Of Trolls, and Boxes of Red...Another META from HELL
Via: Uncle Bruce
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
8 years ago
Reposting this article which I wrote over 2 years ago, on Ning. Okay you bunch of Social Justice Keyboard Warriors. It’s time for another Meta from Hell article. And in this one, Uncle Bruce is...
Three strikes and your out.
Via: Perrie Halpern R.A.
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
9 years ago
From a moderating standpoint, if you are removed three times for a RBR, you be banned from that article.
What are reasonable RBR's? Please Define
Via: Perrie Halpern R.A.
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
My RBR for this article. No cursing and be civil.... defined as no personal attacks, no snarky comments, no cursing. All mods will be participating and will be removing these kinds of comments. I...
Let's be PRECISE!
Via: Bob Nelson
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
Chatter, chatter, chatter... "I think yada yada!!" "No! You're wrong, bada bada!!" Yeeeeesh........ Could we please come down to Earth? Be real? Here are the Red Rules I plan to use...
Flimflam Does London
Via: Bob Nelson
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
George Osbornes Autumn Statement laying out the Cameron governments alleged fiscal plans has provoked a fair bit of incredulity among British commentators; never mind the macroeconomics, it...
A simple way to implement this....
Via: Nowhere Man
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
Very simple.Create a "Red Box Moderator" position.The only thing they are responsible for is being the "delete" button for an original poster using RBR that has a non-compliant commentator.Just as...
The Last Word on the RBR's.
Via: Perrie Halpern R.A.
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
This article is closed for discussion on the main forum, but is open for discussion in the Redbox Group.I am called the Resident Advisor. It was a carefully chosen name; one to reflect that...
Is any "meta" too much ?
Via: Petey Coober
Red Box Rules Protocol Discussions
10 years ago
I'm going to say a certain amount of it is necessary for proper moderation of one's own articles . I prefer to be able to be lenient when dealing with possible red book violations . I don't want...