retired military ex Republican

President Bush and Dick Cheney proved how tough they were using other peoples children!

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  1 comments

President Bush and Dick Cheney proved how tough they were using other peoples children!

Many thousands of war Veterans came back physically injured amputees burns and emotional scars for life. PTSD Post Traumatic Stress disorder does not go away. Can it become manageable yes for some others sadly no.

Most military suicides are caused by the emotional stress and horrific fear and killing atrocity all kept active by our Millitary establishment Big Coorporations. War at any cost like Cheney said the deficit does not matter. Biggest spending item on the federal budget is military spending we spend more than any country and it lines the pockets of the very rich and makes politicians richer thru bribes for votes as well.


Why do we insist on invading country after country just to make the rich richer and give enough tax loop holes to allow the General Dynamics Military suppliers and Nuclear power plant builders in the GD instanceto pay zero taxes.

Corruption in the tax code is catastrophic to our country. The rich send their kids to the best colleges, Pay almost nothing in Taxes per percentage of income and promote wars through lobbyist supplying exorbitant funds to Congressional members House and Senateand the media is owned by the Murdocks and Koch's of the country.

Paying off Politicians is done at every level of Politics from City to County to State to Federal Government and the American people set back and watch it happen.


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retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Mickey I agree the greed of Corporaate America used the terrorist few there were in Afghanistan as an excuse to put massive amounts off military and Corporate Military in Country. Afghanistan is s country with one of the richest countries in terms of Minerals, Oil Gems and uranium in the world. China our partner in conflicts has the contract to develop Afghanistans oil. Its the Reason the Rich like Romney bought so much Stock in China's oil Conglomerates as well as Russian Oil companies. Much cheaper to buy Russian Machinery than ship pipe and equipment and move to oil fields from elsewhere.