retired military ex Republican

Do armed Civilans stop mass shootings? Actually NO!

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

Do armed Civilans stop mass shootings?  Actually NO!

Mass shootings are not detered by civilians with weapons. In fact in many cases they just become part of the injured or dead. Mass shooters are usually planning on dieing unless you are of the same mind they have the upper hand.



jrBlog - desc
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Gun bullet proof vest extra magazines of ammo ok lets go to dinner or the theater. Think your date would feel relaxed or freaked out. Is this the way you want to live? If so increase gun sales and ammunition sales to everyone. Be a well regulated militia of one. Very Very sic

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     12 years ago

Do armed citizens stop mass shootings? the answer would be no , is it a deterent? well consider most of the mass shootings have taken place in recognized and posted "gun free zones " and that deterent was removed insuring the person bent on killing no adequate response until someone armed showed up ild say the deterent factor is proven right their from the perps choices of where to go .

personally when i carry im carrying for my protection only , i , just as the police are under no obligation legally to use my firearm for anyone elses protection or safety , so if someones getting mugged , assaulted , or even murdered , the choice to interviene is mine , just remember anyone thats armed doesnt have to respond , unless they feel THEIR lives are in danger . your being mugged /assaulted , isnt a danger to my life .