"This is a pretty incoherent answer including a non-sequitur [complaining] about a New York Times poll, which he incorrectly claims had him down 10 points before the debate," Silver wrote on X, sharing a clip of the interview. He added that The New York Times survey only had Biden down 3 or 4 points.

"I wimped out in today's column and deleted a line saying he should formulate a plan to transition the presidency to [Vice President] Harris within 30-60 days, but I'm there now," Silver said. "Something is clearly wrong here."

He joins a growing list of people calling on the president to preserve his legacy by stepping aside and allowing someone new to take on former President Trump this November.

"The most generous way to put it is that he doesn't seem in command, and that's an extremely hard sell when you're Commander in Chief," Silver said.

The pollster shared a statistic that said 57 percent of people believe Biden will drop out. He said he thinks that number is low, and Democrats will apply "incredible amounts of pressure."

After his poor debate showing, Biden and his team have been adamant that he is in it to win it. He's hosted rallies, spoken with Democratic governors and other lawmakers and sat down with Stephanopoulos in an attempt to bolster support.

The ABC interview was seen as a make-or-break moment for Biden as he tries to salvage his campaign and regain support among his base.

During the interview, Biden refused to take a cognitive test. Silver said that this decision was "disqualifying on its own."

Less than a week ago, the pollster predicted Biden's polls would get worse following the debate debacle.

The incumbent pushed back on Stephanopoulos's remarks that his approval rating was below 36 percent. Silver said the polls were the least of Biden's worries at this point.

"At this point it's only like their 4th most important problem," he wrote Friday evening on X, adding, "but the fact that the White House has drunk the Kool-Aid on the poll denialism stuff all cycle long isn't helping matters."

Tags 2024 presidential election Biden campaign Donald Trump FiveThirtyEight George Stephanopoulos Joe Biden Nate Silver

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Professor Principal
1  seeder  Texan1211    2 months ago

Nate Silver has seen the light.

One down, millions more to go!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  Texan1211 @1    2 months ago

Well, he is the favorite pollster for many on the left.

I think Nate just had a come-to-Jesus moment.

Professor Principal
1.1.1  seeder  Texan1211  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1    2 months ago
I think Nate just had a come-to-Jesus moment.

I am actually surprised no one bothered to comment on that here.


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.2  Vic Eldred  replied to  Texan1211 @1.1.1    2 months ago

Right now, many are in shock.

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
2  Right Down the Center    2 months ago

Anyone that says Joe is capable to run the country now, much less for the next four years has lost their grip on reality.    The man is a walking vegetable.  

Professor Principal
2.1  seeder  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @2    2 months ago
Anyone that says Joe is capable to run the country now, much less for the next four years has lost their grip on reality. 

Not a doubt about it.

Professor Quiet
2.2  Ronin2  replied to  Right Down the Center @2    2 months ago

Guarantee that some will defend Biden to the bitter, bitter, end.

I don't think Biden's ego, or Jill, will let him withdraw from the race now.

It is going to take a blood bath at the Democrat convention. They will still have to pick from their less than stellar bench. None of which has the credentials to be President having run failed Democrat bastions of stupidity. Who wants the whole US to be like California or Michigan?

Professor Principal
2.2.1  seeder  Texan1211  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2    2 months ago
Guarantee that some will defend Biden to the bitter, bitter, end.

Like white on rice.

The Democratic Party's bench looks mighty thin to me right now.

I think they are stuck with Biden, or possibly worse, Harris.

Shudder at THAT thought!

Right Down the Center
Senior Guide
2.2.2  Right Down the Center  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2    2 months ago
It is going to take a blood bath at the Democrat convention. They will still have to pick from their less than stellar bench. None of which has the credentials to be President having run failed Democrat bastions of stupidity. Who wants the whole US to be like California or Michigan?

Some are starting to say Kamala would be a good replacement.  Replacement for what I have no idea.  She didn't do anything at the border and obviously doesn't have a clue what finding the root cause means.  It shows the desperation of the democrats that they would start promoting a person that has lower or equal approval rating than her boss.  They would be going for the black and latino vote if they went with her which would be the only reason to do so.  The cackle meter would go off the scale if she ever had a debate with Trump.

Professor Principal
2.2.3  seeder  Texan1211  replied to  Right Down the Center @2.2.2    2 months ago

One MUST be delusional to even BEGIN to think Harris is Presidential material.

Professor Principal
3  seeder  Texan1211    2 months ago

Biden is running but now he can't hide.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
4  Sean Treacy    2 months ago

Biden’s never really had any other principle than whatever brings Joe Biden more power is the correct path for Joe Biden. It’s why he’s flipped on pretty much every position he’s had for political expediency. Now that he’s using hunter and Jill Biden and Jill’s three aides to wall himself off from reality  it’s hard to see how Biden gets convinced to stop running.  Jill and hunter are not going to want to fade into irrelevance and they are the ones pushing the hardest for him to stay.  They’ll happily run him into the ground. 

Professor Quiet
4.1  Ronin2  replied to  Sean Treacy @4    2 months ago

Hunter really, really, really doesn't want to see what the inside of a prison cell looks like.

Without daddy's lap dog Garland and the DOJ to protect him; everything he wants to stay hidden will come out. He needs daddy to be the White House for four more years- first for the pardon on his gun charge, then his tax evasion charges, and then whatever comes crawling out of his laptop now that it has finally been introduced as evidence.

Professor Principal
5  seeder  Texan1211    2 months ago
"The most generous way to put it is that he doesn't seem in command, and that's an extremely hard sell when you're Commander in Chief," Silver said.

And yet, THIS is the choice for millions of Americans.

Go figure!

Sparty On
Professor Principal
6  Sparty On    2 months ago

Well then, he should drop out, because Nate Silver sez so.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
7  Robert in Ohio    2 months ago

Joe says he is all in and that non-believers should challenge him at the convention!  An open, hostile Democratic National Convention now that would be must see TV.

Joe is not a lot less aware and coherent than he was when he was inaugurated.

Where was Nate Silver a month ago, two months ago, six months ago - he is simply hopping on the "Just say No Joe" bandwagon


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